Is this the pinnacle of music

Is this the pinnacle of music

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That isn't apostrophe

No, but definitely Bowie's best album

heroes is better

*blocks your path*

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This is a Thin White Duke album, friendo. Good shit tho.

The idiot is the best thing bowie was ever apart of

All fine selections, gentlemen. But I myself, am a Lodger man.

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>thought for years it's supposed to be a man hanging himself
>see the other side of the viny
>happy bowie jumping
Boy, I sure was a surly cunt in my teenage years.

What did I come in here for

Blackstar is the best Bowie album and yes I thought so before he died.

>happy bowie jumping
Pretty sure he's lying on the floor like he's been crippled. Notice the bent nose.

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I'm pretty sure it's actually him slammed into a bathroom wall

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lol Station to Station, the Idiot or even Diamond Dogs is better

Who plays the instruments on this record?

You can find the per-track credits on the bottom of the wikipedia page, but generally bowie or eno

Kinda funny they refer to it as a "David Bowie" album. They say he "composed" the music but I can't exactly think this many other musicians could be involved without them making up parts too (as well of course playing them). Sometimes I wonder how much credit should be given to him

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Iggy Pop's first two solo albums are basically rebranded Bowie albums lol

From what I remember he had lots of people make things up he was always the final word and tweaked extensively. He was also still detoxing and was a major cunt and paranoid so was an ass about credits on this album compared to heroes

not his best

This is literally just like a studio band, except maybe two different guitarists. Funny he wanted someone else to play the piano though, guess he wanted this one to have a very different sound from his typical piano balladry.

even pretending that it isn't the Man Who Sold the World is ridiculous

No, but Earthling is, you little wonder.

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Bassed and drumpilled.

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Where to from here?

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Scary Monsters obviously.

1. It's an Eno album

2. It's not even the best Eno album

Do what he says Scary monsters is the logical conclusion to Bowie's 70s, solid and wacky artsy songs, but better planned out

You are wrong, part 2 is an eno album, the first side is Bowie.

came here to post this

No, but it's close. By far better than anything Bowie ever made himself.
Pic related is the pinnacle of music

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No this is


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this desu