Do you watch ASMR?

Do you watch ASMR?

Attached: 26-evalion.jpg (600x757, 54K)

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not sure how this is Yea Forums related but yes I am watching ephemeral rift right now


Attached: doublesguy1488.jpg (600x574, 43K)

It's Yea Forums related because you listen to it

From time to time.
Who's that chick by the way?

evalion, you can only find her videos on cheekyvidoes though, don't worry its not a porn site user but she has made porn before

>she has made porn before
Is that actually her?

hilters gf


I want to believe it is, well never really know

that bitch had a loose goose and liked doing anal so i believe it

Yes. Gibi ASMR is a goddess.

Attached: 51631943_2111445305812451_6013423780557860310_n.jpg (1080x1350, 92K)

based rift bro.

What kind of ASMR is this?

Attached: frivvifox4.webm (272x480, 1.45M)

Based Frivvi lewdposter. Have a lewd Gibi.

Attached: dd39dc97617eafeeb066ea461fb18115edbaca7c34fb46a604106073f413616a.jpg (750x563, 64K)

Nah only porn

i watch ASian

What happened to her?


nice one, satan hitler
pic related is top tier

Attached: twg.jpg (724x701, 29K)

Yes, maple asmr atm

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 25K)

I don't get the point, I get chills/goosebumps from music literally every day but ASMR doesn't do that for me.

ASMR is just more jackoff material.

no because it pisses me off