good film
Good film
RIP Brandon Lee
As someone who was vaguely aware of Varg but had never heard any black metal or knew anything about the actual incidents, the movie was pretty good and left me satisfied. They handled the story well. I later watched some Varg videos on the movie, and then some of his videos on the actual events (like his video on Euronymous etc.) and he seemed very different from in the movie, like he didn't seem like the insecure follower he was portrayed as. However, I'm watching him decades after the fact so even if the movie is 100% accurate he still probably changed. I don't know much about accuracy, but I did enjoy it and I'm now looking into some black metal including and especially Burzum
It wasn't though. It has a few good performances, mainly Euonymous and Dead. Besides that it was tonally all over the place and the main goal seemed to be shitting all over Varg. Bizarre film
All things considered it was a shit movie, as a serious movie. It was a great movie as a comedy/exploitation flick, in that regard, it had me laughing and cringing the entire time, and it obviously served as a way to shit on Varg explicitly and with no remorse. Fucking hilarious, I say this as someone who has always thought Varg was full of shit and hated the black metal scene, but has been aware of it since I was a teenager which was forever ago now considering I'm in my 30s.
The movie was not accurate, and it was shit, but it was fucking hilarious and the way it so blatantly was out to paint Varg in a negative light (really not needed, as he is a giant asshole anyway) made me laugh my ass off.
>IRL Varg knew Dead before he died and even said that Euronymous was a nice guy when they first met and invited him to stay at the Mayhem house
Feels like the movie was made by someone who hates black metal and everyone involved. Multiple documentaries and even Varg himself on his youtube channel have said how Euronymous and most of the people in the scene were pretty nice people (for example in "Once Upon a Time in Norway" a former Mayhem guy said that Faust was a hard worker in the store and they all liked having him around) while in the movie literally everyone was a gigantic asshole for no reason. Nothing about this movie made sense
norwegian prisons are among those rare prisons in the world that make you an overall better and more confident and balanced human being
they're not prisons, rather social rehabilitation centers
Film treatments of underground music scenes will be almost always be shit.
watching vargs vlogs i just couldn't get over his characterization
didnt black metal have an ideology behind it? this film is complete hollywood shit and seems like a bill n ted adventure movie
What did Varg mean by this latest video?
The film portrays them as the LARPing faggots they were
>didnt black metal have an ideology behind it?
>this film is complete hollywood shit
the ideology of pretending to be extreme and evil. don't speak of what you don't know. at least read euronymous' wiki.
>didnt black metal have an ideology behind it?
They were a bunch of bored teens, so no. No two people in the scene agreed on what the "ideology" was other than that they were pissed off American and Swedish bands were getting popular. They posed as Pagans, Satanists, whatever. It was basically a recreation of what punk rock did to rebel against rock in the 70's, try to take it back to being "primitive" aka so easy a caveman can do it.
it all makes sense now varg is building an army
Of course we should definitely listen to Varg "the 23 stab wounds were because of a lamp, also self-defense" Vikernes.
Imagine going from a talented musician to a guy with 8 children who vlogs. Fucking weird man
varg burnt down the churches because he felt like the christians raped their culture
>because Varg is possibly bending the truth about one extremely tense incident that sent him to jail his extensive vlogs about the general history of the scene should be completely disregarded
okay I guess
vargs vlogs are pretty comfy though
no, he came up with that later. he burned the churches to gain cred and because it was a competition between him and euronymous for the title of most extreme teenager in norway
>everyone was generally nice in the black metal scene
>except when we burned down all those churches
>or when Faust killed that gay man
>or when I killed Euronymous
>ah, good times
Doesn't change the fact that making everyone in the movie act nothing like humans act was retarded
You can tell each one of these faggots has a blue check mark next to their twitter handles and started browsing Yea Forums a year ago.
Black Metal was made as a response against the Christian desecration of Norse-pagan places of warship and battlegrounds. That's why Varg disavows how serious some people take Venom, who are merely an "act of evil". There were definitely bored teenagers in it, but almost every surviving member of the serious bands detest the treatment of Norse-paganism. It was rebellion, but there was plenty of reason as to why it was made outside of that initial rebellion.
