

Attached: Ta13oo_by_Denzel_Curry001_1551417070364.jpg (300x300, 15K)

Clout cobain





Chicken Curry is fucking Billie Eilish while she's underage.

Oh no a girl who's months away from being 18 is being fucked by a guy who is over the age of 18

I like how the best evidence for this is a fucking gif of two friends sharing a coffee.

honestly, yeah, it's pretty good as a whole, but Clout Cobain has got to be the worst title for a song I've ever seen

Not just the worst song name, but the worst song I've ever heard.

Only people who use that word are faggots and ladyboys.

It's the name of the song You actual fucking imbecile. Hop off the cock a little bit.


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My AOTY for 2018, with the Grey part being the best (not a single bad song).

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>says something is good
>is called a shill

>fucking 15-17 years old girls is considered as being a pedophile

Love Denzel curry but I hafta agree that the song is awful

>victim of molestation goes on to molest teenage girl
Wow, what a shocker.

To be fair, I'm willing to bet that he's actually depressed, or has some mental shit going on. His lyrics in that song are VERY consistent with what it feels like to be depressed, not this emo Livejournal bullshit.

Very good.

Jizzboss make her drink the cum sauce

>but he's LyRiCaL aNd WoKe