The fact that the new plants always get shilled here means that this place has some level of relevance to the industry...

The fact that the new plants always get shilled here means that this place has some level of relevance to the industry (however minimal). How is that possible? Most days it feels like there are maybe 40 actual users here.

Attached: 9-0782y4ohultw.jpg (650x366, 22K)

lurkers exist

Because /pol/ is zoomer central and a lot of memes still come out of Yea Forums's culture therefore Yea Forums is ancillary

music you don't like =/ plants

Most of the shills here aren't paid shills, they feel pressure to talk about what other people seem to be talking about in order to feel like they're "in touch".

It's how viral marketing works, and you're doing it as well.

There are no shills on Yea Forums. People here just suck and have shit taste. On this board it comes in the form of trendies. On say, /ck/, it comes in the form of people like me who unironically can spend entire days talking about Taco Bell items. Someone will still insist Taco Bell hires people to do it, they don't, some of us are just fat assholes who like bad food. Same goes for this board.

Attached: tacobellchart.jpg (1086x1086, 439K)

this is not about the literal retarded special needs girl in the pic but if you actually don't believe she's a plant you're actually mentally damaged. There's not even an argument that she's not, the open, mainstream, accepted public story about her is literally that she's a plant. She's an artist who was signed having made zero songs and was then pushed to popularity through collaborations and social media payola organized by her label. That's what she would tell you herself. That's what her label would tell you. There's not even a controversy or alternate story.

now I'm hungry thanks

Shills b mad about this thread

Pale Waves handlers even admitted to running shills on Yea Forums

always thought it was pretty funny that i was able to turn floral shoppe into a worldwide meme simply by spamming Yea Forums for 2 days before anyone knew about vaporwave

the fact you were aware of floral shoppe means it already had some traction/popularity so your self-mythologization of having "started the meme" is probably fiction.

*citation needed

I was one of the most frequent Pale Waves posters in the lead up to the album because I was excited for the record and because it's easy to piss off retards like you that think marketing exists on a dying chinese anime forum

oh c'mon. user had a claim to fame there. probably felt better about himself. did you have btfo him?


you only think she's a plant because she's a successful women in the music industry. Same with Snail, Clairo, and POC like Peggy

I'm still waiting for a thread where a straight white make is accused of being a plant

Meme Demarco and Hobo Johnston are accused of being plants all the time retard.

I think she's a plant because her backstory is literally that she's a plant: a 14 year old signed to a major lable whn she had written zero songs ever, and then promoted to massive popularity in a short period of time by her label. There's no argument that she's anything but a plant, which is why you won't make one. You'll just keep reading from you "call them incels" script.

fuck you for posting this and making me hungry

imagine a buffet of all that ghnnnnnhhhhhhgg

The majority of the shilling on here is 1. By the person themselves (bladee, blank banshee, jewmex) or 2. by people with legit mental illness that think they’re being funny by spamming a board on Yea Forums

this is the sad truth.

A shill gets paid.

An irony poisoned troll ruins discussions for free

uhh basically all pop teenage boy bands that teenage girls like, like one direction or guys like Shawn Mendes?

Dude you made me hungry wtf