>Start getting into a new genre
>Starts with the most critically acclaimed albums instead of working your way to them with less popular releases
I seriously hope you don’t do this. It’s unironically damaging in not just your music experience. But I’m general appreciation of arts.
Start getting into a new genre
I started shoegaze with Loveless and Souvlaki, but it turns out the best shoegaze releases are Going Going Blank Again & Distressor
yeah right? fuck listening to music people enjoy
Why? Explain
Why shouldn’t I? I want to be in more conversations
Because instant gratification is for children.
Assuming you’re over the age of 20.
t. literal hipster
How is it instant gratification? Just because an album is critically acclaimed doesn't mean you'll like it
very bad post
if instant gratification is bad why did your mom want me to instantly gratify her with my cock
Yea Forums
brainlet post. this is how it's supposed to happen.
>listen to the essentials
>work your way into the genre
>come back to the essentials with newfound appreciation and understanding
>listening to good albums instead of bad albums is "instant gratification"
What the fuck retarded idea is this? Do you think Yes wants you to listen to a bunch of garbage ELP B-sides before listening to CTTE? Where does your idea even come from? In what world does that make any sense?Retarded.
Watch out OP... make sure you listen to all the bad albums before you listen to any good ones. Personally, I have never listened to a good album, I'm still working my way through all the bad ones. Hopefully I can start listening to good music within the next ten years but there's a lot of bad music so probably not. Better than being an "instant gratification" dumb dumb though.
Then why not start with the lesser albums you fucking idiot?
>Obsure or lesser works = bad
How to spot the low IQ.
You wouldn’t even know it’s bad if you just listen to it.
How can u know which album is less popular? you don't know anything about this new genre.
OP is specifically saying that you should listen to worse material before listening to the best material, otherwise how is he talking about "instant gratification"?
Don't tell me how I'm supposed to listen to music retard zoomer you aren't better than me.
Are you actually this stupid? Or another ironic tripfag?
Less popular doesn’t mean worse.
Yes I just addressed that. If OP is just saying "listen to lesser known stuff first, regardless of quality" and doesn't believe that the most acclaimed stuff is generally the best, then how is listening to the most acclaimed stuff first "instant gratification". OP implies that the most acclaimed stuff is the best, otherwise he has no point, I'm just going with his already established idiotic framework.
Not an argument.
Do I really have to explain what instant gratification is to you?
Do you think being dense is leading you anywhere?
>What is RYM
>What is Discog
>What is literally any other music catolog site
You’re a retard.
It's actually the other way around. As most people get older, they have more responsibilities in life. So when they do get the time to enjoy something, they want something that's good straight up all the time instead of wanting something that takes forever to get good/fun/enjoyable. This kind of mentality can only really be held by children as they have so much more free time to dick around.
So, let's say you want to get into Surf Rock... Would you go to all of those sites, write a bunch of lesser known albums and listen to them? and then do the same with every other genre you don't know about?.
Sorry dude, but i prefer listening to the mainstream stuff to see if i like it and then moving on the lesser known/hidden gems.
Since apparently you don't mean "doing the best part first", yes you need to explain what you mean by instant gratification. You have no point and you've just realized this, this is why you just got mad.
>try getting into a new artist
>check out their highest rated/easily accessible album first
>easier to get into the rest of their discography and enjoy
Compared to
>listen to their obscure albums first
>dislike it and no longer feel like listening to the rest
>But I’m general appreciation of arts.
Nice to meet you general appreciation of the arts.
>listen to most acclaimed release in genre
>don't especially like it
>feel slightly embarrassed, like i'm in the wrong
but that's not the Texas Jerusalem Crossroads
i kind of agree, OP. its an easy way to get disappointed with other things and not appreciate the really good stuff
I just don't see why you would bother digging up "lesser known albums". That's something you do when you're already into a genre.
General appreciation of arts, I'm cia