i spent 30 years devouring copious amounts of experimental and avant garde music and it has done nothing to improve my life. fuck music i hate it so much. every time i see someone listening to music in public i feel like grabbing their headphones and smashing it on the ground and jumping up and down on it until it breaks into millions of pieces while i scream in their face about how i'm saving them from complete and utter despair
Music hate thread
you are a violently autistic retard and can not be saved
lmao fag
your fault for listening to shitty music
Just because it did nothing for your miserable, autistic existence doesn’t mean it hasn’t for others
I know this is obvious bait, but some retard will for sure fall for it. Sage all fields please friends.
guys fuck you. fuck you JWKJANEEEEOOOOO!O@*)&@* anwws
dude I've spent 15 years listening to, like, 5 albums, and they always bring me joy. I know what's good.
>i spent 30 years devouring copious amounts of experimental and avant garde music
don't do that unless you're a fucking pro music scholar or music journalist
That's the feeling I have for video games and entertainment in general now.
I'm focusing my life towards productive activities from here on out, which revolve around the same subjects but at least I'm actually creating something instead of just eating up the same jew crap over and over.
>experimental and avant garde music
There's your problem. This music is inherently garbage. Listen to some Foreigner and Boston.
don't care
have a YOU BUMP
I have 3 songs that I like and that’s good enough for me
>Foreigner and Boston
>Not shit tier
That is some good performance art. You should do it, record it and release it as a single
shit option
shit option
OP, check this, I'm sure you know it, it's neither avantgarde because it's not purely modernist, nor too unlistenable because there's some tonality, and it's not too fucking dumb. Just settle upon something instead of marathoning shit
based boomer
This user is too patrician for this shit ass board
You don't like this huh?
welp, i guess your the one losin out on this funky groove
Serious question, what utilitarian purpose does experimental and avant garde music serve? Music must serve a purpose... to entertain, to enlighten, to amuse.
Doesn't avant garde music just exist as convention center showpieces for people in the industry to pilfer ideas from for their next album? Avant garde isnt made for the listening public, its for other musicians. Why the hell would you listen to that in large quantities? What were you expecting?
seriously dumb question you mean?
thought so
The sooner you abandon the notion that art must serve a utilitarian purpose, the sooner you'll find yourself able to enjoy avant garde music.
That said, you hit the nail on the head when you said some music serves to enlighten - I think that if avant garde did have a general function, it would be to invoke thought. You don't need a musician's mind to enjoy experimental music, you just need an open mind.
t b h s m h
thinking music is going to improve your life if you don't already have a base level of appreciation for wiggly air is straight up retarded. then again, this is most likely bait, so fuck off and go back to trolling facebook groups.
take it easy ozymandias we're all just here for a good time
which 3 songs
this is what people who spend their time scanning the charts and calling the beatles the greatest band ever actually believe
fuck off
lol too true
"invoking thought" seems very much like utilitarian purpose, and also quite pointless one, there are better sources for that and one is your own interest. the need for entertaining and amusing music is real and hard to replace with anything else
>invoking thought is pointless
imagine being this much of a pleb
> i can't read
thought can be aesthetical as well
Welp, look at where 30 years of invoking thought has gotten OP.
Again I ask, what purpose does music serve? Why are we listening? What is the payoff, ultimately, other than entertainment? If one is physiologically not being amused by a certain type of stimulus, why pursue it? Towards what ends?
You seem like the kind of person who still uses pandora radio. Do you not seek out art for intellectual stimulation, or is it all just good times and car rides?
Fine, allow me to reiterate
>art that invokes thought is pointless
imagine being this much of a pleb
well what is intellectual stimulation supposedly derived from art is good for?
Uhh, it serves to broaden your mind? To help one better understand the nature of art, the human spirit, and the universe itself.
P.S. you're gonna criticize my reading comprehension and then spew out a sentence like that? Yikes senpai
if intellect was such a great tool for understanding all these things, we'd have it all figured hundreds of years ago. you're only piling up interpretations, which can be sort of amusing, but that's all you can do
Right. Because everything we've learned from astrophysics and anthropology we've learned from Merzbow. I wonder where the line is drawn between a broadened mind and an unfocused one?
There's a difference between knowledge and understanding.
Imagine that a girl is born and raised in a black and white house, and that everything she ever sees is monochrome. During her lifetime, the girl learns everything there is to know about color, from the physics of the light-waves, to the process through which our brains interpret them.
Then one day she steps outside and sees the color red - has she gained any new information?
Of course she has, because experience is just as valid a form of information as logical knowledge.
Merzbow can't tell literally give you information about our universe, but by listening to it you can gain new information about yourself and about humankind, which are both a part of our universe.
enjoy the music
dont expect it to fix your life
what knowledge do you expect to acquire from music other than you liking it or not?