Someone mentioned that jpegmafia was a Yea Forums user
Someone mentioned that jpegmafia was a Yea Forums user
* a NlGGER*
he's 100% right
he is a Yea Forums user, hes just embarrassed to admit it so he denies it, pathetic really
Stephen would beat the shit out of this nigger
in one of his old devon hendryx songs he says
>I'm on that slash b slash shit, nobody skyping me
I know he posted on Yea Forums because that's how I found his music. He's probably pretty jaded towards Yea Forums now that he found some success.
>its not 2007 anymore. no reason to even be there
I want to go back
I mean he's bot wrong. I am racist. Fuck kikes
no reason to pick ANY site other than Yea Forums. this site is more valuable today than it was in 2007. forums are dead, tumblr is dead, social media is boring and reddit is faker than fake. the internet is dying. so where the fuck else are we supposed to go
where else are you going to go online everywhere else is lame
him being a nigger hurts his ego i can tell
He is the real racist Ride needs to beat the shit out of Peggy
>tumblr is dead
nah its not
all the scum left and now only quality bros are there
>An alleged rapist talks shit about Yea Forums
honestly, bro you aren't worth the time. Have a nice fall-out. Take some damn pride in yourself. There's nothing good coming out of generalizing white anonymous posters as racist. Its disgustingly ignorant. Fucking attention whore.
I will be laughing when you are #MeToo'd
what blogs?
>implying people on Yea Forums in 2007 weren’t racist
hes trying to assert Yea Forums has no relevance anymore kek
It's pretty ironic considering Yea Forums has been on a peak of relevancy since the last US elections
>it's not 2007 anymore. no reason to even be there
absolutely correct on this point
if there were a board that allowed me to talk & shitpost anonymously without all the idiotic racism i would ditch Yea Forums immediately
>niggers can't be racist
>Yea Forums has been on a peak of relevancy since the last US elections
imagine being this much of a deluded /pol/turd
seething /pol/tards
imagine thinking twitter or fb memes even stand a chance against /pol/
no I'm not
It does though. I don't give a shit about americans """""""""""""politics""""""""""" but it's objectively true.
Based JPEG dabbing on wh*toids
>W-we memed Trump into office. P-praise kek!
yeah, nah
stfu MC ride wanna be
Of course he's a Yea Forums user, there was a period of time where he would shill shit shitty music on Yea Forums nonstop
>not being at least a little racist
it's just natural
>It's not 2007 anymore. no reason to even be there.
I didn't expect that to hurt. What am I doing here? It's been so long, I'm old as fuck now.
>newfag pretending to be an oldfag
Hearty kek. Peggy is 2012-tier at best.
Yes we're racist for posting on a japanese inspired imageboard. Thanks rapper I don't know or can even pick from a list of other internet rappers.
what a pretentious asshole, leave white people alone he’s upset niggas won’t fuck with his music lmao
>no porn
Basically dead
>japanese inspired imageboard.
fuck off. Yea Forums's been redpilled since then and it's all /pol/ territory now
Post 1 time when it was clear it was him shilling his music
>all /pol/ territory
Have you ever even set foot on most of these boards?
He made like three threads about himself today. Nobody else does. Peggyposter is literally just peggy.
Maybe the fact that threads about peggy started popping up out of nowhere even though nobody on Yea Forums gave a shit about his music, back before he had any notable fanbase.
Meant for
this could be a control to weed the perverts out, though
unless their filter is way too strict? like tagging shit as porn which isn't?
>without all the idiotic racism
Why? That’s one of the most entertaining parts
>oh my god guys why are you all so racist, it's so offensive for me as a white boy to see all this abuse towards black people, please stop saying the n word or i'll use another website!
You sound more triggered than him desu
You sound more NIGGERED than them both lmfao
>expecting freedom of speech without racism
i have bad news for you, user
I dare you to reply without using a meme from Yea Forums (/pol/)
keep on
>TFW Black Person who spends ~2.5 hours on Yea Forums a day
At least I pretty much exclusively browse here and Yea Forums
>using "lol" passive-aggressively
Why is this so fucking annoying?
the absolute state of leftcels
as a leftist, lefty's like that make me cringe
If you truly believe/pol/ was the reason Trump got elected you need to end yourself
if you are white, I don't give a shit about your opinion
t. fellow leftist
Why do you care what meme rapper of the year says or does?
>brings race up
>calls others racist
It's funny that they got rid of "adult content" yet all those porn bots are still there.
>i have no arguments so I'll just shout bullshit words
Yea Forums is dead, most of it users are about as retarded as a YouTube comment section
I can stand the racists as long as they're a minority. What I cant stand is the absolutely garbage taste this board has
It’s not dead it’s just changed. Most of the Internet still uses memes from here
Is this that NIGGER that looks like MC Ride?
imagine giving a shit what this untalented, unintelligent nigger thinks
It's true. Fuck crackers.
I'm not white and I'm pretty raysisss.
