But how did it change music?
9/11 changed everything
Other urls found in this thread:
9/11 really was an inside job
American Idiot would've never been released
Not as much as the rise of social media, especially starting with MySpace.
And that would mean Weird Al wouldn't have made canadian idiot
Truly a dark timeline
yeah i was inside your mom when it happened lmfao
New York City Cops left off of This Is It
Pop Punk/Punk reached it's zenith. George W was a bad president and the government was more fascist than ever. The government trampled on civil rights and the constitution in the name of security, and in a way barged into the bedroom of every teenager in the country, and those teenagers-- armed with a limited vocabulary and lots of free time-- wrote some of the most amazing punk shit ever. In fact the punk music was so good that now punk is dead
William Basinski released Disintegration Loops
US pop music became dull and boring for a solid year after 9/11. Prove me wrong.
... Dad?
What do you mean it barged into the bedroom of every teenager?
More like a sold 17 years after 9/11
Rage Against The Machine was banned from being played on the radio for several months
Several dozen other songs from various bands were also halted from radio play, but RATM was completely shut off
It influenced the thoughts of the artists. it made them reconsider their pre-dispositions of the country. This wasn't an internal threat, this was a religious cult that did this and we didn't know how to react because we were usedto fighting countries not religions. (I mean, in 91 I there was a bombing in the same building though by terrorists, and there was that kidnapping in the eighties... aaaand in the seventies_) you know I dunno it did something.
It really didn't change much for the average person except flying is slightly more inconvenient. All the big societal changes happened six years later with the rise of smart phones and social media. As far as music, it was already mostly shit by the late 90's.
This is accurate. I think he means that every teenager that age when they got home would go online and just get filled with anti-establishment rage.
james ferraro.
my hatred for americans grows stronger everyday
Underage reported.
Sincere question here, do americans actually believe the official version of 9/11 ?
We all just got tired of talking about it except for a few crazies so basically its only crazy people who talk about it now and if you talk about it youre crazy
yeah, grunge killed the fuck out of music
Do non-Americans?
It gave William Basinski a career.
"Well, what happened there is, of course—now all of you must adjust your brains—the biggest work of art there has ever been. The fact that spirits achieve with one act something which we in music could never dream of, that people practise ten years madly, fanatically for a concert. And then die. [Hesitantly.] And that is the greatest work of art that exists for the whole Cosmos. Just imagine what happened there. There are people who are so concentrated on this single performance, and then five thousand people are driven to Resurrection. In one moment. I couldn't do that. Compared to that, we are nothing, as composers. [...] It is a crime, you know of course, because the people did not agree to it. They did not come to the "concert". That is obvious. And nobody had told them: "You could be killed in the process."
-Stockhausen 2002, referring to the 9/11 attacks.
Was he right? was this the greatest work of art of the early 21st century?
There are a shocking number of 9/11 reacting extremely patriotic cheesy country songs we as a culture have forgotten
Country music became really xenophobic and nationalistic. Probably caused the resurgence in interest in New York and the new indie rock scene.
i was ready to argue with you and then fell short of having any rebuttal.
not that i think music is dead, we live in the golden age of music, but grunge sure did a number on us
Don’t answer this, fellow ‘Mericans
pretty obviously.
lol that pic would legit make a good album cover
Well i'm from a muslim country and it's basically common knowledge here that the whole Osama Bin Laden chase was bullshit. Also people are redpilled on zionism here
Personally, I don't follow those Alex Jones types who claim that aliens did it or whatever, but I am certain that at least some parts of the official stories are lies. The fact that they found the terrorists' passports in the rubble, for example, or dropping Bin Laden' body in the sea. The government simply wanted to bring an end to the anxiety of a people who felt their first collective traumatism. Also, even if everything is true, the US government still used the attacks as an excuse to invade countries for the sake of their Israeli masters
Here's a hardcore album that was delayed for 2 years for...uh...reasons.
