Extremely based and redpilled
dumb bitch didn't know he was a homo?
does this mean finally some new music
>accusing the biggest faggot this side of Sufjan Stevens of sexual assault
>in Canada
He's gonna be marching with Trudeau at the next pride parade mark my words
wtf i love reddit now?
Man I hated that guy back when I posted on indieheads. I wonder what happened to that sub.
hopefully they fuck
well you must have loved it already if you're going around (pretty sure certain options under those posts mean you have an account too) taking screencaps of it.
does anyone know what he's been up to at all? New album or material of any kind planned/being worked on?
Because I upvoted it
I'm a tard. meant for
I'm legit scared of women desu. I don't know if I could fuck one, cause they could accuse me of rape unjustly and I could do nothing to defend myself.
isnt he gay?
Hire hookers and film their consent. Legal in a one party state
No this is fucked up bro. There are tons of serial rapists like this on universities that get away with stuff like this all the time. He's only getting away because he's white and plays a "real instrument". But in reality his talent hasn't progressed past an elementary school school kid with a music tutor. That's why people like this lash out at society because they're so pathetic and nobody really wants to lay them.
sort of thing that happens if they see dollar sign floating above your head
Remember having drunk sex with a woman is rape. In fact, pretty much all sex with any woman under 21 should be made illegal.
Shut the fuck up retard
I’d watch
Here come the people who think he isn't a rapist just because he plays Mozart. Do you even realize little kids can do what he does?
I'm gonna start fucking men, it's hassle free.
It's actually 10x more drama
>sex with any woman under 21 should be made illegal.
if this implying they mature at a slower rate?
as long as it isn't legal drama.
Hey, I come from a city where little kids are all murdering each other with knives so I'm pretty sure they are capable of raping each other too. And I also know that every male on a university campus are rapists in waiting, especially the ones having no sex.
ayo daddy u want some suck?
I always assumed Owen Pallett aka Leaf Andrew Bird was a flaming gay, just going off his music (which honestly sounds like something that should accompany a high school play)
There are a lot at university and they get away with it easily. Think about it if someone came up to you while you were alone in a room and punched you in the face and broke your computer how are you going to prove it? Even if they get caught on camera entering and leaving the resolution is going to be shit.
Yea, I've got tons of insider info and he's a predator. he's terribly afraid of losing his gay icon status and thus he's trying his hardest to cover this shit up. It's clear he's scared, but it's time to sell off my owen pallet vinyl.
Bases straight2gay poster. One day we will meet and embrace. For just a few moments. For an eternity
if you're in southern cali it can be today
Hey man I agree. I mean there's literally a tree on my campus called bang bush where drunk people go and fuck. I'm gonna start a petition to highlight all the obvious rapes that have happened there and get it renamed rape bush.
Also all the items in my room get insured at the start of term, and robbery/theft/criminal damage does cover that. Not to mention every room and floor being card access only. And the CCTV cameras monitoring entry to all the buildings. But man I fucking get it. Rape is hard to prove, and I'm very sure of at least 3 times people have sex, 1 of them is a rape.
Bro do you even realize how many felony acts I've committed it's so easy to get away with shit. The only way to really prove someone did a crime is eye witnesses. Stop watching CSI and Alex Jones and realize that these rapists need to be outcast from the artist community.
art36 is the biggest fucking retard on that sub
West coast is to hot. I prefer my northeastern tundra and loneliness
I think he isn't a rapist because he won the case
he's so contrarian is hilarious
i'll heat you up bby
That’s actaully Sara the feminist nazi mod. Anyone got pics of her to jerk off to
shes actually based as fuck and has good taste
its actually not hard to find her pics but shes not very hot
i loved how she bitched about not many womemes and POCs getting the limelight, but her favorite band was parquest court, one of the mayoest bands to exist.
Holy fuck. You are one of these rapists. No wonder you know so much about how they think and what they do, you've clearly fucking done it. I can only suggest you do the moral thing and confess and turn yourself in and beg for forgiveness from your victims.
>knowing redditors
I guess dragging him will be her
final fantasy
If anything she was the one that raped his gay ass
You're the one trying to brag saying you only had sex 3 times and 1 was rape. That's why you're defending this guy because you think it's cool to rape women. Fuck you, you piece of shit I would rob you and make you cry.
Feminine gays are worse than women, superior masculine bisexuals are perfect tho
You've already admitted to several instances of criminal activity including the breaking and entering into college campus rooms and assault. I find no difficulty in adding rape and sexual assault into the list of crimes you have also committed in the past. You have also stated how easily you got away with committing these acts and as such claimed that everybody else must also be capable of such disgusting criminal behavior. As I've already stated, if there is any morality left in your body turn yourself into police and beg forgiveness from any of the victims you have damaged in the past. I myself will be taking action to highlight your numerous admittances of breaking federal law, both past and future, especially in reference to the direct threat you just posted regarding myself.
Womeme dont use logic
fuck women
I didn't break any federal law lmao kill yourself
wtf? this guy made some good music, i hope he makes it out okay
Na fuck him
why are you fuckers here?
>wtf? this guy made some good music
Lol, when was this?
why are YOU here?
based gay dubs
He makes music for gay kids that definitely know they are gay.