No dumbfuck, he did it because of mentions listed above. Euronymous never did it because he took money from the bands he tried to get in the shop, and take credit for all things Black Metal related.
>>except when we burned down all those churches
>>or when Faust killed that gay man
>>or when I killed Euronymous
All based.
they were like that thought. the autors of the lords of chaos book said "it's weird how little they seem to care of each other even if they're friends. they don't seem sad at all about the murder of euronymous."
>the serious bands
Retard. People can do terrible things while still being outwardly charismatic and normal. And no teenager in the world has every acted like they do in Lords of Chaos. Watch Once Upon a Time in Norway, pleb.
fucking teenager faggot suck my fucking dick. i've been listening to mayhem and burzum since 98 and i know you're fucking full of shit. another one of those edgy "black metal is extreme and real" faggots who believe every bullshit thing the autist varg says. the only rebellion in black metal was forced to be edgy. they all acknowledge this. you're probably into nazism and paganism and other fucking nerd bullshit isms.
>You can tell each one of these faggots has a blue check mark next to their twitter handles and started browsing Yea Forums a year ago.
I've been here since '07.
>Black Metal was made as a response against the Christian desecration of Norse-pagan places of warship and battlegrounds.
Now it wasn't, retard. You're new to this site and new to metal. None of that was why black metal was created as a style, they didn't plan any of that shit, it just happened as a result of some fuckwits in the scene having those beliefs. They didn't gather round a table and create black metal for a cause in the grande scheme you imagine in your underaged head, they "created" black metal because they liked the sound of Hellhammer more than Morbid Angel and were pissed off bands with greater talent than them were getting mainstream recognition from metal magazines, that's what they were rebelling against.
I garentee Euronymous never said "WE ARE THE LORDS OF CHAOS" and they never yelled fuck you are groups of little kids either. The movie was hollywood propaganda.
>Black Metal was made as a response against the Christian desecration of Norse-pagan places of warship and battlegrounds.
it was 90% popular music fad
False, Black Metal was an inner circle thing, and only 2 bands were publicity whores. Behemoth and Mayhem post-dead. The music was almost entirely a detestment against metal popularity as well.
I don't even watch Varg as he is a French welfare queen, but his statements in regards to Black Metal creation are completely valid. Funny how you mentioned only Burzum and Mayhem. Nor am I into Nazism or Paganism.
none of them was charismatic and normal while they were doing terrible things
faust actually had a psychotic episode and later told that it was a mental breakdown and he would never do anything like that as a sane person
wow fucking retard. did you see the fucking "based on truth and lies" at the beginning? do you know this is a MOVIE BASED ON something that happened, not a fucking actual documentary??? do you even know what the fuck "hollywood propaganda" means you fucking alex jones cumdrop?? propaganda for what? making retard metalheads seem like actual nice people?
>and they never yelled fuck you are groups of little kids either.
>False, Black Metal was an inner circle thing
that's why there are tons of non-norwegian black metal from the 90s, lmfao
>Funny how you mentioned only Burzum and Mayhem.
what is the movie about you stupid idiot? they don't even mention other bands. it's not a documentary on the black metal scene. fucking poser faggot.
>Black Metal was an inner circle thing
fucking poser
Fan of the music =/= music creation, especially in the case of BM. If that were the case, there's absolutely no reason why Emperor didn't take over the whole world if it was a popularity contest.
>Numerous appearances from different members of different bands in said movie.
But he could only name Burzum and Mayhem? Strange. You might as well have said Scorpions as well.
>Brazillian Black Metal
Get me a poster of them on a show with any of the Norwegian bands, I'll wait.
do they ever say thorns or emperor on the movie? they don't even say snorre's name once. it is not a movie about black metal. it is about the murder of euronymous and it can take whatever liberties with the story to make it actually entertaining.
what? you're saying black metal was only the inner circle then you call them black metal just to again imply they can't be black metal if they were norwegian. when all of mayhem's singers were foreigners too.
you're a retard and a poser.
