wHeRe I cOmE fRoM iSn'T aLl tHaT gReAt
WHeRe I cOmE fRoM iSn'T aLl tHaT gReAt
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My president is a piece of crap
>High as a Kite
>Living in LA
yeah you don't fuckin say
gonna go right ahead and say it: underrated song
no it's rightfully mocked. the verses actually aren't terrible but the chorus is just too ridiculous
the shouty delivery is horribly un-rivers and the sample (?) of the porn actress (???) saying 'gimme gimme' pushes it into laughable territory
Found the Weezer thread. Thoughts on the new album? I'm really enjoying it.
>Best track
The Prince who wanted everything
Living in LA
I'm Just Being Honest is probably my favorite, that or High As A Kite or Byzantine.
Least favorite is Prince for me.
gOt a WhOlE lOtTa s.Oy On mY PlAtE
got it the wrong way around brah. terrible song, definitely doesn't deserve to be one of weezer's biggest hits.
This, great song hated by contrarians
Make Believe is pretty great expect for My Best Friend, I love those slower ballads that most of the album is, Rivers's vocal performance is top notch too
How can you say that those are your worsts when California Snow
Rivers looks like a white male feminist.
>white male feminist
>married to a good subservient japanese wife
What did he mean by this?
same here
California Snow actually has some pretty good lyrics when you manage to ignore the intermittent Woos.
why do weezer suck outside of the first three albums?
rivers cuomo is a very weird man who has some very weird notions about authenticity, relevance, and pop music in general
California Snow is pretty good, I'm enjoying the album overall now though, even Prince is growing on me.
>What did he mean by this?
Maladroit, Red, Hurley, EWBAITE, White and Black are good too
I have a shit taste in music, but I thoroughly enjoy these albums
Anyone who likes Green better than White or EWBAITE doesn't actually understand anything about music or why they like it
the superior version
Green has excellent melodies and is a good album
But I agree with you
Agreed. One of those songs people hate because its catchy
How do i Yea Forums
It's like Red in that half of it is cheesy bad, half is quite good and I kinda like the whole thing. I've already listened to it more than Pacific Daydream too.