How many of you can play instruments? I can't and I feel useless, is 19 too old to start learning guitar?
How many of you can play instruments? I can't and I feel useless, is 19 too old to start learning guitar?
its never really too late user unless you wanna go pro. my dad only this past year learned bass guitar and he plays it everyday and is half decent. you can do it user :)
It’s really not as hard as everyone makes it out to be, it’s just like dancing with your fingers
Inb4 guitarlets who say this isnt true
but yeah i play saxophone and have semi played it for years but not as a serious thing but like anything it takes practice
why would it be too late to go pro?
Not even being an over-optimist but you could totally learn at 19 and get good and even be in a band or male solo stuff.
No, its not too old. It will be harder because your brain elasticity is not what it would be at 5, 10, or 15 years old so it will be harder to get down the muscle memory needed to play.
It will be harder because you are perhaps pressured between university (if you are attending) and work (full time or part time). You will want to see immediate results, which will be hard to have, and become discouraged when you have difficulty. It may take years to become "good" if not "great" but if you want to learn it for self-expression and fulfillment rather than to pick up girls and put it on your tinder profile that is what it will take and you will be a much better off person for it.
My advice is to reflect on why you want to learn to play an instrument and remind yourself of that reason why every day so that way it makes practicing just a little bit easier. Good luck user
idk why i said that tbf, i think most professionals start playing in childhood or teenage years but there is plenty who didnt im sure, you do you user
Make solo stuff* my bad
Much too late
>19 too old to start learning guitar?
No, guitar is easy as fuck. If you wanted to learn violin it'd be a different story.
Thanks guys I'll seriously start thinking about picking it up, any of you in any bands or anything?
not at the moment but i definitely recommend it, it builds a lot more understanding. get the basics first tho i would say
It depends on what you want. Want to be an actually good artist who creates good music? Yes, much too late. The cutoff age for that was 5; anyone who achieved anything noteworthy started that young or younger. Sorry, you wasted your youth. If you want to strum shitty 4 chord pop songs you can still do that.
i'm 20 and have been playing since i'm 14 and i'm still shit. you can start whenever you want
19 is still young. Most people don't start until in high school anyway. I played some bass when i was younger younger but didn't pick up the guitar until I was 27. Go for it. Playing with other people is key
composers don't always play instruments
When will this "Am I too old to do something?" meme that dolts in their early twenties spam end?
no. i'm not even that good but the few times i've played with others was so fun and inspired me to take playing seriously.
but then i don't have any musical contact for 4 years and it really saps the excitement out . wow i can play a slighter more complex lead cover to myself without the bass or rhythm or kit.
Piss off, I want to know if I'm still able to learn something since my brain is pretty much done growing, that's a fair enough question.
I'm in music school and have learned more than 30 through the program so far. Can realistically play 10 or so.
You never see genius musicians in their prime as they get older
I started playing when I was 22. Went pro at 24. Now I tour the world with my semi famous band haha
an instrument isn't a way to look cool or make something impressive it's a tool to improve your life and relieve stress. anyone discouraging you from learning an instrument is a faggot. I've played for 14 years and I'm not amazing but it's the best part of my life and I love every minute of it.
guitar is gay (coming from someone whose been playing guitar for 10+ years)
if you want to make indie rock, or guitar based music, then learn (its easy)
whats more fun tho, is making hip hop/electronic music. You just need a DAW and some time to watch youtube tutorials. You'll be learning how to make your own music in like 1 week.
based haha poster
Never too late, Ryo Fukui started playing piano when he was 22.
literally within a week you can play some easy songs its not that hard
Maybe not rockstars, but certainly composers of art music only got better with age.
fair enough then you must have some real talent
you have to want to do it
if you got the idea to because you saw in a huffpo article or something that its the new fad, you wont make it.
I was like that until I was 27 when I said fuck it and bought a guitar. 2 years later and I have not regretted it for a second. I'm having a ton of fun and gradually getting better feels fucking great.
Just buy a guitar user. Then go to JustinGuitar or youtube or get a teacher or whatever. I recommend learning the basics of theory immediately as well which will be a huge shortcut in your musical ability that children usually don't bother with. Just learn about the notes, intervals, scales and chords and how they relate to each other (easy stuff) and it will be much easier to learn guitar.
Or just fuck around. As long as you're having fun.
You’re young as fuck, you can pick up on any hobby or interest you want, zoomer.