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Other urls found in this thread:

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Why did Hyewon send a myspace chain letter in her mobane...

Attached: cutes.jpg (1200x1350, 248K)

I love their laughs bros

Attached: 1548934900782.webm (1244x700, 2.92M)

love Nayeon
love Jeongyeon
love Momo
love Sana
love Jihyo
love Mina
love Dahyun
love Chaeyoung
love Tzuyu

Attached: 1524908424368.jpg (964x850, 181K)

a dangerous opponent

Attached: KidCannabiz-1043169214616354816-20180921_120456-img2.jpg (1500x1000, 158K)

whats she doing off camera

Attached: gahwaiting.webm (1067x600, 751K)

me on the right

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>kpop video is number 1 in usa trending page.
We should've nuked Korea


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great minds think alike

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how do I get a pet cub

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i love me some thicc eye creases

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Attached: gafail.webm (946x530, 1.09M)

at the cub shelter

Attached: gahcry.webm (600x600, 150K)

Attached: [fromis_9 TV Behind] 프로미스나인 (fromis_9) - To Day 음악방송 비하인드 Part.1.webm (1920x1080, 1.73M)

hello kai when is the tour

I wish she had tits

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Attached: luckystrike.webm (1280x720, 3M)

sanners has the best laugh

shes so pretty and her ass is big

what the fuck
streamer girl got sick

Attached: FireShot Capture 001 - Air Pollution in South Korea_ Real-time Air Quality Index Visual Map_ - aqicn (1867x1720, 1.43M)

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Attached: gahlook2.webm (1280x720, 2.29M)

how did this become an idol?

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Attached: gahpose2.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

talented and cute

Attached: 16122838_1013496225462938_5301041570949103616_n.jpg (720x710, 84K)

>btfos r/hapas
>btfos r/ aznmasc
>btfos AMWFfags
is he /ourson/?

Attached: BF256AE9-5876-4663-887C-7BBCF2943766.gif (500x212, 2.27M)

Attached: ga17.webm (394x522, 621K)

off to get my korean qt rapper

Attached: 1548859785426.jpg (1024x958, 168K)

surprisingly the plain white version of the outfits is probably my favorite

>tfw no Cubgf

Attached: 1550419187801.jpg (550x430, 28K)

she's a good dancer and was actually cute back inn the minx days. the real question is how gahpiggy became an idol

any koreans you post with double-barreled names?


god i want to grope chuu fucking tits and fat ass

omo but delete this

Attached: 1538972930051.gif (268x354, 1.43M)

she requires my warmth

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gahyeon gives new meaning to the term "slampig"

Attached: cri.webm (1280x720, 3M)

gahyeon actually passed an audition for YG when she was an FNC academy trainee, but ended up not going with them

Attached: GAHYEONAcom8-997741588376768512-20180519_033146-img2.jpg (1364x2048, 310K)

botched nose

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gahyeon not arin

Love Takahashi Juri

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this gahyeon posting is getting me going IYKWIM

do we like thicc gahyeon or slim one?

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Attached: glory.webm (650x650, 862K)

Woah, I haven't seen that one before :3

Attached: 1540433246656.jpg (1333x2000, 501K)

gahyeon is a slamqt

both of course

Attached: 05.jpg (710x470, 105K)

why did she do that

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SNSD's Yoona is ugly. She's the most overrated kpop idol ever.

Attached: hf_dreamcatcher-1102568335458295808-20190304_085550-img3.jpg (2048x1536, 699K)

I think that it was in the way.

Attached: mellow.jpg (691x588, 51K)

wow dami looks less flat than usual

seeing uggos on tinder is just a huge morale booster

tired of looking at perfect 10/10 gooks all the time it hurts your brain

Attached: DzNDbs0UcAAMZLK.jpg (1533x1067, 182K)

itty binnies

The Hitomis

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2010 is over bro

Attached: DBfOUUPUAAE6MCG.jpg (800x1200, 130K)

Or that one :3

will any of them ever top sua's birthday haul?