>False, Black Metal was an inner circle thing
Only a small few people in the original Norwegian scene were even in this "inner circle" which was just a glorified self made fan club at a record store. Do more research.
hi circle of tone
>same op
>same discussions every thread with low amount of posters
I've never heard varg laugh before
Inner circle in terms of whose participating in the authentic creation of it, and especially geographically. Bands that were popular in Europe that tried to establish BM fanbases got completely shitted on and discredited because of BMs attitude at the time, and that is where the most authentic of the creation came from.
I can definitely tell you took the movie way to seriously. The implication isn't the "Black Circle", the implication is the popularity and who it's participants are. People who were not around the Black Metal scene and it's general participants were not welcome. There were shows like I said of bands trying to get BM fanbases throughout Europe who got their equipment stolen and beat up for trying to exploit the genre and it's intentions.
there are a few autists who crosspost from Yea Forums and try to force Yea Forums-related subjects. this is one of them
>I've never heard varg laugh before
>There were shows like I said of bands trying to get BM fanbases throughout Europe who got their equipment stolen and beat up for trying to exploit the genre and it's intentions.
where exactly? who told you that?
>People who were not around the Black Metal scene and it's general participants were not welcome.
indeed, because they all were a bunch of buddies, from norway
>You can tell each one of these faggots has a blue check mark next to their twitter handles
what does this mean? i wonder if even you know
the inner circle was a name for the group of nerds that hung out in helvete's basement, got drunk and listened to metal. they never gave a shit about anything you said. euronymous was the only one who cared about that shit and he never said anything like what you said. he thought if music was "satanic" it could be black metal. it wasn't a style of music according to him, it was an idea of being extreme and evil while making music. everyone was happy when he died because there was no more "black metal police".
you should really fucking read the book before continuing to spout all this uninformed bullshit online.
It's called projection. He spends so long on twitter that he expects everyone else to understand his twitter references.
Even in that propaganda bullshit book Lords Of Chaos it talks about it, there's a whole section that's dedicated to how confined that shit was. Even Fenriz has went into detail, and Necrobutcher also commented and said that "Black Metal was never meant to be exploited and bands that did so were quickly removed."
What shithole did you immigrate from? Definitely had to be in the last 6 months and I imagine you're underage.
>I can definitely tell you took the movie way to seriously. The implication isn't the "Black Circle", the implication is the popularity and who it's participants are.
So you're making things up. I knew about all of this long before the movie, and clearly you just learned about it. The black metal scene in Norway was tiny as fuck, and there was only ever one "inner circle" anyone ever refers to. Not everyone in the black metal scene was involved with it, and no, they were not all friends, not all of them even knew one another at all. The "inner circle" was a small niche within a small niche, that yes, historically was in the basement of a record store. Plenty of guys from Norway had nothing to do with any of it other than those involved in it.
I knew couple of kids that listened to this kind of music non ironically , they were ugly bastards with no friends and socially awkward.
>*projection intensifies*
The only bands that didn't participate were the extreme outlier autist bands like Silencer, Shining, and Leviathan. Otherwise almost every single BM band from Bathory to Gorgoroth was involved in some way.
dude not him but you're clearly the "i came here from reddit, spend too much time on twitter and listened to black metal for the first time 6 months ago" guy in this thread. you're embarrassing.
what do american bands that started making music years after euronymous was killed have to do with the "black circle"? you're just name dropping at this point.
bathory involved in the black circle? gorgoroth? what the fuck are you saying?
>involved in some way
yup, they sold their records at that store, and that's it.
>Outting himself almost as much of a newfag as the other guy.