Shut the hell up
Kill yourself
who said anything about free speech? Yea Forums is not a free speech forum, it's moderated like every other forum on the net. it just happens that Yea Forums's moderation policies permit racism.
peak fucking bugman
he probably heard of Yea Forums just one year ago
Not one word wrong
damn you can just say anything online huh
he's probably pissed that people only discuss his music on the "white" forums like Yea Forums, and not on "black forums"
woke af.
4chinners btfod, and will deny it
>alleged rapist
im gonna knock the fuck out of this nigger when i get famous
>Yea Forums is more racist now than it was in 2007
Confirmed newfag.
This tweet is actually somewhat correct. The government dictating what speech a private institution allows is an infringement on free speech, at least how it's written and intended in the constitution. Free speech is specifically concerned with the government taking action related to the expression of speech and ideas. Colleges however, are largely funded by and connected with the government, so it's a complicated issue. This is why the first amendment also bars Congress from recognizing or funding churches at all; to avoid the issue in that sector.
Peggy, i know youre reading this. Shut the fuck up you insufferable bitch boy. Trying to persuad the leftists into thinking youre hyper-woke wont make them like your music. Also, youre as racist as most people on here you retard. And you look like MC Ride
isn't it racist to only say the white people on here are racist? have people nowadays really lost so much touch with common sense?
Fuck white people unironically though.
it’s the funniest thing how pseudo-woke ironic retards insist Yea Forums wasn’t racist whenever they happened to used it
imagine being on Yea Forums
There's not a lot of chink nazis user I can assure you.
it's about 5 years too late to remarket themselves as a family friendly site after they've been well established as a site where anything goes, tumblr will forever be associated with porn, with mentally ill people cheering eachother on in the worst ways possible (see: school shooter fangirls, pro-Anna, pedos), with furries, and with a million other things. Trying to be PG just isn't going to work out for them
The funniest thing is everything that comes out of pseudo-woke retards' mouths.
He posted in soundcloud and bandcamp threads, he followed me on soundcloud 3 years ago because I posted in the soundcloud thread. Early on he relied on Yea Forums users as a fanbase
isnt his girlfriend white?
in which year?
That's the model today. Use Yea Forums to get your fame and then denounce it when you get pressured by the industry. Everyone who did this is cursed by Kek, unironically.
Why are you all here if you hate Yea Forums so much?
Faggot cumguzzler, suck my nigger cock
Im not white and i hate your nigger music. Do somthing you crybaby rapper
Japan was allied with Hitler you nig
Love how this didn't get a response. They always back the fuck off the second they get caught out, fucking tards.
No,he doesn't use crakkker white boy 4 chan
No he doesn't, nigger.
>Oct 2017
Come on guys, he's proven that Yea Forums is more obsessed with him than he is with Yea Forums
big f
put your money effete your mouth is, post good bands now.
Yeah it always makes me laugh when someone admits to using it then trip over themselves with "b-but I only really go on Yea Forums and Yea Forums, those boards aren't as bad right??"
Like nigger even if you're a tourist on Yea Forums you're still wading through OOOH MASSA posts. May as well go all the way and stop pretending you're above that shit.
why are blacks so obsessed with race?
Dude what is the meme behind this, how is it known that he actually used to come on here, I've heard so often that he's a deep op troll just trying to piss off /pol/ but is THAT a meme or is HE having a meme like what the fuck do I believe
they can derive value from it based on modern socio political climate
you just know he lurks. he talks like someone embarrased to be found here, people wouldn't bring it so constantly to begin with. ex. death grips. they are (almost) openly Yea Forums lurkers but people never bring it out in their interviews, or stay under the radar enough to avoid those type of interviews
this guy is bullshit, and i have not heard his music, but he's a reddit-Yea Forums invention as far as i know
>alleged rapist
I haven't listened to Peggy before, where should I start?
This faggot 100% shilled his own first mixtape here (which was garbage, sounds like Hopsin's white cousin).
Blog Post inc.
Yes it's true that Yea Forums is declining, Yes Yea Forums is slowly becoming the worst board of them all, yes Yea Forums is and always has been filled with an abundance of low IQ racist shitposters, but I still can't deny my love for this board and this site. I've had some of my best laughs on here, some of my worst gif jumpscares, trailed down hilarious threads that no other site can provide, I've been exposed to some of the most amazing music, and also exposed to some of the most absurd content. Any emotion that can be brought out by something as simple as a website is pushed to it's absolute extremes in every direction by Yea Forums. I'd say this is still true to this day. Why use Yea Forums in 2019? Well, because it still gives something that no other "post" site does.. the extreme. And I want to refer to the definition: Extreme - 1c. exceeding the ordinary, usual, or expected, i.e. extreme weather conditions. After seeing this definition it stimulated my thought into a vision where the "user" is on a boat in the ocean and hes driving along a coral reef looking down into the waters seeing the environment, but off far away is a storm lumbering in the distance. The difference here is that him driving over the reef and looking at all the fish and anemones is referring to the user who is just mind numbingly scroling through the feeds of popular social sites. It all looks so fantastic at the start, but it all just becomes the same after a while. Meanwhile the storm off in the distance, that's Yea Forums, shitting out the shit that will eventually become part of the coral reef that all the other fish will feed of off. Discredited, avoided, dead.
delusional and brain dead typical /pol/faggot
I thought everyone was on Yea Forums at this point
If I had friends I wouldn't be here.
back to your Yea Forums you fucking racist moron
on our 4channel we will not tolerate such types
Does anyone really have friends?
