>ywn seduce belle delphine with your prog taste
Ywn seduce belle delphine with your prog taste
what kind of music does she make
shes getting thiccer
Isn't she British? Those people are disgusting
What a disgusting whore.
every time i see this girl she freaks me out she's like some uncanny valley sex robot
dont better not be lying fucker
Taylor Swift is still a stick
proof plz
These are the eyes of someone that knows that they are siphoning 120,000 tax-free dollars a month from developmentally stunted beta males
>$120,000 a month
holy shit
where can i find the lewds
what a waste of quints fag
What do we do about the beta male problem?
I don't know if it's worth knowing that there are 100 people in the world simultaneously masturbating to your photos at any given moment. But yes, $120,000 a month.
What would I have to do as a male to be making $120,000 a month
are you qt?
Go back to 18th century law where wife was literal property of husband.
I could sell myself as a cute twink as I really wanted
Under communism obsolete relations shall be abolished.
Horseshoe theory in action here folks
I wish I could to be quite honest family
Neither of those sides will tread here:
le centrist radicalism in action here folks
If you've seen her material, it really isn't anything that special or different. She has this undeveloped child like look to her that pulls shitty people in and has them hand her money. She cosplays, is a "nerd" and just panders that crowd. It's weird but she's getting fucking paid. Personally I don't find her attractive at all.
>She has this undeveloped child like look to her that pulls shitty people in
She's literally 19.
Pretty young to sell your soul, I know.
This guys presents this as some ground-breaking theory, but in the OP pic she literally has braces
19 its legal in a lot of the world, but that's not really the point. Playing the innocent "lol im such a nerd, i like pokemon! XD" schtick is getting her paid.
I didn't say that it was.
Thank you captain fucking obvious
she doesn't even need them. she got them purely for the pedo-bucks.
le centrism maymay
>Stalinist Russia
>gassing zero Jews
right here
she's perfect
Too thin.
i want her to brap on me haha
If you can't see that tswift has gotten 100x thicker you're legitimately blind. She'll always kinda be a stick, she was literally a skeleton before.
she looks like something shadman would draw.
The government doesn't claim taxes off of Patreon money and such
They should be. It's illegal to not declare this as income.
The people working at the IRS are just too old to even know or grasp what Patreon is, and the people think they can get away with it.
And they did, until around August last year when Episode V: The Incels Strike Back came out and people started mass reporting these people to the IRS.
Belle Delphine is one of the people that managed to make it out unscathed though, I guess
they started mass reporting to the irs because those people weren't getting fucked by the people they were ratting on. fuck incels.
The "SHADMAN NO, SHADMAN YES" meme always makes me lol
she's not american
1. I was being hyperbolic for the sake of comedy with the "incels" things
2. People reporting them because they're adult virgins doesn't mean they don't have $50,000 of dollars of illegal income rolling in every year
When people started doing this you instantly started seeing articles roll out from The Huffington Post trying to shame and belittle the people doing this as "incels" while awkwardly toeing around explaining why this wasn't actually illegal and trying not to draw more attention to it.
was she abused so bad that she literally turned into a retard?
It's just lame to do that to people, incel or not. I honestly don't have that much hatred in me to do that to someone.
>actually defending tax evading thots
you are the beta incel, reddit is that way
what what
in the butt!
>It's just lame to do that to people, incel or not. I honestly don't have that much hatred in me to do that to someone.
I would find it lame if basically every e-girl weren't the worst human being alive.
These people realize that they can use their body to get money, and then immediately start being as obnoxious as possible to push the line further and further with just how far they can abuse their fans and still siphon money off them.
And then begin abusing everyone else. Because why would you ever need anything else from anyone when you're making this much money.
Every single one of these people is a soul-less cretin. They have no redeeming characteristics besides their bodies (why would they need to), abuse their fans, cheat on their boyfriends and make their hoards of lonely and manipulable beta males do their bidding.
The nicest e-girl in existence is Pokimane, and even now hit-piece videos are coming out explaining how she's a weird asshole.
You (You)'d the wrong person.
They aren't abusing anyone dude, people are willingly giving those girls money. Those guys have a conscious choice not to.You're acting like your some fucking warrior against them and this apparent wrong that you say they're doing. They aren't hurting anyone, you and others are just upset any of them wont play with your cock or love you.
>sex sells
Who knew?
>Americans thinking the IRS is is control of the world's taxes
How do you even know how to breathe?
They aren't stopping them from making money. They're stopping them from making money and not paying any taxes on it
Literally everybody else that has a job does this
it's taking advantage of the mentally retarded. disgusting, insidious parasitic behavior but you defend it because you're a flossing cuck
You're full of shit.