Attached: sua(51).jpg (2048x1536, 726K)

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i have some new rare ones but i don't usually post enough gahyeon at a time to dip into them, i like the old classics the best

no, it's sort of amazing actually

Attached: DLSYX-RUMAETebQ.jpg (3276x2184, 1.78M)
what did we think of this?

love lisa

Attached: gahyeon(32).jpg (1200x799, 115K)

i feel like jiu might give her a run for her money

cub thot is next

Attached: gahyeon(62).jpg (800x1200, 123K)

Gah fuck yoself

that's a great one

Attached: C4UA8bKVYAEz0Ig.jpg (1500x1000, 222K)

Any one is good :3
Just be careful about the image limit.
Though I appreciate the content :)

Attached: gahyeon(24).jpg (1500x2250, 325K)

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good night gabronis

Attached: gahyeon(104).jpg (1000x750, 85K)

arin looks like a prostitute here

my naked torso on the right

Attached: i15017225086.jpg (1532x2160, 285K)

goodnight friend

Attached: img-0876_orig.png (533x800, 593K)

Well the kpop industry is an idol prostitution industry after all

>looks like

any dragon lovers in?

your torso looks like a girly arm

Attached: jmsjms212-1046756947490271233-20181001_094118-img1.jpg (2730x4096, 1.37M)

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i'll find you

you spelled cutie wrong.

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hit the lights lets go

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이 편지는 영국에서 최초로 시작되어 일년에 한바퀴 돌면서 받는 사람에게 행운을 주었고 지금은 user에게로 옮겨진 이 편지는 4일 안에 당신 곁을 떠나야 합니다. 이 편지를 포함해서 7통을 행운이 필요한 사람에게 보내 주셔야 합니다. 복사를 해도 좋습니다. 혹 미신이라 하실지 모르지만 사실입니다.

영국에서 광순이라는 사람은 1999년에 이 편지를 받았습니다. 그는 위즈원에게 복사해서 보내라고 했습니다. 며칠 뒤에 행운이 당첨되어 치킨을 받았습니다. 어떤 이는 이 편지를 받았으나 96시간 이내 자신의 손에서 떠나야 한다는 사실을 잊었습니다. 그는 곧 사직되었습니다. 나중에야 이 사실을 알고 7통의 편지를 보냈는데 다시 좋은 직장을 얻었습니다. 사실 거짓입니다. 미국의 케네디 대통령 얘기까지는 꺼내면 안될 것 같습니다. 기억해 주세요. 이 편지를 보내면 광배가 함께 있을 것이고 그렇지 않으면 광순이 삐질거에요. 그리고 이 편지를 버리거나 낙서를 해서는 절대로 괜찮습니다. 7통입니다. 이 편지를 받은 사람은 행운이 깃들 것입니다. 7년의 행운을 빌면서....


Attached: (2730x4096, 1.55M)

best itzy

Now that text message has flopped, when will bighit debut a girl group?

Aryan Tiffany is amazing

Attached: hpq6ydutlbj21.jpg (640x840, 100K)

worst itzy

holy fuckoli

look at this cute smoljin

Attached: ryujinlet.jpg (1394x2048, 659K)

i dont think a single of the prediction screencaps i've made has come true

Attached: kpg txt prediction.jpg (378x175, 26K)

best girls

Attached: C9C6Va0UAAAyhhv.jpg (1000x1500, 301K)

Old and busted.

the fuck is wrong with the nose on that right one

Attached: 1548590017907.webm (640x630, 1.14M)

Those are some ugly ass sneakers.

>brown eyes

its an ancient race of squids

so cute

Attached: 1536009587188.webm (640x800, 2.6M)

Attached: 1485780282650.jpg (1000x1484, 467K)

i guess this one could still happen

Attached: kpg itzy prediction 2.jpg (736x156, 42K)

*palms Juri in the face*

Attached: 1nv9a6g1n3k21.jpg (1300x867, 116K)

helps her breath more oxygen

she's american't

i cant even believe this is real

ryujin is cute

Attached: squad.jpg (1076x712, 440K)

Attached: RBW_MAMAMOO-1102773259676733440-20190304_223008-img1.jpg (2048x1366, 412K)

best of the big 3

Chin Ryuchin


The Show lineup:

>Dream Catcher
A train to autumn
>The Pink Lady

Mogged by Chaeryeong

I mean he can just wait till twice and blackpink disband then claim he was right

but they're expensive...

ryujin doesnt care about haters

Attached: ryuuuujin.jpg (1366x2048, 566K)

yeri more like pretty

Attached: D025Y92VsAAQ2xP.jpg (2159x1439, 522K)

Attached: 1528005405164.webm (600x720, 1.33M)

nice chin

Attached: DxydUKzX4AAk9BT.jpg (800x1199, 139K)

this could be true in another 5 years after twice and BP retire

please don't bully Itzy they don't know any better

Attached: 1537922424707.jpg (800x1200, 126K)

I slept and woke up and I still thought it was a fever dream
People are under the impression that Aki-P scored her the contract with Woollim (since she was a higher tier AKB) which is the weirder thing

Though Juri + the Woollim trainees is a really interesting scenario, they probably won't win ROTY but they will definitely be 2nd seed for success in this crop of newbies


Attached: kpg itzy prediction 3.jpg (897x142, 47K)

ryujin is perfect

Attached: cuteryujin.jpg (1365x2048, 336K)

but the foreign members are the reason twice and BP are so popular

Attached: 1524277212331.jpg (1002x658, 94K)

Attached: buildingthewall.webm (854x480, 2.94M)

i loved the pandora era outfits

How do you not notice someone tapping your hand 10 times?


