Name something easier in life than being a black female and getting a BNM/critical acclaim from liberals and blacks
Protip: you can’t
Name something easier in life than being a black female and getting a BNM/critical acclaim from liberals and blacks
Protip: you can’t
Posting a useless thread
being a "redpilled" loser on an anonymous image board
she looks like she fucks white guys
>tfw its not Paloma Mami
>tfw you will never suck Paloma Mami's Mammies
Being white
seething nigger lovers
trash album
>still using pitchfork
>mad cuz its still a good album even though yes it was a black female that made it, or atleast sang it
libtards owned and destroyed with facts and logic
you just defined seething
t. incel
Being a white woman is the easiest thing in the world. In order of ease it goes
White women > black guy > samoan transgendered > chinese non binary >>>>>>> black woman >>>>>>>> White Male Man
also these
the album has some catchy moments, and sure alot of the acclaim comes from her being black but who cares what do you expect from buzzfeed-tier music critics.
Being a black female and becoming a drug addicted hooker
Being a sheltered white boy and getting triggered with black representation in media.
I'm right-leaning, but find the new Solange album incredible. Her politics are probably quite awful, but when the music's good, the music's good.
Y'all called me?
A good-looking American white woman is at the very top of the Oppression Olympics food chain. Everyone knows that. Or I guess that'd be the bottom if were going from most to least,
he gave it a 6 lol
If you don't like this album - YOU ARE RACIST! Not even playing, this is LITERALLY a fact. I recommend taking some diversity and racism classes at your local community college, you can even probably find some online to take. Come back to this album afterwards and rate it 10 as it deserves white boy.
reminds me of this
if black females are "inferior" as you seem to think it would be harder than you seem to think
most black women don't even have access to recording equipment or voice training. And the only way black women break through in the music industry is by aggressively objectifying themselves. Show me a famous black woman in music who looks like fucking Ed Sheeran.
Protip: you can't
cupcakke is incredibly ugly and makes terrible music but maybe you don't count her as famous