cringe rym profiles that you've stumbled upon
Cringe rym profiles that you've stumbled upon
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that's your rym profile
it's so obvious, stop lying
Unironically hope this fag gets Junko Furuta in the future.
profiles that have video game, anime and manga avatars are always cringe to the max
This is breaking my mind. How does a person become this?
Yep, the most relevant art medium 1990-2005, and the art medium that integrates best with the Internet. Total cringe to the max
every metal profile
every profile
t. triggered (d)weeb
What is wrong with any of these profiles?
linking directly to his reviews because holy fuck
nothing, it's just fags circle-jerking each other hating on everybody
Lol just watch, anime is not going away you dumb boomer
anime has been lowest common denominator trash since the early 2000s thanks to the recession in Japan. anime isn't going away anytime soon, and that should be bad news to anyone who likes the medium, because its current state is embarrassing.
i hate users like this on a visceral level i cant quite articulate
This sperg menaced Yea Forums for a good few months. He's literally insane in the membrane, down to talking to himself as another fully developed personality.
t. that guy
>anime is not going away you dumb boomer
You say that like it's a good thing lol. Read a book zoomer.
Really fucking terrible
You know, reading his about me he seemed alright but you see his high ratings, and it's literally just canon memecore.
complete waste of time.
Why do you hate 'em?
And that gay metalfag that kept pictures of androgynous anime boys (forgot his name)
Anyone with an anime profile picture is automatically cringe, because you just know that in real life it's some hairy sperg.
You'll love this guy. Old enough to be your father too
RYM is not a social network
Honestly every LGBT user on RYM (which is like the 98% of all the users). Honestly some of the most intelligent people I know irl are gay but the queers I meet on the internet on places like RYM are completely retarded and extremely autistic to boot.
Did he rate the Japanese version of the VU & Nico to look cooler?
Who are the most based rym users?
Exactly, it's not a social network. There are social networking elements, but it's first and foremost a music cataloging site as well as a platform for music discussion. That's why I get tired of users like Decibelle and xo_lauren who seem to use the site solely for the social media aspects. That's why I mostly ignore the RYM community, it's mostly just faff and chaff where music is only of secondary importance.
Is there any hetero users in that site?
I'm worried I'll see my profile on one of these threads one day despite no one seeing it and there not being anything which is particularly cringe on it. At least I hope not.
Someone post the bowsette
yes it is total cringe to the max youre a grown ass fucking man stop jerking off to drawings you maladjustment faggot freak
And the Christian sperg from Rancho Palos Verdes who's in love with him hahaha
my profile pic on rym. hot french girl
>Rating System - Based on the Roman pantheon
what a faggot
I don't get it
>not smooth
what a fucking pleb
>art medium
Is it safe to assume every profile that claims to be a female or has an anime gurl profile picture is actually an autistic tranny?
weird old black and white obscure profile pictures >>>> anime profile pictures
if they claim to be female AND have an anime pfp then sure, but youd be retarded to think rym is only dudes
For people with thousands of ratings and reviews and lots of autistic shit on their profile I would say it is a safe assumption
this is why no one takes anime fags seriously
>white obscure profile pictures
pseudo intelectuals
>anime profile
trans intellectuals
reminder that no one who genuinely enjoys music has an rym profile
Do you really believe that?
damn i gotta make one
>that pic
I see what you did there
How can you remember all the albums that you've listened to? All the bands you like? Do you write them down in a piece of paper? What an old-fashioned prick.
>How can you remember all the albums that you've listened to?
why would anyone need to do this?
>All the bands you like?
I have them in my music library
my profile is so cringe xd
I'd make an exception for Punpun because it's a classy manga, and defnitely not on the same level as Cute High School Girls Series #157. It's not the type of manga that appeals to bog standard weeaboo freaks, as it's grim, cereberal, and grounded in reality. Most people want shallow escapism and color, but Punpun is more like a dark reflection of reality. Mangas about sexy high school girls have broader appeal than ones about mentally ill young people fighting losing battles with hardship and depression.
How do you find more of the music you like? The older I get, the more I seem to agree with your original statement. However, discogs is not perfect.
>why would anyone need to do this?
so that you don't waste time trying stuff that you thought was shit but forgot about
just one of the reasons
reminder that this faggot is in charge of RYM's social media & publicity
the most generic profile pic ever
ITT people posting their own RYM profiles
>0 results found
Phew see you next thread
>Marilyn Roxie
why do all trannies get names that sound like stripper/porn star names
I love oyasumi punpun as well, but with this post it's obvious that you've read little to no manga and seen little to no anime
This is what anime does to you
who the hell is this marsbars?
because they're neurologically stunted porn-entrained failed men
Why can't I rate music on a site called rateyourmusic
what’s the 5
Leaves turn inside you
Punpun is one of the most popular mangas ever on My Anime List lol. It's very good, but you think you're way more special than you actually are
And of course he follows a lot of k-pop trash on Twitter dot com
He got the Digibro teeth going on. Why do all autists have shit teeth?
Even Polyphemus the harshest anime critic ever gave it a 10 so stfu.
his rating system triggers me
Jesus why there's so many trannies on rym? I always knew the music community was full of queers and that's why I never fully got into music until a few years ago but this is too much.
RYM is a safe space for degenerates like this and most of the mods being open SJWs is certainly not an unimportant part of that
so much so that in fact they have a wordfilter where SJW turns into "skeleton" if you post it on the forums
>49 year old
>over 120K ratings
Jesus Christ
>3.0 Barack Obama (the centrist)
do faggots really care about their curves this much hahahahaha
What I find incredible is that Pat Buchanan is higher up than Rubio or Cruz on that retarded ratings scale. Gen-X liberals used to get incredibly asshurt by all paleocons like him because of they frown upon abortion and fags. I guess the anti-military adventurism and not being all that cool with Israel stuff elevates Pat for that user.
Your future.
pun pun is edgy garbage, its the reflection of the authors insecurities
And that's what makes it good.
Holy shit lmao. What's the point in giving a 10 to most stuff you listen to?
record labels
the occasional Yea Forums recommendation
chantal :)
every korean profile
>Yep, the most relevant art medium 1990-2005
good bait
>yeah anime and manga are trash, except this one because I like it!
kill yourself
bowsette is not cringe
what is their name?
>bowsette is not cringe
Being trans is not inherently trans you fucking mong
Inherently cringe*
>mixes up the words "trans" and "cringe"
very telling
seems pretty normal to me
Low iq response
somebody tell sharifi this is haram
>avant-teen culture died to discord trannies
Calgary, Alberta /the Prairies are a sad place.
I’m dying just thinking about this guy
>Apollo the god of music isn't the highest rating
>The number 1 is Jupiter's housewife that he cheated on multiple times
Women actually don't like anything, they just want to insert themselves into everything and ruin it.