Literally the objective four greatest albums of all time

Literally the objective four greatest albums of all time
>Inb4 racists bashing Public Enemy

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These are arguably the most based touristcore albums, so pseudo props.

Liquid Swords is better than ITANOMTHUB

10 10
9 5



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Just die, basic bitch.

Kind of Blue isn't Miles' best and possibly the most tourist album of all time, all genres. Literally everyone knows it even if they don't care about jazz

Pet Sounds is very good, acceptable choice

Rolling Stones are overrated garbage, as is most ''''classic''''' rock

Public Enemy is garbage and the worst on that list. It was made in the beginnings of rap and people praise it for pushing things forward, but the music itself is painfully bad and bland

>Kind of Blue
How much of a tourist are you.


I use my ears desu.

Eh, they might all be the best in their respective genres but it seems very limiting to consider pop, rock, jazz, and rap to be the only genres that exist.

On The Corner > Kind of Blue

>but the music itself is painfully bad and bland
Retard speaking. It’s the complete opposite of bland. There’s so much amazing technical details in each song. But since it’s 80’s Hip Hop. You’ll lump it in the “xD dated” meme.
God I hate underage.

>8 8
>6 7

>Praising pussy shit like Beach Boys and KOB over Rolling Stones and Public Enemy
Why is there so many faggots on Yea Forums? What happen to the edge?

>Actually disliking Pet Sounds
How does it feel to not have any soul?

I’m /fit/

>the music itself is painfully bad and bland

It's probably the most technically dense rap album from a musical perspective from the decade and a couple of years afterwards. Yeah, Flavor Flav is a mediocre Greek Chorus/Hype Man at the best of times, but Chuck D was at the top of his game during this a Fear of A Black Planet.

I'm actually kinda shocked though that it doesn't get the "Ooga Booga! Kill Whitey! 80's Edition" treatment that TPAB normally gets thanks to the cover and one misunderstood lyric since it's a lot closer to that mentality than K Dot would ever approach in a million years.

I'm not gonna bash Public Enemy out of racism, I'm gonna bash it cause Flava Flav is fucking annoying and the actual emceeing sucks, and the beats are grating and painful to listen to.

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wrong. america hasn't produced any music even close to the best of all time

These are all alright records. For me: KoB >> NoM = Exile > Pet Sounds

Public Enemy is out of place.