Whats the context of this album cover? I want to know what happened
Just a Question
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Sneezed too hard
My guess would probably be a machinery accident. Or
I guess I shouldn't plug my nose when I sneeze then.
It's some dude who got hit by a truck
Can't really tell but this seems to be a cover for ants
Wow so edgy
Oh is this the album cover that has the lead singer suicide by shotgun?
t. numale
its kurd cobane
That's Dawn of the Black Hearts by Mayhem
t. 13 year old Yea Forums browser
What album is that ??
what 13 year old would keep up with goregrind releases or Yea Forums?
That's Dawn of the Black Hearts by Mayhem
I just wanna know is there GOOD goregrind from 2000 + that isn't just ratatatatatatattaatatat oink oink oink, actual riffs & melodic lines
Is that Dawn of the Black Hearts by Mayhem?
No its not
it's not edgy to put gore in your cover when every cover in your genre also has gore in it that shits just participation
this particular release ive seen around here and from a few different youtubers and sites it seems to be getting much more exposure to people like me who dont keep up with goregrind
its definitely on here pretty often
Who above the (mental) age of 13 would?
every second one
posting in a hella swaggy thread
monolith of inhumanity by cattle decapitation has riffs
Yes it is, try to follow the conversation
>Oh is this the album cover that has the lead singer suicide by shotgun?
>That's Dawn of the Black Hearts by Mayhem
>The album is infamous for bearing a controversial photograph of Mayhem's singer, Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin), after his suicide in April 1991.[4] The photograph was taken by Mayhem's guitarist, Euronymous (Oystein Aarseth), when he discovered the body.[5] Dead slashed the veins in his arms and neck before leaving behind a song lyric titled "Life Eternal", along with a suicide note. He then took Euronymous' shotgun and shot himself in the forehead.
If you thought I was referring to the OP image, that's Posthumous Humiliation by Pissgrave. However, you can read the title on the cover in OPs image and the user I was responding to was asking about the album with the cover showing the lead singer after he died via shotgun
But that isn't goregrind
oh. well slaughtercult is technically 2000+ so let's go with that. actually exhumed is still putting out some pretty good stuff