>when you were young you were the king of apex leeeeeegends
>and how you built a zipline going through the treeeees
>in holy mastiffs that blow up all the threeeeees
>and blood hound would try to use the vision to spot the noob
>and wraith would throw the portals all across the floor
>as we would flex and loot off of the bodies that are no longer are moooore
>and this is the crate that has the legendary body shield
>and from above you how there is airstrikes from gibraltar
>but they don’t cause any damage, because we got the shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllds
>shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelds shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllds
>i love you dizzy baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>diiiiizzy baaaaee i love you as yes i do and on the lazy days i watch you on twitch all day
>with shroud you play, you never sway, the lobby is slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayed
>up and over we go through relay and thunderdome
>i will slide and carry my team, cause we’re going to artillery
>until i get a wingmaaaaaaaan, wingmaaaaaaaaaaan
>up and over we go, team of three open wide and looting still
>i will shoot until they can no longer revive, and then finish them off with a thermite
>with them ever proclaiming cheating uh oh
>up and over we go zipping on pathfinders lines i don’t know
>i will loot until i get my kraber
>then all the lobby can see me later
>and then a noob bangalore hater, hater
>oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh
>oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh
well Yea Forums bros how did i do