>Well i'm from a muslim country and it's basically common knowledge here that the whole Osama Bin Laden chase was bullshit. Also people are redpilled on zionism here
You do realize that your entire region has been under psychological manipulation by cryptofascist propagandists for decades?
this might actually be one of the most incorrect opinions i've ever seen on this board
pop punk was and always will be total shit
Normies do. Or at least they just don't care even if they understand on some basic level that obviously something more complex was going on. It's much less controversial to question it now though. It used to immediately anger people and start a fight, now it's commonplace enough that people don't get as mad as quickly. A lot of people understand that something was weird, even if they don't think any further about it than that.
I'm not from the Middle East. And I have no idea what's a cryptofascist. What do you mean ?
I would say the opposite, that it was less controversial then to say “Bush did 9/11” and just be viewed as a common leftist punk, whereas now people would probably think you’re “one of those racist, sexist, nazi, fortnite-playing, frogposting incels from reddit”
just means they dont openly say theyre fascists
Some of the suggestions on this list are pretty hilarious in hindsight.
Maybe that's becaus you were a lot younger when it happened so it was not surprising to hear some "young punk" saying outrageous things. In my experience it's gotten much less controversial to talk about. Seems like it went
>first month: you can say whatever you want because the programming hasn't fully cemented yet
>2015 to now: I don't care anymore, what does this have to do with muh russia? 2001 is like ancient history man like.... don't you care about trump... gotta check my instagram... *shuffles off staring at phone*
>This wasn't an internal threat, this was a religious cult
Lmfao good one
holy shit dude
Normies dont investigate it, either due to a lack of interest (failing at their civic duty and they ought to be punished for it) or because they already know it but dont want to accept the truth
Stupid and completely forgot to mention this
My Chemical Romance exists because of 9/11
wtf I hate 9/11 now
truth being?
>Rage Against the Machine
>All songs
does it really matter user
Israel will get what it wants either way
holy shit dude
>tfw your stupid younger brother can finally post on Yea Forums
Fuck this site
If anything before wasn't the beginning of the end for Ministry, 9/11 and Dubya definitely was
Leftöver Crack - Fuck World Trade
This is probably true for true boomers, i am the 30 year old variety
Darn right fellow upstanding citizen! The official story is AIRTIGHT! Nothing weird about this at all!
The titanium black boxes in every single plane, specifically designed to withstand plane crashes and jet fuel fires were all destroyed, but the laminated paper passport of Satam Suqami fell to the ground unharmed allowing officials to identify the identity of the hijacker within minutes of the crash! TOTALLY NORMAL!
Just check out this interview with a totally normal well informed citizen at the scene! Very normal interaction!
When the BBC reported that WTC7, a building not hit by a plane, had collapsed, while the building was in fact still standing and being shown on screen behind the reporter saying it had collapsed? Totally normal!
Isn't it weird how no steel frame building in history has ever collapse from fires but then on a single day in 2001 three such buildings all collapsed on the same day, one of them not even hit by a plane but supposedly collapsing entirely due to "furniture fires"? No. Not weird. Normal.
Doesn't this look like a controlled demolition? No. It's doesn't. Not at all.
All of those little details have always come off extremely tin-foil hatted to me, even if theyre accurate. To me the most compelling arguments have always come from the administrations motivation to have done such a thing
None of the things listed are "little details" or "tin foil hatted". They're all facts that you need to explain if you want to believe nothing weird happened.
so really it was a good thing
In this sense, alt-right really is the new punk rock, in that the leftist punk and the nazi incel are both targets of propaganda campaigns meant to control and sabotage people at a developmental age.
This is a blackpill but honestly you're probably right. They have infiltrated America and Western Europe, at this point only a full collapse of the West could do anything
nope, but I feel bad for them lmao. Pakis arent the best you can get
That's quite interesting. I was surprised to see how many people on the internet question hte narrative, yet nothing is done about it
>yet nothing is done about it
what could really be done at this point? unless a radical president comes to power who wants to make a statement by doing something, there’s really no way to get anything to happen
I'm gonna have to agree with that other user. Very few people talked about a possible conspiracy until that retarded Loose Change video went viral. By then Bush was already extremely unpopular from how everything was handled lately (war on terrorism, the war in Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, etc.). Pinning a 9/11 conspiracy on him around that time became pretty popular, and time away from office is always kind of ex-Presidents.
