post loomer music
People who dress like this deserve to be savagely beaten.
SP unironically better than MBV though
tie your fucking shoes
When Loveless clicked for me I literally could not listen to any other shoegaze album. None of them are even half as good as Loveless.
Fuck, delete that this instant.
Fuck you user that hits too close to home
>just shave it
Also, unironically enlist military infantry.
Uncle Sam gives me all the meaning I need.
not taking antidepressants would be hell. i've never gone this long sober and without suicidal thoughts
ha, I have inherited my father's depression so fuck off
seriously though, fuck off pls
>can imagine Yea Forums posts mocking him in greentext for everything he does
I don’t do this but sometimes when I hear somebody say something really stupid IRL my inner voice immediately tries to mock them in a “>implying [implications]” format.
>taking antidepressants
enjoy your jew drug
Based Jews stopping depressed young men from killing themselves.
bfmv > mbv
Nigger, you're better off smoking weed everyday instead of taking jew pills.
go back to >>>/Yea Forums/
t. stopped taking his schizo meds
They’re hardly even in the same camp.
i smoked weed for a few years. it only took away my drive to do something with my life. haven't smoked or gotten drunk in 8 months and i'm finally moving forward. also, since i'm not a burger, i can get scientifically approved medication
>inb4 (((((science)))))
for a fraction of the cost + decent therapy