One row has to go

One row has to go

Attached: onerowhastogo.jpg (913x913, 174K)

Bottom horizontal

Bottom eazy

definitely top

>every single one of these threads has all been tourist-core albums

Top row



middle vertical

Middle row


future days is literally the best album on there

even though Fishmans are great, left vertical is the correct answer

bottom row if horizontal
left row if vertical

left column easily

Top faggots

right vertical

spot on

If the albums were obscure nobody would respond since most wouldn't have a strong opinion on them.

>even though Fishmans are great, left vertical is the correct answer
get off the planet

>left row if vertical
get off ht eplanet

>left column easily
get off the planet

Left Vertical is the answer, Swans suck and Fishmans suck, LRD are the only good album in that row

Right column is garbage

Don't touch Fishmans you pleb faggots

middle column

>Left Vertical is the answer
get off the planet



best vertical to remove: middle
worst vertical to remove: right
best horizontal to remove: middle
worst horizontal to remove: bottom

>left row if vertical

Attached: 6b7.png (645x729, 32K)


my nigga

because mu is full of tourist

top left to bottom right (diagonal)

you're breaking the rules though

left row vertical

get off the planet

no u tripfag

>destroys 3 of the best live recordings in human history


>live recordings

If playing by the rules, middle row

Wow such shit taste user

Right vertical



I wish I could do left vertical because I don't know the top and bottom of that column, also never listened to Swans

>vertical row

diagonally from fishmans to kid a

>removing two of the best albums ever made

a "vertical row" is called a column, by the way.

Attached: 1498781780250.png (471x422, 202K)

mid horizontal

spiritualized and fishmans are uber based

Right column and everyone who likes it


mid easy