Was he based?
Did he even do it?
>Isn't it weird how no steel frame building in history has ever collapse from fires but then on a single day in 2001 three such buildings all collapsed on the same day, one of them not even hit by a plane but supposedly collapsing entirely due to "furniture fires"? No. Not weird. Normal.
The towers were basically a metal "tube frame". They were built in record time by prefabricated parts that were delivered and assembled on site. It was a revolutionary and futuristic design at the time. That speed in construction came at a cost. The unique structure is what caused the collapse.
>The tube-frame design, earlier introduced by Fazlur Khan, was a new approach that allowed more open floor plans than the traditional design that distributed columns throughout the interior to support building loads. The World Trade Center towers used high-strength, load-bearing perimeter steel columns called Vierendeel trusses that were spaced closely together to form a strong, rigid wall structure, supporting virtually all lateral loads such as wind loads, and sharing the gravity load with the core columns.
>yet nothing is done
What can be done? There are various groups like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth (an organization of tens of thousands of accredited architects and engineers from around the world who have signed on to various legal petitions and efforts to get the US gov to re-open investigations into the collapse of the towers), but they're mostly just ignored and endlessly grid-locked in government inefficiency. They're just gonna run out the clock for a couple decades until they think no one will care anymore and then let out some tame version of semi-truth. Just like they always do. Look at the Vietnam war for instance - now it's basically admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin incident (the excuse that the US used to enter the war in earnest) was made up. It's been long enough that no one cares.
WTC 7 was a normal building
Yeah that's true. It's always the same thing too, it's crazy. 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, that American boat they self-destructed to go to war against Spain... even in my country, France used the excuse that our leader bitch-slapped the french ambassador to invade us. As long as the people eat it up, they can run the war machine
From Under the Cork Tree is a good fucking album you uncultured swine
Wow that's fucked but I guess it's true. Yes probably the "greatest" - in the same sense that time named Hitler man of the year - work of art ever in terms of impact and influence on the course of human history, or at least of the modern era
Isn't it weird that Larry Silverstein took out a terrorism insurance policy on the towers two months before they were coincidentally destroyed by no good dirty terrorists, netting him 4.5 billion dollars? Not really. That sure is great for Larry though! Nice one!
Isn't it weird that not a single surveillance camera at the Pentagon, likely one of the most heavily monitored, surveilled, guarded buildings in the history of the world, picked up a fucking airplane crashing into the building? Isn't it weird that that plane just happened to crash into the Pentagon's budget analyst office, destroying all the records that could have accounted for the 2.3 TRILLION dollars the Pentagon had announced "missing" in the weeks prior to 9/11? No. None of that is weird.
None of these things are weird at all.
a lot of stupid shit from media in general, like that one southpark episode
>dropping Bin Laden' body in the sea
I have no trouble believing that this was because Grizzly dipping, gear using SEALs shot him in the face 100 times, and that's not exactly the image America wants to project when assassinating people in countries they're not at war with. I don't think there's any greater conspiracy at work here.
didn't see your post
Well they weren't obligated to show him to the press. They could have brought the body to some government building or something. Dropping the only proof that you killed Ben Laden is extremely suspicious. The explanation to me is that they never killed him (or killed him later) but they announced that they did to calm down the american population
This album cover. Oh wait... this was created in June of 2001, three months before 9/11. Not weird.
my nigga
It isn’t weird. The Coup were a radical anti-establishment rap group who hated corporate (white) America. As evidenced by the 9/11 perpetrators’ choice, destroying the WTC was one of the most obviously potentially iconic anti-establishment actions one could think of at the time.
return to reddit
Isn't it weird that on the morning of 9/11 NORAD was running a nation wide drill on terrorist hijackings of commercial airliners supposedly creating so much confusion among air controllers and the entire US air defense infrastructure that they were unable to deploy fighters to intercept the planes even though they knew they had been hijacked for hours before the crashes?
