>have a 15 page research paper due in 3 days
>haven't even started yet
music for this feel?
Have a 15 page research paper due in 3 days
Other urls found in this thread:
U have a lot of time start now stupid
School is fucking retarded, college even moreso. Literally does not matter. Don't stress over it.
t. 4.0 GPA college grad
Plenty of time, get cracking on that shit nigga
do it now bich
you can do it user!
Bro I now it sounds daunting but you still have time, take it slow and pump it out.
I've done more in less, you can do it user!
Probably the album Hot Fuss by The Killers, idk, always lights a fire under my ass at least
Fifteen pages is nothing for a writer. Just blow smoke up their ass.
get off this website, go pump that shit out. stop thinking about starting and just start and write
yeah i got a friend who had straight As from grade school to college and was in FBLA in Highschool and guess where hes at now Walmart and hes gonna have a fucking midlife chrisis in 20 years from not living his childhood achieving that
What's your paper about? If you already know more or less your subject, organizing your info into small ideas and chapters that follow a logical order before actually starting to write. It will save you a lot of time and pain.
? It's just true. Are you in college? I really don't understand how this could trigger someone.
>Have a 250 word essay due tomorrow at midnight
>Have barley started
I’m so fucked
>250 words
Are you in 2nd grade? Fucking what the hell? That’s like half a page
>have a 2 min 30s oral presentation next week
>didn't write flashcards yet
my life is over
250 words is barely a lengthy post on Yea Forums. This post is 21 words and only two sentences, you fucking mong.
Its a meme you retards
fuck you you self-obsessed egoistic cunt, and fuck your boring meme pic
I'm just saying 99% of redditors are those kids who's parents owned sony
cringe is in your pants mr dogshit
>15 pages in three days
Wow it's fucking nothing
*and robots
>tfw all my friends went to good colleges and i had to settle for community college
>currently working at a 7-11, most of them are architects with wives and kids
>reunion is coming up
music for this feel?
Math rock.
Get it? Because the word "math" when out of context with music pertains to academia.
>oh fifteen pages I am ze gurly man who cannot write good
Have you tried going over your notes and articulating things clearly without repeating yourself?
>have a 14 word post due right NOW
The agony is tearing me apart
>graduate for architecture
>they just make you design shitters and staircases for the first 3 years
also, check em
Yea Forums is by far the most easily baited board.
That's because Yea Forums is the most underage/reddit board on 4channel
dont be a faggot. i turned in a 15 pager this morning and started it yesterday. 15 pages is nothing
t.grad student