Euronymous's death was not the death of BM you fucking retard, nor was Varg's arrest. And Bathory was around since 1983, and funny enough, the director who made this stupid shit got kicked out of Bathory in less than a year. But bands like Darkthrone and Dark Funeral had plenty of uptime in between and were still heavily involved in BM and it's preservation.
holy shit, not only are you wrong on everything you say but your reading-comprehension skills are some of the absolute lowest i've seen in this board.
the black circle ended when euronymous died. no one but him cared about that shit. no shit fucking black metal didn't end right then and there you absolute fucking retard.
nice fact about jonas akerlund being in bathory that you got from fucking vice probably, fucking poser.
and again. bathory was never involved in the black circle you absolute fucking moron. the black circle was a tiny group of nerds friends with euronymous, it is not a synonym with black metal.
what a fucking retard you are.
>But bands like Darkthrone and Dark Funeral had plenty of uptime in between and were still heavily involved in BM and it's preservation.
That has nothing to do with being part of the inner circle. There were lots of black metal bands in Norway, only a few were involved in anything connected to that.
No, you're the fucking retards. I told you about your "black circle" thing, that you clearly picked up from the fucking movie, and explained to you that that is not what I'm talking about. When I use the term "Inner-circle", I am implying that all groups participating, knew who was participating. From Bathory, to Mayhem, to Burzum, etc. People who were authentically involved in the music and not attempting to exploit it. That wasn't the sole group attempting to preserve black metal, you fucking retard. It's not like 5 or 6 people, in Euronymous's go get drunk in his fucking basement group was gathering around, it was the whole european scene. Metal bands didn't get billed alongside Black Metal bands for a fucking reason you dumb fuck, because it was very well established within Black Metal and it's community, that if you didn't understand the music, that if you were attempting to exploit it, you were barred completely from it. You straight up were not billed with Black Metal bands, if you were playing in areas where that black metal community was, no one attended or they did it was to fuck your equipment and you up. And again, I can tell that you took the movie way too seriously again, as you would know this piece of fine Jewish propaganda was created by Vice funny enough. Do you really think they would out Jonas Akerlund themselves? No, they wouldn't. So fuck off with your poor reading comprehension, and conversation skills. Embarassing.
You're a poseur dude. Varg didn't even know Fenriz.
How sad. The defeated resorts to acting like a ill-informed child.
>it was the whole european scene
>I still will call it "Inner-circle"
based retard logic
why are your comebacks the exact same things you were called first? are you parents related? this isn't normal.
and you don't know shit about black metal, fucking poser. thinking you're a big man hating a movie loosely related to a subject you got into over winter break. pathetic.
>Can't make an association of a higher degree based of context clues that imply a higher order of meaning because he bought into a meme movie that should basically be labeled a comedy based off a hack director and a jewish companies interpretation of how to perform character assassination.
then you should call it an "outer circle"
you know what "inner" means?
>a jewish companies interpretation of how to perform character assassination.
and also, fuck you with a baseball bat in your stupid ass.
>Can't refute information any further, resorts to hurling grade school level banter.
So honestly, can you please tell me where you immigrated from? Genuinely curious.
people were shitting on the lords of chaos book for being bullshit long before this movie came out. using the authors as a source is retarded
>character assassination
now you’re just repeating what varg says. confirmed poser. you’re probably latin american.
>actual quotes from interviews with the people who were there is bullshit
Yes, inner implies that people withIN participating. Outer implies people who are withOUT participating. People in the black metal scene are IN, people who are not in the black metal scene are OUT.
>Another bait attempt to discredit my information after is stupid black circle shit got cut off
Oh no.
this the cutest and most based thing i have ever seen
that’s not what inner circle means dude. are all people playing guitar “inner circle guitarists”?
lmao seriously
Every underground scene worked like this, jeez-louise. why are you trying to reinvent the wheel?
>computer games made to destroy europe
heavyweight kek here
Here dumbfuck, let me help you with a quick diagram. Notice how you can put circles inside of circles and also use context clues to deduct which circle you're in.
>19 posters
>83 posts
You guys take this shit way too seriously
being part of a scene doesn’t make you inner circle. you’re using the term wrong. move on.
what was the outer circle of the inner circle?
Varg is such an asshole man. Like he still shits on Euronymous in recent videos, saying how he was a closent faggot and stuff, and Euronymous isn't even alive to defend himself.
