ITT: Your Favourite Yea Forums core album

ITT: Your Favourite Yea Forums core album

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Excuse me Tripfag but thats not Yea Forums core

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shut the fuck up retard

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That's where you're wrong kiddo
>also implying I pay to shitpost

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probably this. But STFTB would be my second.
is swans Yea Forumscore?

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mr adams could you please calm down

yes swans is Yea Forums core

Kid A by Thom Yorke and the Radioheads

i'm coming for you, bitch

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mr adams that isn't very original of you

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You bitch. Definitive Yea Forumscore will always be
>Kid A
and that's it. All these psuedo Yea Forumscore charts from your "let's remake the Yea Forumscore chart" threads dont count

hating Yea Forumscore is a meme
the reason those albums are generally talked about and celebrated across Yea Forums is because they're for the most part all good

fair enough
but you forgot exmiltary and the money store

your days are numbered

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And Pet Sounds

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I'm talking about that one main chart.
I don't think death grips had come out at that point. I think you could argue that DG is Yea Forumscore but when I think of Yea Forumscore I think of those exact albums. Probably just autism but still. And the beach boys were in the classics category.

>two reddithead albums

yes, read it and weep, zoomzoom. Yea Forums canonically loves radiohead



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