Is it overrated?

is it overrated?

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there's no such thing as a generic rating for art

It's very good for rap.

Objectively though, it's not that good, and what merit it does have is attributable largely to the sampled bits.



3/10 album

The only tracks I like end to end are Power, All Of The Lights, and Runaway. All other tracks have one or more weak parts to them. Three high tier tracks is still pretty good though.

Devil in a New Dress is criminally underrated

Yeezus is his only good album.

One told the truth, the other a lie.

holy shit

the duality of man


quads confirm that MBDTF is a 9

nigga check your eyes, thats quints

Don’t make me script to roll higher next time, is shit


Yeezus, TLOP, & KSG are all 10/10
MBDTF, 808’s, LR, & TCD are all tied for fourth

Graduation being an 11/10 of course

why don't you fuck off back to r*ddit already?

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No, it's fucking great.

fuck off tony

I'm curious what the album could've done just to get that extra 25 points from you.

of course, of course

It's fucking amazing, but Late Registration is still his best album. This one takes the second spot though


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I hate being bi-polar, it's awesome

it's a 6/10


his best

it's actually shit though let's be honest

No blame game skit
Better jay-z verses all around
Better verses on So appalled except for pusha & Kanye’s

Minor details
Funny I’ve probably been here longer than you
9.5/10 actually

Hello zoomer.

god, sometimes Inxy says the most based shit, then he says something absolutely retarded like this comment right here

its pretty darn good for a hip hop album

Does 22 count as zoomer though?
I feel like I’m just a millennial.



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