Itzy reminds me of Like Ooh Ah Twice (back when they were really good).

>that chin

Attached: DU8mvUnV4AEB7c1.jpg orig.jpg (1539x2048, 292K)

ryujin looks like she'd be a lowkey school bully

you can thank ourgirls for that

Attached: D03j7rbWkAEWm_d.jpg (690x920, 130K)

does she like metal

Attached: 1479202916584.webm (900x672, 1.35M)

Who is the girl next to Chewy?

art hoe

so uggo...


but this webm shows the slow decline of the wall and JYP's failure to overcome it for long despite Twice

me hiding behind the balloon

i wouldnt mind if she bullied me
i hope she does but its okay if she doesnt

Attached: 😁.jpg (1080x1345, 911K)

what the numbers? Total sales or sales per month?


>rises above all companies falls below one, starting to rise past it again
>slow decline

Attached: 1550750937055.jpg (1024x1024, 110K)

LAMO that's a pathetic event hall, my high school plays had more people.

Attached: 乃木坂46時間TV 乃木坂電視台 齋藤飛鳥『かもめんたるとコント』 乃木坂46� (1280x720, 2.76M)

it wouldnt surprise me if dalla was a potential twice title track after LOA but got vault'd for a while

>KCON votes
ITZY shitters BTFO again

Attached: eqw.jpg (1255x500, 67K)

this is actually orgasmic to watch

momo before JYP made her hide her big forehead

So how does Woollim fuck this up, they have an all star cast of trainees and now they have Juri Takahashi

Attached: file.png (800x926, 1.33M)

Twice putting JYP on they back doe

Attached: 1542070669929.jpg (576x1024, 48K)

based brainlet

cut the uggo on the right out and you have a really good rookie group

I'm talking about SM's slow decline as a total wall. JYP only overcame them for about 3 months in 2018 and that's it. You aren't a wall if you are smaller than something, and JYP is smaller than SM.

I do find it odd that JYP was always talked about as "Big 3" but was so much smaller until recently...

>burning sun reporter saying even if he dies he's got a friend who'll finish the job for him
they're gonna try to go all in, it's way bigger than just whether or not seungri will be jailed

>you will never have a ryujin gf...

Attached: no.jpg (400x300, 21K)

JYP was slowly phasing out of the big 3 around 2015 with Miss A dying off and GOT7 only catering to international fans

People were saying that FNC or Cube were going to overtake JYPE and join the big 3 but they managed to save themselves with Twice

Remember to preorder Twice new album

Attached: 1538441857897.png (1481x872, 1.86M)

What time does it come on in KST? May I have a stream link, please?

yea its wacky

SBS MTV The Show
6:00-7:30 PM KST

A Train to Autumn
Dalsoobin (ex-DalShabet)
Giant Pink
The Pink Lady
Ha Sungwoon

Attached: D023OQYU8AAoYt6?format=jpg&name=orig.jpg (2048x2048, 905K)

Attached: 1545705600911.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

only if dubu personally thanks me

based and thanks

>cut the uggo on the right
if they dont she will be the rap meme

sm also does more than only producing kpop groups these days, their net is wide. jyp is staying within producing groups, but is using that twice money to build a broader and more stable net that won't rely on a single group having to become #1 across the board, if their chinese and japan groups become at least moderately profitable.

but since cj e&m and kakao are making more moves into the group production side of kpop, they just have too much money to not get whatever it is they want

Thank you very much :)

she's already thanking you with the album retard

Attached: 1537062140923.jpg (617x526, 26K)

this format is better than the shithead who greentexts his favorite idols with no actual links to the streams

shuhua looking good

Attached: DzSo2YAU0AIO-vK.jpg (1440x1080, 208K)

because gary actually cares

good work gary
larry is a retard

larry tries his best...

it won't matter if they give them the same trash tier songs as lovelyz but at least they aren't as ugly

he should be more like steve

the only g-idle I wouldn't is the one far right

>zero lines

it's Juri's world and we just live in it

Attached: D00Q_AAWoAAoQfZ?format=jpg&name=orig.jpg (930x1130, 226K)

woollim already fucked up
they lost basedoon, she was one of the hottest monolider ever, basically eunseo with monolids

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

Attached: 1551051906267.webm (358x640, 2.94M)

Attached: 1531075856918.webm (1920x1080, 765K)