Get out the house, eat a apple
O k bud
Y'all think Nardwuar ever get on here
He's a literal Neogaf/Resetera poster, guy's a total dweeb.
>ITT: sòyfaggots and commies on Yea Forums whine about muh raycism
You sound like an angry leftcel. Yea Forums is only moderated for the purposes of keeping boards on topic, or else there would be no point in having separate boards for separate topics.
>n-no one cares about Yea Forums..
>that's why we're talking about it in this interview, because no one cares about it, they don't care about it so much that they take all their memes and lingo from it.
Damn, this retard contradicted himself in 3 sentences
You ever been in damage control mode?
This image filled me with sweet nostalgia for a time where white people weren't considered racist by default. Live moves fast
hell no faggot
well he's right about that last part
Couldn't imagine him on here. He's a fucking man baby that can't take criticism let alone a little joke, dudes a fucking manlet pussy
This nigger forgot Yea Forums literally catalysed the electing of Donald trump
some perspective on this, from someone whose been here 9 years now. I can obviously take a joke, i would have left a long time ago was that not the case. But after 9 years it does get a little boring to read Nigger!!! LMAO every day when that is literally the extent of the humor.
Yeaa... read the rules if youre new to the site. Try B for this kind of post
2015, also posted himself in 2016, you can see it on rbt mu
I am the racist.
It is me who spends more than 30 mins on Yea Forums.
He is just triggered because they call him Lidl mc ride, when he should feel flattered by that comparision alone
Peggy is so fascinating, he puts on this hard thug persona, but then cries like a bitch about "muh white bois" when someone compares him to mc ride, the irony is, most of his fan base is White boys
You want to know the worst thing.
Not the virtue signalling.
Him implying he was posting on here in 2007.
The internet was basically nigger and teen girl free pre iphone
>implying racism is bad
Normalfags, I swear. There is literally no reason to be nice to black people when they mouth off with bullshit like this all the time.
mu was a pretty ok board around 2009-2010. Yea Forums as a whole was far less obsessed with Jews and black people before 2015 too. Now it’s just a waste of time, but I keep coming out of habit and boredom.
>be white bugman
>be bothered by meme-tier racism that has no actual consequences
No, you’re not getting any pussy. Yes, you’re still seen as the devil. Fuck off
yes, it's generally bad, and advocated by shitty individuals as a rule
there are more races than "black people" and "white people" retard, plus "black people" isn't a people, there are non-African black peoples and non-Black African peoples
I can smell you through my computer screen, cumskin
never forget
pools closed due to aids
mu was max comfy in 2008 and really good from 2009-2011 and it was even passable up until the decline caught up with it in 2014.
nowadays people literally say sharethreads are useless lmao.
>would've been 17
stupid bitch
>he actually believes this
skedaddle back to lellit with all your post- '16 buddies
no, you're probably smelling your cum rag
i can say whatever I want
I am certified
Stop shitposting cunt.
Ive been posting here since 05, You ....YOU....DOUBLE NIGGER
like there was a period on Yea Forums were there was a meme about a guro hentai were a guy fucks a baby to death.
Yea Forums wasnt liberal or conservative.
It was about getting the lulz.
A true chaotic neutral
Jpegmafia looks like dildo
good lord what a cringefest
>like there was a period on Yea Forums were there was a meme about a guro hentai were a guy fucks a baby to death.
I say its actually good that Yea Forums's traffic is declining, it means the normalfags and circlejerks are fucking off and going back to where they belong.
Yea Forums is the spirit of chaos. Society will eventually return to a state of order and stability (as opposed to the current state of uncertainty).
Only then, will Yea Forums enter a new renaissance. Either that, or this whole ship sinks and we're all fucked anyway.
>yes, doss thees establishment hab baddle toads
fuck off B tard. Nobody goes there except the anonomoose is legiun guys who came here because their classmate in preschool told them you can see gore pics on there. Yea Forums is liberal simply due to the subject matter discussed, and nobody here gives a fuck about lulz
this place is only getting more circlejerky with the decline in traffic
jpegmafia sucks
A good troll belives in nothing.
Yea Forums is pure chaos. They are nazis in soviet russia. They are communists in nazi germany.
This is the spirt of user.
the complete anti thesis to identity politics
Yea Forums has no race, no gender, no sex, and no face.
It can be everything and nothing.
It belives in nothing but the lulz.
If you are an actual fascist you are a retard.
If you are a commie you are a retard
if you are a centrist you are a retard.
If you are a capitalist you are a retard
Yea Forums is the Cheshire cat
>it's all /pol/ territory now
>/pol/bugmen actually believe this
No it's fucking not you retarded faggot, stay on your fucking containment board.
if yall just give me a chance i got kendrick type beats on my channel, just check um out thas all i ask