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king of pop

Unironically the king of pop rock

This album is filled with so much cheese. Why is this Yea Forumscore? Makes me think the music taste here is so shitty
The only great album Weezer ever made was Pinkerton. Blue was good. Green was decent. Everything else is ehh or shit

Weezer has never made a good album for anyone out of high school. Blue and Pinkerton have nice melodies, but that's the extent of Weezers appeal.


The album isn't Yea Forumscore but its cover art is.

Imagine not being able to enjoy the red album, you are soulless.

I'm not soulless, I'm just not a faggot

You are soulless and a faggot, can't imagine that anyone would even want to be around you if you can't even enjoy the red album.

objectively correct opinion.

also, it's not wise to criticize plebs. they will never be capable of formulating an intelligent response.

found the 9th grade incel.

Yeah, because songs talking about pork and beans and candy, accompanied by elementary power chords is sooooo good
Also, that song where they try (and fail) to mix a bunch of artists styles, was so cheesy lmao this album sucks

Contrarian bullshit, Weezer has made some of the best pop rock around, no one writes melodies and hooks like Rivers

You actually think the song is about pork and beans? You must be trolling or seriously retarded.
You are right I can't believe how stupid that guy is

Imagine being such a faggot you pay attention to lyrics so much, you somehow missed the point of Pork and Beans which is pretty fucking impressive, I think you must be a genuine low functioning autist for taking that song so literally

Of course it's not about pork and beans but it sounds fucking corny nonetheless

I don't give a hoot about what you think

Why didn't he just say "fuck" instead?
Yeah it's edgy but at least it's not cheesy

What's so bad about an album being cheesy? The entire album is clearly fucking around and not taking itself seriously, it's playful, just look at thrthe cover art for fuck's sake

There's a difference between playful and juvenile

Him saying fuck would sound even more cheesy
