Lindsey jordan snail mail

Lindsey jordan snail mail

Attached: Lindsey jordan snail mail.webm (1080x1920, 2.25M)

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Faggot queer nigger

Snail mail sucks

Y tho

wait I thought she was a lesbian

My fucking kid uses those bottles
I dont want dyke spit on them
Sorry not sorry

mmm yes, imagine its my red cum

t. clairo

get fucked user, your gonna have to deal with your kid getting HPV from their ketchup bottles because you didn't vaxx them

.t pic related

Attached: 47584757_1017966711719767_953214497598660202_n.jpg (733x718, 153K)

Im my hood they say this dumb cracker bitch make shit music


why is it always so black and white to you people? i don't like her music, so what? it's not because i can't accept some 19 year old girl is behind it all, it's because i just find it kinda bland. i respect her, i just don't like her music

I have never listened to Snail Mail

Lindsey jordan snail mail

Attached: IMG_1635.jpg (1024x683, 244K)

Why not start right now?

People would come into the thread and read my post and then I'd be lying

>why is it always so black and white to you people?
Yea Forums has no login system. Meaning that it's a refuge for people already serially kicked off of other discussion platforms for their unreasonable opinions/lack of online social etiquette. Hence why you see what you see day-in day-out in these threads.

static buzz is one of the all time great midwest emo songs with female vocals

Täähä söh tuatapi olhis.

t. rape ja pecsi


it's just bantz, m8

Lush was a downgrade from Habit in every way except production.

Habit + "Speaking Terms" "Let's Find an Out" "Deep Sea" "Anytime" would have been the ideal debut LP

conclusion () confirmed

see The phrasing of "I think that's beautiful" is obviously just trying to get ya.

Lmao so quirky

Lush was mostly just a bunch of trite adolescent love songs