It makes you apart of the inner circle if you are a participant that is accepted, it doesn't put you in the innermost circle.
what kind of a scene was this?
no it doesn’t. you’re using the term wrong. don’t be so stubborn. even your examples of bands in this non-inner circle are wrong. bathory never met euronymous. they can’t be part of an inner circle if they never met. you’re thinking of a scene. the black metal scene. maybe even a perceived by you “elite” in the scene. still nothing you’re talking about has anything to do with inner circle. except the drawing with the literal inner circle lol.
>retard claims the entire Norwegian black metal scene was one big inner circle and were all in cahoots to burn churches and be revolutionary
>obviously knows nothing of the scene and who knew or associated with who
Okay newfag, I've been into metal since the 90s, but enjoy your newfound fandom, poseur.
based retard mistaking a scene for a circle and arguing for hours
How tall is Varg? I always imagined him to be 6'-6'2" range
>trying to deflect my example, still unable to discern higher order based off context clues.
You can in turn, admit your the idiot with low comprehension and understanding skills.
>loser who still can't refute exist in denial, thinks his dad street cred gives him precedence
Go take care of your kids, please. It's embarassing to me on a vietnamese basket weaving forum like this.
Bathory was still connected through the community, as I've stated many times, and multiple other bands were still connected specifically in black metal my guy.
those norwegians are really, really short
his wife just dwarfs him
see i’m done
Most autistic argument I've seen in a while. Do you guys feel you've accomplished something?
Why he smiled?
he thought that criminology and jurisprudential notions are jewish invention or something like that
Varg didn't become a nazi until he spent a few years in prison
That's black metal for you, it's as real as it gets, poser.
Guy in the poster looks like Julian Casablancas with face paint
based euronymous sister telling him his band sucks
lmfao seeing varg getting bullied was worth the whole film
This is actually quite an accurate post. I think the movie was quite interesting because it's probably more accurate than not. The story behind that stupid scene is so ridiculous that you wouldn't really believe it if it hadn't happened. Even just Varg killing Euronymous is so fucking stupid that its hilarious. I think the movie is worth a watch even if its technically shit.
Never listened to a Black Metal album in my life. Fill me in on why people are pissed about this
well imagine. a shitty high gloss production value made by conservative capitalists about an already divisive counter culture moment? its pretty obvious even if youve never listened to black metal
>these faggots has a blue check mark
>next to their twitter handles
>this piece of fine Jewish propaganda
>was created by Vice funny enough
I found it entertaining, but after sitting on it for a few days, I think it was a little too much of a teen drama. I think the key problem is really just that the music was completely in the background. The reason other big black metal films, like Heavy Trip and Deathgasm, were so successful was that they celebrated the music so much, and metalhead culture so much. Obviously Lords of Chaos isn't a comedy, and unlike LoC, those films didn't have to tell anyone's true story. But I think the whole thing would've been vastly improved by celebrating the music itself more.
Also, I can understand not wanting to throw too many characters into the movie, but Abbath and Fenriz are such entertaining people that they could've brought a lighter tone to the film, and if it were up to me, I probably would've included them and thrown out some of the secondary characters, like the murderer drummer of Emperor
>conservative capitalists
Lol the conservatives are the ones on Vargs side. This is pro race mixing liberals vs someone with documented extremist right wing connections. Fucking retard kill yourself out of the art scene forever!!! LOL
That was the weirdest part and even varg brought it up lol
>defending Twitter
>defending Twitter users
>defending Vice
Wrong. Conservatives aren't against interracial relationships. White supremacists are. You should kys if you're srs
> watching obscure cutesy anime
Are you 12?
this looks like a parody of a campy 80's horror movie
I have not seen this movie but I see that you are talking about the black circle. I remember that the group in Sweden that murdered a homo in a park was called the Black Circle by the media at the time. But that was a few years after Varg and the movie. And not connected to that at all. other than scandinavian metal related
its takes you away from the harsh realities of life
Jon from Dissection actually visited helvete and the black circle.
