Here we go
Here we go
He's going to be deliberately contrarian and rank something between Blue and Pinkerton I just know it
he hates Pinkerton so at least the white album will probably be between them
He already explained that he doesn't love Pinkerton as much as everybody else, but he'll still probably rank it second.
>if you hate yourself you love Pinkerton
Was he right bros?
I can
they're all shit
Ranking Weezer albums is like grabbing a handful of trash from a dumpster and ranking them by how they taste
Rest are shit
>green and red over white and maladroit
oof nigga
fantano is just a contrarian fuck that's gonna fuck with us all and put pinkerton at worst because he thinks he's soooooo much better than everyone else for hating it.
fuck i hate their gay colour shit. just name ur albums
He doesn't hate it and he definitely doesn't think it's their worst.
his top 4 is definitely going to look like Blue > White > Pinkerton > Maladroit
everything after that is harder to place
i know he does. everyone knows it but he has to be quirky and different from everyone so he's going to fuck with us.
I unironically like Green more than White, Maladroit, or Pink(erton). It’s my second favorite behind Blue of course
It nosedives in quality after Island In the Sun
Everything Will Be Alright
Who cares
This. MBTF was high in his Kanye ranking even though he doesn't like it