Well, what do you faggots think?
New National album announced
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think i care about this fucking band
>The National
is it 2011?
The most boring band ever.
Yea Forums really hates the second wave of Alternative/Garage/Indie Rock bands.
Stuff like The National, the XX, Royal Blood, The Black Keys has no chance here
Black Keys aren't second wave shit dude. Their debut came in 2002.
That being said, their first 3 albums are great. Specially Rubber Factory.
Didn't The National's debut come out in 2001? They wouldn't be considered new wave either.
Yea that user is retarded
They are second wave because they got truly famous after the first way got famous
>Well, what do you faggots think?
just came from B?
Isn't National considered to be a post punk revival band along with Franz Ferdinand and Interpol?
Top kek
Then what the fuck is rym even on about?
wasn't expecting a new album... to me they peaked at high violet, but still is interesting to see what they put out. that new song is nothing extraordinary but i still can appreciate the effort they put on their releases
fuck off newfag
I've only started listening to them recently. I've listened to Alligator like three times and Boxer and Violet once each, how would you rank their entire discography? You can use pic related as the basis for your ranking.
>to me they peaked at high violet
agreed, but i think Boxer and Trouble Will Find Me are very close
High Violet > TWFM > Boxer >>>>>> Alligator > SSFDL > Sleep Well Beast >>>>> s/t
They definetly have some influences
I mean available could easily be an Interpol song also is way better than that new song
Hard agree.
the national is like a male-fronted beach house in the sense that both make some of the absolute most boring music ever, what the fuck are you even supposed to do at their concerts? i imagine it's just the entire audience lying on the floor and having a nap
I saw them live in 2016 and I knew jack shit about them but there was nothing at that time.
dude seems 70 years old and dying, whining and piss drunk. most of the crowd were girls crying
Not that user but the general consensus is something like
>God Tier
Alligator, Boxer
>Top Tier
High Violet, Trouble Will Find Me, Sleep Well Beast, the EPs
>Mid Tier
Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers
>Shit Tier
This guy knows
their live shows are hype as fuck actually
their last 2 albums bored me but this song is actually pretty good. not sure i need a 16 song 70 min opus from them but i will keep an open mind
>Sleep well beast
god tier: boxer, trouble will find me
top tier: sleep well beast, alligator, high violet
mid tier: sad songs for dirty lovers
low tier: the national (self titled)
dongs who think high violet is their best lmao
little faith and anyone's ghost are absolute pointless filler in context of the album, not horrible tracks but, terrible love isn't great either, alternate version is far better
boxer > twfm > alligator > swb > ssfdl > high violet > s/t
honestly one of the best live experiences you could have, their stage presence is incredible, lead singer's antics, lighting, performance 10/10
I hate it when every asshole rushes toward the stage when Matt goes into the crowd for "Mr. November"
One of the best live bands out there. You can tell who in this thread has no idea what the fuck they're talking about.
Really, I went to see em last year and everybody was either a 30 year old alcoholic man or a 60 year old couple.
"Squalor Victoria" live >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Squalor Victoria" album version
seriously, that song is a snooze as it is on Boxer
Sleep well beast was kino as fuck, so I'm hyped
>The Black Keys