one row has to go: harder
One row has to go: harder
Top one, easily.
Bowie's best album and a jazz classic?
Swap Dark Side for What's Goin On and ditch the bottom row
top easily
middle one easily
If you get rid of that, you get rid of pretty much every album you love
Middle one is best row.
Bottom one is great.
On top row we have the most overrated album of all time, a top tier jazz album and a Literal who
>pet sounds overrated
>KoB is “too tier”
>Bowie is Literal who
Excellent b8
Pet Sounds is the most overrated album of all time, along with Peppers and Ok computer.
How contrarian can one be.
I'd have to go with bottom row, since 2/3 artists have other magnificent records even if those both might still be their crowning masterpiece. And of all these albums, I can't really get into What's Going On
Middle vertical
Or diagonal top right to bottom left
Hi r*ddit
Dylan isn't musical at all.
DSOTM is sterile rock with concrete gimmick.
TVU&N is nowhere near as influential as the critic hype machine will make you think it is and is just not that great bar a couple tracks
not even close, you made it much easier
>Top row has a jazz classic
>Middle has Bob Dylan
>Two meme albums on bottom
Kill the bottom row, sad to see Marvin go though. I'd replace him with TVU any day of the week.
I can get behind this
>Doesn't get it
Lmao The Beach Boys and Led Zeppelin over Dylan and the Velvets?
Get your head checked
Top row
Literally "Dude I LOVE older music!!!" starter pack.
Disappear all those albums from existence please.
>magine bieng this massive pleb
someday it'll click and then you'll be forgiven
Bottom is the only right answer
right vertical, Abbey Road is collateral damage but the faggy banana album must be destroyed and Bowie's made better shit
Bottom one. Sorry it had to be this way, Marvin :(
Top = middle > bottom
Left > right > middle
>sees Marvin Gaye
well that row definitely can't g-
>row includes Led Zepplin
*confused noises*
honestly, I'd rather just drop the left column