How do we stop pretentiousness?

How do we stop pretentiousness?

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Enjoy pop music

Stop giving a shit

I have a plan, but can we stop anti-intellectualism first tho?

then what, listen to and make trap music?

Sola fide my friend, stop with your pagan philosophy

Wow, what a pretentious reply

Pretentiousness is a sub-category of lies. Lies are one of major components of human social existance. There ain't no way of stopping people from pretending they are something they aren't/they know something they don't/they like something they don't unless we either dismantle society as a whole or move entirely out of truth/lie paradigm. In short, deal with it and don't participate, that's how.


Sometimes I'm pretentious at parties or even here after drinking and smoking a bit too much, but I don't mean it. I'm sorry.
Lebanon Hanover just wanted to make goth post-punk because so they and my friends could enjoy it, they did nothing wrong.

In the context of art? Impossible.

>inserts social engineering in all songs
>promotes and participates in masturbatory functions like the Grammies
>voices opinions on political and social issues as if anyone gives a fuck
>genre entirely populated by delusional narcissists who dress like gilded clowns
>not pretentious

this guy is far more pretentious:

>not pretentious
>participates in masturbatory functions
>voices opinions on political and social issues
>as if anyone gives a fuck
>delusional narcissists who dress like gilded clowns
>not pretentious

Attached: 1459140297105.jpg (435x592, 48K)

>I have no argument that anything you said is false but I'm mega triggered

nothing wrong with 'pretentiousness'
art on itself is supposed to be pretentious
it's all matter on what you like or not

Art is not in any way "supposed" to be pretentious, you smarmy cunt, even if it can be.

don't you tell me what anything is supposed to be you pretentious cunt

You really can't.

There will always be brainlets trying to act superior no matter how far into the future or past we go.

What, you want everything to be legit? Then the shit that's legit isn't, and it's value will decrease because everything will be the same.

good thing we have folks like you on this board to judge what's valuable and what isn't

The fedorafag in your pic is smarter than pop fans.

lebanon hanover is great though