Chaos-gnosticism (satanism) is far more common in the Swedish BM-scene, where as in Norway they were just larping and being silly teenagers.
Kill yourself
can someone give me the link to the film? I can't find it and and finally want to watch this shit
>the art scene
You cant even figure out how to pirate the movie and you post on Yea Forums?
varg is an anarcho primitivist i thought? hes white supremecist. racism IS often tied to conservatism, fascism, and liberalism... left leaning people in favor of classless sociopolitical systems tend to be less racist. but there still are some like varg that prove that.
the people who made it are clearly neo-liberal capitalists. only under global late capitalism would anyone not consider that an extreme right position.
I watched it on putlocker
Hes a right wing extremist they helped him escape prison when he was on furlough and had a cabin with weapons and food rrady for him. Hr got caught of course but he still has ties to them. His wife bought a bunch of rifles and it caused them to be raided by police a few years back
thats like saying Ted Kazinsky is right wing cause he had bombs and lived in a cabin. Many far left groups advocate violence to overthrow unethical political systems like capitalism. Anarcho primitivism is left. Varg just happens to be racist. Status-quo neo-liberals are far more conservative than Varg.
Is that so? Ok. Thank you for widening the picture.
He was right wing you should read his manifesto. Its interesting how back then he predicted the growing disparity between repubs and dems. But ted kazinsky aka the unabomber was the classic republican who thought universities were brainwashing people with liberal propoganda.
>loading Map #88
fuck off, louis
>Louis Cachet
>aka Kristian the christian
>aka Count Grishnac
>aka The Count
>not being a fatass
>not doing that ridiculous interview
>not being the most edgy posers to ever live
oh hi Varg
nah I'm pretty sure he thought the court was rigged
damn that slipped by me, good eye
Its almost surreal seeing varg have innocent fun.
Why are there more Sigur Ros songs in this movie than Mayhem songs
This isn't innocent fun he's conditioning his children for a race war
fuck him
I hope the french minors commission officials will deal with him
Ted K was not a republican at all.
Maybe you should try reading his manifesto. He was pretty staunchly opposed to liberalism and thought it was the root of lots of problems in society.
>he's conditioning his children for a race war
Shitskins are conditioning us to race war
>He was right wing
>Ted Kaczynski
this is simply incorrect
>but im not a nazi
nice, another braindead 4chinner
He was a primitivist you dumb fuck. Sounds like you haven't read his manifesto.
Or just living in a shitty French city.
No youre just being willfully ignorant now. I know youre used to just googling all your homework or putting it on chegg so i cant hold it against you. But it would really help if you read sometime or just did research on things in general so you could have a real conversation but i knkw that doesnt matter to you.
autists and posers hate this movie
normal people who are capable of having fun can enjoy it
Conservative types disgusted him, this is absolutely apparent in his writings.
Okay dumbass
>Battlefield 14
>Map #88
he was a conservative, he devoted a whole section to rants against liberals. You have to understand you have to be a real special snowflake to think you have the right to bomb and kill people. Which is exactly what he was, he just wanted to pretend he wasn't just another old man who didn't want the world to change.
>specifically sets apart pages of his works for an attack on conservative politicians and conservative policies
>explains how the political milieu and its identities by and large are beyond salvation
>but he was a conservative, duuuude
No he wasn't, shut up harmful idiot, follow Ted's advice and go out for a walk in the woods or something - too much Internet for you.
>im not like the other girls
worst thread on Yea Forums rn
Confirmed for full of shit and retarded
Pretty sure I read at one point he is 5'11
Yes it was
anarcho primitivists are exteme left. liberalism is in no way left leaning.... all communists and anarchists staunchly oppose liberalism... idk what your trying to say
NSBM is the trvest BM, it is the only genre of BM willing to wage war against society and topple all sacred cows
>fuk jeebuz heh heh \m/
That shit is gay and lame. SO boring. Those faggots are too scared to attack islam or judaism.
whoa whoa whoa we got ourselves a fucking TRVE EVIL guy here