Isn't it weird that Dick Cheney took control of NORAD on 9/11, the only time in history that the Vice President has taken control of NORAD?
No. None of these things are weird.
You're right user. These people are crazy. None of these things are weird either.
All normal. Everyone should stop thinking about this.
basically everything was shit for a couple years after
of course velocity design comfort was released in 2003 so it wasn't all that bad
American Idiot by Green Day
also country music was really big for a few years there. Still huge but nothing like terrorism to get em going
US do covert inside jobs all the time in order to have an excuse to go to war. Nothing new.
>muslims are 'redpilled' on zionism
color me surprised
We would've had Breakfast Monkey instead.
Here's a folk song someone made right after 9/11. I saved it to my computer about a week after it happened. I uploaded it to youtube after I found it on an old computer. Makes me sad and nostalgic in a way, desu.
Thanks for listening.
yup failing comic artist gerard way watched the twin towers fallinf and thought shit well i gotta do something with my life and he went home and wrote the first mcr song, skylines and turnstiles
Made me chuckle
>to calm down the american population
Dude, in 2011 I was 21 years old and fully resigned to the idea that bin Laden would just live out the rest of his life hiding in a cave or something. It was 10 years after the fact; bin Laden was not a pressing issue on anyone's mind at the time, and there was no need to "calm down the american population." It was actually really surprising to me when I found out they went and killed him. Crazy to believe, I know.
I agree that dumping him in the ocean with no picture evidence is suspicious. I'm just saying it's more likely they did that because the SEALs killed him in a way that would be unacceptable not so much to the American public, but to the world at large (look up "canoeing" - a common SOF practice at the time). (Or if not canoeing, maybe they just magdumped in his face. Who knows?). Anyway, Occam's Razor, man.
Changed pop music:
pre-9/11 lots of upbeat carefree pop rock kind of stuff on the radio: U2 - Beautiful Day, Craig David - Fill Me In, Train - Drops of Jupiter, Smash Mouth - Walking on the Sun & I'm A Believer, Dido - Thank You, Enya - Only Time, Nelly Furtado, etc.
Also super catchy crossover grunge-nu metal- pop stuff: Incubus - Drive, Lifehouse - Hanging By a Moment
post-9/11: either dadrock songs about the event (ie. Bruce Springsteen the Rising, Ryan Adams new york new york), country music about blowing up iran, and really shitty, angsty buttrock or sappy crybaby ballads
also the fadeout of late 90s style pop rap/"Will Smithified" or Timbaland style hip-hop and rnb and the beginnings of either gangsta rap revival or modern southern hip-hop -> crunk -> snap -> ringtone rap -> trap
This dude were you wasted when they announced it on tv? I was party rocking sooo hard
It was cool as fuck, and I was browsing Yea Forums at the time. I kind of remember it happening later in the night than apparently it did though; I thought the president came on at like midnight or 1am but apparently not.
yes, but because of 9/11 weird al stopped performing christmas at ground zero. there is no winning timeline sadly
I always thought that bridge in Breakfast in America was suspiciously Jewish.
Only legitimate answer in the thread
Inspired "I Like to Watch" by The Church of Euthanasia:
>I like to watch
>The plane going in
>I like to watch
>The flame shooting out
>People dive into the street
>While I play with my meat
>My steel melted
>And my tower's coming down
9/11 didn't do that, it was just musical culture evolving over time. The same changes would have taken place without 9/11.
dude owned
damn bro country focused on extreme nationalism that had never had a wide audience before would've reached that point anyway, and just HAPPENED to fall with an uptick in the exact same themes and attitudes in the US in general? Wild coincidence.