>she will never look you deeply in the eyes

Attached: 1549752427981.jpg (680x616, 37K)

shut the fuck up

senorita is garbage anyway so what does it matter

Attached: DwfRvcNWkAcVcPn.jpg (1365x2048, 456K)

Attached: sumSmash.jpg (720x960, 126K)

shuhua is pretty cute

what happned to jyp shills? they used to plaster that jyp had more market share than sm

what now? kek
jyp is literally a bubble

qt shark

Attached: 1551242320556.jpg (1500x1500, 209K)

>SEAmonkeys are getting angry that their AKBs are moving to kpop
AKB48 is literally going to die in the next half-decade
Juri wouldn't be the only one looking to find a better job

has she done any grav?

Looks like Giant Pink lives up to her name

Attached: 52326583_332214147417889_4669143687459250956_n.jpg (640x640, 69K)

she's not nearly as uggo as SEAyeon

Attached: 1524575911621.webm (854x702, 1.03M)

can nako come to kpop too?

Attached: CKMYn8nUYAAcLUR.jpg (1106x960, 57K)

Several magazines + a solo photobook

Attached: 37339642_1798963223527035_237516793889947648_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ht=scontent.fsyd4-1.fna&o (960x960, 86K)

stop bullying the guy who posts the giant chin girl

Attached: 1540789439529.jpg (528x287, 45K)

>Seulgi not the hottest monolider ever

I guess it was dramatic news at the time and only lasted a short time. Same happened with YG shitters

Attached: 1551204076547.webm (1920x1080, 1.67M)

i actually got part of it stuck in my head
>algo shipeo About you o o o oooh

not as fuckable either

I am simultaneously in love with Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin

Official monolider tier list

Goddess tier:

high tier:

mid tier:

mega god tier:

who is this nugu? and why is she doing such things?

hot monolidders mentioned

Attached: dana.webm (1080x1920, 1.69M)

kara should comback

Attached: CfTXe3sUsAA_l6W.jpg (1024x1433, 197K)

since when are they into jpop/akb? and what's this about juri takahashi? is woolim debuting a new group?

did Woollim win P48?

Attached: 1548878047765.webm (608x1080, 2.81M)

Attached: b9e0d8780bd9693857abd6b47100b2c5.jpg (720x1281, 72K)

She doesn't even have good monos

i miss sonamoo so much
hope none of them got ps while they were gone

>not the hottest regardless of eyelids

>so rich she got two toothbrushes

Attached: Dk41brtWsAAU8sN.jpg (1195x1500, 217K)

anything could happen once BEG comes back

I think this bitch has ADHD or something; she is always moving rapidly in every webm and doesn't appear to be able to sit still.

AKB has a massive overlap with South East Asia (AKB even has south east asian sister groups, MNL48 [Philippines], SGO48 [Vietnam], JKT48 [Indonesia], BNK48 [Thailand])

Juri is graduating from AKB and is already signed to Woollim for a group debuting this year

Actually this guy green texts too but he only does it for twice as they are the only group that matters.

does kpg love itzy yet?

Attached: 108598348534895.jpg (708x682, 44K)

last i heard they're still planning on coming back this month

Attached: 1549766350016.jpg (600x800, 171K)

don't slander Gary's name

>hope none of them got ps while they were gone
with what money?

i love itzy!

i'll wait a couple more songs before I commit. But I like Dalla x2
fuck you ts

i only care about yuna and her ass

fire Nahyun, bitch broke my heart

its unlikely Eunbi will debut in a group after Iz*one ends, shes too old

delete your pics i got seulgis to post

is do kyungsoo arab

they're literally our girls already

only yeji

that part is good. half the song is really enjoyable but the senorita & fu fu fu parts destroy it

If they wanted to be reasonable they would let her join the group in 2021 then allow her to leave if the group disbands at the 5-7 year mark, it would be the only real way though

pls love all itzy members equally.. ;;
pour one out for dead/limbo groups

sehun is swedish

based Japan keeping it clean

fire Pinky, bitch broke my heart

>new Woolim girl group
wait, does this mean Lovelyz is entering a terminal stage?

yuna is really cute with this hair. does she look like this again or is it still that awful red hair?

we can only hope


nuclear energy is very clean, until...

cub thread

shes only like that for the mv, but she is cute regardless

great idea everywhere except Japan, the record earthquake and tsunami central.

they've been dead for years. the only reason they are still being kept alive are their mentally ill uncle fans that bulk buy their albums

Keep your chin up, we got your back
Keep your head up, just keep on dreamin'


damn, Im gonna miss Mijoo


What the fuck, those shoes are twice as big as her feet