Did he do it?
Did he do it?
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He was almost certainly a pedo, but all the actual molestation accusations have very little credibility.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.
Personally, I don't care if he did. I love this man and he can get away with anything in my eyes
Of course he fucking did, you don't look and act like him and not molest kids.
I don't care, pedophiles are ok on my book
I do.
It just shuts down the kids life. There are a lot of elements to how deplorable it is.
it turns them into pedophiles
i guarantee michael was fondled as a child
Wow so edgy
The left in 10 years time will hold this as the only acceptable view
unironically no
>The left
shiggity diggity
maybe he saved this kid from himself did you ever stop to think of that
true :(
Dumb ass. We're talking about real people on earth that have an actual documentary you can watch. He didn't save them and they've been fighting for decades.
damn, he saved others because he couldnt save himself... bro thats deep
You would have helped them more by leaving them alone. Don't let your weird adult neuroses impede on them. If there's any weird intention behind how you treat them, they don't even have to know what it is, it's going to have a psychological bearing on them. This whole "I'm protecting them" attitude is a sick adult fantasy. Kids don't need that shit. If you want to help kids get a job working for CPS or something.
Amazing amount of half "evidence" but literally no hard evidence.
I have to say no.
Possibly taking the bait on this one:
The reason progressives like me are opening up to pedophilia acceptance is because there have been countless studies that suggest that pedophiles cannot control their urges. It's no different than a gay person being attracted towards other men. So, as a society, we have to make a choice: do we want to harm and shame others who literally have no choice over who they are?
If you hate pedophiles, you are a bigot. Period. It's not at all different than homophobes who say shit like "I don't feel comfortable being near gay people". Thankfully the left (as a whole) is opening up to this truth more and more as the years go by. I already personally include it in my acronym when discussing TLGBQIAPPF+. You should too.
Serial killers describe having an uncontrollable urge to kill, so I guess you think that makes killing okay. Also I don't buy your shit. Show me the "countless studies" that say you're justified in molesting kids.
> you think that makes killing okay
raise your iq
dont fight the man of straw
>raise your iq
Suck my dick.
u fight straw men you get covered in straw, man
It's hard to have credibility when you're being threatened by cronies and the MSM.
You sound like a genius.
>There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.
Jackson apparently used to do other fucked up shit, like ripping up toys and putting them in boxes. He himself was likely a victim of abuse in the 60's/70's.
menstrual cycle
nobody is falling for it mate. try harder
So you're done being an 'enlightened shaman' type then I guess.
>straw man
>man straw
>mind blown
The right already do.
>they've been fighting for decades
Really? Because at least one of them was actually DEFENDING him for decades and choreographed a fucking movie about him.
I think he was a boylover, but I don't believe he molested anyone, I know it's impossible for a normie to ever understand this though.
That's what trauma bonding will do.
The left will turn into libertarians?
Sure, any reason to doubt the validity of their claims is just their trauma or grooming or whatever.
Maybe they can remake their 'documentary' when they have any actual proof (or take it up in a real court of law) instead of just filming slander and throwing it to a bunch of hack critics at Sundance.
Whatever, we know he molested the kids.
>we know he molested the kids
Oh yeah? How's that exactly?
As much as I hate to admit it, yeah, I think he did. Didn't the police already raid his home and find a bunch of child porn? (I might be wrong, but I think they did). It sucks because he was such a phenomenal musician but being a star from that young fucks you up BAD.
>Didn't the police already raid his home and find a bunch of child porn?
No. Ownership of child pornography is a crime, and if they found any he would have gone to jail.
They did find child pornography on his property after he died.
Stormnigger, how are you today?
Stormnigger false flag.
>literally just a few art books
Yeah, nah
The fact is he got away with it and always will because people like him. Same thing with Jimmy Savile. Anything that comes out against him will be swept aside, because people love this guy.
Stop using the N word
wtf i love the left now
>Same thing with Jimmy Savile.
Not at all lmao.
But he also made some great music
The two things are not exclusive.
I'd give it like five years
>ripping up toys and putting them in boxes
teh absolute madman
>erping this bad
ew dude
What exactly is wrong with ripping up toys though satan?
fuck off stormfag
>ripping up toys and putting them in boxes
jesus christ
Even if
What happened that sent you off the deep end, inxy?
I don't normally care, but LOOK AT THOSE DIGITS
>real people
What kind of documentary so entirely focuses on a single perspective, never opening up to any other facet of the subject? This is a smear campaign and nothing more.
my parents got divorced
I wish I had of been molested by MJ i'd have a documentary, book and movie deal and six figures in my bank account.
Daily reminder that both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are known to have been involved with Jeffrey Epstein, and the current Labor Secretary appointed under Trump fixed Epstein a better deal.
Dude everyone knows Joe Jackson was a monster who treated his kids like garbage
>saved this kid from himself
like, from a life of self-molestation (masturbation)?
He's right, retards.
Unless you act on that "preference" (it's actually a full blown disorder. Sexual attraction for people without their sexual characteristics developed? Seriously, not a preference. A disorder). And humans are weak, so its highly likely that you will at least watch CP. By watching CP, you are creating the demand that sets the whole industry of child abduction, exploitation and even murder into motion. Countless of lives destroyed just so that you can blown a nut. Disgusting. Sadly, even if you are not an offending pedo, most people will keep away from you, especially if the have kids, and with good reason.
In the specific case of MJ, I am inclined to believe he was innocent. He was a weirdo, but he was found not guilty twice. I think the people in those court cases looked into the situation a little more than tabloid shit does.
No, that's what avarice will do. These two scumbags were fucking ADULTS when MJ was accused for the second time, and they didn't come out with their "story" then. They wait until now, when he's dead, when victim glamour is at an all time high and after one of them actually tried to sue the MJ state for a billion dollars or something
I think you're a troll but I will bite
>because there have been countless studies that suggest that pedophiles cannot control their urges
if this were true, then the only logical conclusion is that pedos should get the rope to protect children.
>It's no different than a gay person being attracted towards other men
Absolutely fuck you. Gay men are attracted to men, ie people who have their sexual characteristics developed. Being attracted to someone without their sexual characteristics developed is nonsensical. Also homosexuality involves consenting adults. Pedophilia by definition entails that an old fart will take advantage of an innocent being that doesn't know better. And what, when the child "partner" stop being a child does the pedo end the "relationship" and moves on to the next kid? The concept of "pedosexuality" is ridiculous. It is NOT an orientation. It is a preference. A depraved one at that, that makes a lot of harm to society.
no he didn't. and all the news around all the documentaries is framed around the assumption that he was a diddler so you can sometimes be subconsciously tricked into agreeing with (((them)))
this guy's video and the people/sources he cites give very compelling reasons that there was no diddling occurred at the hands of mj
not even good bait