At least his legacy is still intact.
At least his legacy is still intact
>top 5 guitarist of all time
his songs are unlistenable dated garbage.
if you don't think he's got a documentary in the works that's going to destroy his legacy you've got another thing coming
What dirt does anyone have on him?
c'mon bro all respect to prince but nobody plays his music anymore. MJ's songs will be eternally used
Because Prince's catalogue is expensive
His albums haven't been remastered multiple times like Michael, that's why it sounds "dated," everything post Purple Rain still sounds pretty good anyway.
uh oh, OP spoke too soon
for now...
dear god
>MJ's songs will be eternally used
No, they're not playing them on the radio here in the UK anymore after it came out that he was a kiddie diddler, which is great news because his music is SHIT.
with all the sex he had, there's bound to be a 15-17 y.o. minor that snuck into the mix somewhere
oh no
He would've gotten exposed years ago, the guy was an incubus.
>falling for fake news
kill yourself retard. stop believing headlines and do your own research
Prince doesn't have a legacy with anyone younger than Gen X since he adamantly kept his music off streaming sites, which also happens to be the last generation to not give a shit about these decade old controversies.
Its not bad because its dated, its bad because it isnt good.
>people only listen to first 3 minutes of I Wanna be Your Lover and skip the 4 minute instrumental at the end
Prince was a pretentious cunt and his music SUCKED
What do you listen to?
What do you listen to?
Favorite Prince song?
These are the worst opinions I've ever read of Yea Forums
so is michael jackson's
I dunno, so many gullible people fell for that sob documentary.
I miss princeposter, unironically the greatest trip to ever grace this shit board
Only if you're a fellow pedo
it isn't in youtube, apart from this recent live version
I thought that with his death we would soon have all of his discography there
I can still love Chinatown while removing myself from Roman Polanski's shitty behavior.