9/11 left a certain sound of vulnerability on the culture of large American cities, and therefore their music scenes. Their sense of being untouchable, their bubble of sorts, was popped. This led to a culture which, like the post WW1 era, sought to forget about its problems and led to the colorful, warm toned, feel-good pop music or the 2000’s and early 2010’s. Early Kanye, late OutKast, the entire bling era, daft punk, cee Lo Green, t-Paine, Coldplay, etc. Club culture was glorified and consequently edm became a popular cultural movement. This was also seen in fashion, through the popularity of bright and colorful tones, and comfy oversized clothing. However, in recent years, with 9/11 being a distant memory, and following two draining wars, America has become a lot more cynical. This is reflective in the much colder, less expressive, darker themes of pop and trap music in the last several years. Many of these projects also came with a much less vibrant visual aesthetic. Obviously there were punk and hip hop groups that addressed a lot more explicitly, and there were many counter culture movements contrary to these trends. I also think that other events, such as the rise of the internet, were a lot more influential. but that’s at least how I think it affected popular music.
I actually take back the current less vibrant visual aesthetic comment, that has changed a lot in the last 2 years
it didnt change shit lol
Based post 9/11 zoomer
This masterpiece was released on September 11, 2001 and was completely forgotten.
why is an act of terrorism considered art? was the boston bombing art? was the the vegas shooting art? I disagree with his premise. If 9/11 was art, everything is art. Pearl Harbor, you did a performance piece when you said you wanted paper not plastic to the grocery store cashier, fuck off
its not considered art, stockhausen just used it as an analogy for dedication to a single ideal and how most artists would never go to similar lengths (dying for a performance)
I dont see how this is music related?
Everything is art. This post is art.
>the official version of 9/11
the planes flew into the buildings
A lot of stuff happened. But Bush's wars of terror made artists be more political like system of down and rage started a music activist site which eventually tanked when artists saw the dixie chicks get slammed for criticisng Bush and confirmed to everyone that activism culls profits.
Music is a business, well the music that's talked about here at least and every pop song writer and performer knows they're not allowed to write a song like Imagine now because no radios or media will play it. So we get songs like Party in the USA.
Contrast this with any other decade in pop and 2001 onwards is the least political or thought provoking or collective empathy inducing time ever.
Isn't it weird that songs are always about me and not we.
I was about to say it didnt. But retrospectively it did a little.
9/11 was the start of the decline of pop punk and nu metal and the rise of emo.
Like jimmy eat world, the middle, type of shit.
There were also a few albums that attacked the bush administration and the war. Year zero, hail to the thief, american idiot. etc.
Back when musics balls were still sort of clinging on, or rather, back when music wasnt poptamist garbage
I've always thought that the initial impact pattern on the north tower bore a striking similarity to the vacant "gash" in the Nurse with Wound list, which came out years earlier. This could be read as weird Thelemite shit (93!) distorting reality, if you really want to stretch: Steve-O is in with David Tibet of Current 93 and all of other weird British occult types.
all the phoney top 40 faggots shut up.
The actual artists didnt
You must be 18 years old in order to use this website (protip: I reasonably suspect that you are under 18 for multiple reasons).
I dont see how thats music related?
we wouldn't have this absolute classic
they dont have an argument.
Rock music was the only music shitting on the stupidity of the time.
This is why the 2010's are a wasteland. Pop music only cares about profits
you cant get this shit from ariana grande and (insert lil nigger of the week)
God love him for trying because I find GWB so damn cute as an old person but why does it seem like he made the wrong choice at practically every turn of his presidency? Even when you account for the fact that he got dealt some shit hands in his term, he still fucked up bad.
I was especially fond of his pro-hurricane policies
yeaa...read the rules if youre new to the site. Try B for this kind of post
Came here looking for this, not disappointed.
Thank you user.
it was a few thousand people, get over it
Is this it or is it this is it? It's is this it it isn't this is it.
My Chemical Romance formed over it. Their song Skylines and Turnstiles is about it.
>In the Air Tonight
>Learn to Fly
>Hey Man, Nice Shot
>Fly Away
>Hit Me With Your Best Shot
>When You're Falling
1998-September 11 2001 = Limp Bizkit
September 12 2001-2005 = Nickelback