What your favorite song? Just post your literal favorite song, that's it.
Favorite Song
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is there anything more cucked than having daughters? think about it logically
i cant, its not on youtube
thanks fripp
thanks for explaining the meme in my stealth rec thread
cucked daughter haver detected lel
I don't think he means literally post the song just say what the song's called
in that case it's frame by frame from king crimson's album discipline
nice quads user
it is better if you post the youtube link if there is one though
>implying people ever bother to look further in such threads
it's a tie i guess, picking just one is hard
hard mode: don't become a nostalgic cornball faggot while listening to it
Hits bibe*
There is nothing more cucked than liking music. Think about it logically, you are dedicating your time to listen to air vibrations that someone other person made and give more pleasure to the girl you like than your ever could hope to achieve.
Think about I logically
Year of the Cat by Al Stewart
Close to the Edge
Who the fuck has a favorite song? I've literally only seen normies on Facebook claiming to have a favorite song.
Life's What You Make It
Thanks Mark.
well, perhaps you have a song that you have been listening to the most lately, the song that you could say stood out to you the most in a given time period, month, year, whatever. so it is your favorite song, at the moment. it's not like you're only allowed to have one favorite song in your life, it could just be the song you like a lot lately. you are overthinking it amigo
Too hard to choose, but the song stuck in my head right now is A Pearl by Mitski
this meme only works if you actually want to fuck your daughter, or you raise her to be a complete whore. you know you dont have to raise a fucktoy for other men ya know? all this meme is is paranoa like "dont have daughters guys! women are out of control!". fucking faggot
Pretty hard to beat then when you are just chillin with friends passin the bowl around
absolute bliss
Strawberry Fields Forever
Alvin Row
Echoes - Pink Floyd
Samurai sword by the microphones
Human Sadness
lmao SEETHING daughterfaggot detected
for me it's Twilight by Elliott Smith
Teen Age Riot
it makes me feel things
Lady of the Dancing Water
these threads are stupid unless everyone rates someone elses song
Strawberry Fields Forever and New Grass
This seems pretentious but I strictly view music in terms of albums, not single songs. So picking a favorite song is impossible. Each song is effected by the songs before and after it on an album. Listening to songs on their own is okay, but means you are a casual music listener. Similar to just watching single scenes of movies on YouTube instead of the whole movie. Or reading single chapters instead of an entire book
>Similar to just watching single scenes of movies on YouTube instead of the whole movie. Or reading single chapters instead of an entire book
not true, unless these scenes of movies or chapters of books are a complete entity with a sound beginning and ending on their own. Unless a track seamlessly fades into another one and you can't tell where one stopped and the other began then you are looking at two separate tracks that are their own whole. It's fine to view music in the form of albums, but to say albums are comparable to full books or films in that sense is incorrect.
forgot to reply
Love Reign O'er Me
Wouldn't an apt comparison be reading a single poem out of a collection rather than the whole thing? Perhaps not for some songs or albums, but most. And to be fair, after reading a book many times, sometimes it's nice to read a single chapter, or a few passages that are beautiful in their own right.
You could still post your favourite song from an album, even if your opinion is affected by the surrounding songs. No one listens to music in a complete vacuum.
you are fucking gay
Pendulum Man by Bark Psychosis or Temptation by New Order
Beach Life in Death-Car Seat Headrest
Earthmover-Have a Nice Life
Can't Get It Out-Brand New
those are bad comparisons
>this seems pretentious
That's because it is pretentious you absolute mong. Music has been around long before albums became the go to way to release it
so you're saying that if i want to listen to one song, i have to listen to the whole album or else im a "casual"?
so all music listeners before the invention of the lp were casuals?
By definition, you are casual for wanting to listen to one song versus a whole album. If you don't have 0.5-1.5 hours at a time to devout to music listening, why bother?
Jesus Loves Junkies - escape from paradise
>By definition
What definition is that?
>If you don't have 0.5-1.5 hours at a time to devout to music listening, why bother?
Learn to spell, buddy.
Also, maybe I have the time, but if I have to listen to an hour and 27 minutes of bad music for 3 minutes of good music, why bother?
i have work i have to do
and oftentimes i get in a mood to listen to 5 or 6 different songs of off 5 or 6 different albums
there's just not enough time to listen to that many entire albums, no matter how much i enjoy them
I kind of agree, it's lazy to listen to be introduced to each song separately. you have to listen to the whole album, but you still have to have a favorite song. you're pretentious as fuck btw
god youre such a fucking idiot. what about songs that arent in albums? am i a casual for wanting to listen to them too?
The definition of casual. And listen to better albums.
What songs?
I’m the OP to It’s not casual to listen to the songs individually AFTER listening to album, that’s fine. Just like I like watching scenes I liked from movies I just watched. It is very very casual to just have a playlist of songs you listen to instead of the whole album though, when you have the time. I’m also a little autistic with music, I only like studio albums, hate live albums, hate mixtapes and compilations, don’t care for EPs
Yes - And You And I
How do you find new music?
echoes by pink floyd or runaway by kanye west
By just listening to albums of new artists or artists I like. It’s more time consuming but listening to singles makes me uncomfortable
I was referencing this song here
its a live version of the song off the album and is played quite differently from the album version. it exists in this form independent of an album and doesnt need one to exist
Either Fade To Black by Metallica, or Over The Mountain by Ozzy Osbourne.
Genesis of Beauty by Ultimate Spinach
>casuals are the ones who listen to more music
learn something new every day
>implying casuals actually listen to music rather than have music playing in the background while doing other things to increase their last.fm scrobbles
kanye - runaway
tons of non album singles by the beatles
my nigger
well according to that guys music listening rules I am a casual so..
leave the "albums only" guy alone, he's obviously clinically retarded
>the beatles
>not casual
t. Listens to 18m view 3 minute songs on YouTube instead of albums
the albums only guy doesnt even listen to eps, etop defending him. He literally limits himself and then calls other people casual for not doing the same, what a joke
I am him lmao
Also, I never said I don’t listen to EPs, I do. I just don’t like them.
and you still havent commented on the people pointing out that music existed long before LPs because that instantly defeats your autistic fortress you've made for yourself
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Unretrofied
Because it’s a dumb argument, books haven’t always been around, that doesn’t mean not reading doesn’t make you uncultured
see your problem is you think its one way or the other. if someone doesnt listen to full albums every single time then they must listen to 18mil 3 min pop songs on youtube. or if someone doesnt read books then they must read celeb tabloids. you completely ignore the alternative forms like news articles, short stories, poems, scientific journals, etc. as for music, you say you hate live albums, well what about bands like supersilent whose albums are compiled from improvised live performances? you need to open your mind faggot, music isnt just albums and reading isnt just books
nice digits
Deacon Blues, by Steely Dan
BoC is magic.
only good song
boys of summer
I just love the weird eu/dystopia this album hints at. Not every song works but this one is perfect
Pavement - Zurich is stained
ATM it's When you sleep, but all time is Nikes - Frank Ocean
denies this song gives u nostalgia or any feeling whatsoever = bluepilled
This may be the single most retarded post I've seen on this board in months.
>don’t care for EPs
Depeche Mode - Strangelove
Dude good choice. I cried.
really brings a tear to me eye
Let it lose
daaaaaaaaauuuuuuuugggghhhhhttttteeeeeeeer off a miner.
or this
probably this
roast me
Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands