Do you "hide your power level" when you talk to people you don't know very well about music? Why or why not?
Do you "hide your power level" when you talk to people you don't know very well about music? Why or why not?
yes so i dont come off as an asshole
This desu
But it helps that my favourite band happens to be quite popular, so I always just mention them and let the other person go off of that.
Yes because i'm not an autistic fuck, i try to find band we like in common instead of alienating them with unknown shit.
nah, i completely destroy their favorite band and then shoot the most obscure shit at them until they never want to talk to me again
Yeah cause it's lame to act like you're above people because of your music taste. But I used to be really obnoxious about music when I was younger because I was really concerned with proving myself to people.
I put out some bands that I like, then don't mention them again if the other person isn't picking up what I'm putting down.
Luckily I do like a decent amount of music, so I can usually find something to talk about with the other person if music comes up in conversation.
I always just say that music is big hobby of mine and that I listen to all sorts of music but that i'm more drawn to 'experimental' music. I only namedrop some bands if people specifically ask me to.
I also refrain from shitting on popular artists or calling out someone on their music taste, I always throw in the 'hey you can't argue with taste, if that's your jam, that's your jam'
I don't know user, I never really leave the house and my cat isn't all that big about music. I don't how i would act
My cat has a superior music taste over your cat
>listen to pretty much everything
>wait to see what other people listen to before revealing my power level
>only reveal my power level in that/those particular genre/s
>always manage to do it no matter how niche it is
>these people are always eager to tell me what theyve been listening to since they think our tastes are the same
>have one coworker that always talks to me about techno and classical, one friend that only talks about black metal, one that talks about indie rock, one that talks about hip hop, one that talks about ambient and metal
I've come a long way from just being that pretentious or weird fag who pretends to like *insert some genre I got caught listening to or told someone I liked*
No because I'm an autistic fuck. I go on about the shit that I really really like.
no because that's dishonest and there's no reason to
this. I usually also like to rec my friends on music based on what they listen to. I slowly try and get them into more out there stuff.
I hide my power level when it comes to /pol/ shit but why the hell would I hide my musical power level?
I have to restrain myself from shitting on someone's shit music taste sometimes, but I see no reason to hide that I'm into obscure and extreme music. There's always the more normie shit I love that I can talk about. Bunch of dadrock and well known metal bands most people know.
Not like I ever talk about music with anyone except close friends.
The first true patrician I’ve seen on Yea Forums
There are 4 types of popular music fans.
The cool/hip guy knows music and is good at talking about it. Basically he's The nerd knows music but is horrible at communicating it. He's that doofus who puts on Kid A at a party or the metalhead who blasts goregrind and complains when other people "don't get it"
The dandy doesn't know a lot but is a good socializer. i.e. someone with top 40 taste who's good at parties or a genre tourist who can blend in.
That leaves the brute who has no musical knowledge or social skills. i.e. that guy in the comments of every Tool music video
Depends how knowledgable the person is about music.
If they're a normie I'm just like "yeah I'm into bands like The Stone Roses and The Smiths, and I listen to a lot of Hip Hop too."
I fluctuate too much with what genre I'm deep diving on a monthly basis so whenever this happens to me its only good for a bit, then the conversations feel kinda awkward as I get disinterested in whatever genre the person is perpetually obsessed with. Thankfully no ones noticed yet.
I always say "I hate music, it hurts my ears"
I generally try to match the level of discourse with the person I'm talking to just because it makes the conversation better for both of us