

Attached: Grimes.jpg (790x395, 69K)

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how many levels of distortion has this image been thru holy mother of god

A 'Grohm' (Old English: gröhm, Old Dutch: grimares; grimeß in Old High German and Old Norse) is a malicious entity in Germanic and Slavic folklore that rides on people's chests while they sleep, bringing on bad dreams (or "nightmares").

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grimes a dogshit


Gold Diggrimes

Got em

best girl


claire should be my wife


jesus fucking christ. grimes is shit. face it. stop posting grimes. fuck off. die.

not true but you're shit for thinking so

i'm not shit. i'm pretty awesome desu.

I want to fuck Grimes

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Why does Grimes sing the lyrics to "We Appreciate Power" to an Egyptian melody? Kek

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elegant picture, disgusting meme text

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this and cry while she wails out a melodic orgasm

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Elon Musk ruined her trying to redpill her

Poppy > Grimes

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grimes is the avant pop goddess of our generation
poppy is a tryhard grimes

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Still qt.
But her music is getting weird.
I mean I can see how her voice could work with metal, but it just wasn't executed spot on.
Frankly, I think she's better off going down more of a "Curve" path with shoegaze.

Ariel Pink ruined her by exposing the fact she has tried to copy his style since her inception as an artist.

Elon ruined her

But then again kapitalism ruins everything

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grimes over shogaze would be amazing

I reckon ay, I don't get why she went full metal over that path. She has the perfect singing style for it.
Shoegaze is sorta in too in some more local scenes.

If she wants to vent a more angry tone then you can take the "Curve" path, which is an overlooked style of shoegaze (bordering on EDM).

Could totally imagine her doing her own unique twist on this :

Looking up edgy quotes from tumblr. How kewt

thats pretty amazing and goes perfectly with the atmospheric pop grimes likes to create
i will be pissed now if she doesn't go down this path with her knew album

I have seen something more alt-metal done in my town in a way that worked... but I just feel that she wants more of a daeva sound to her thing, rather than an angry/devil chick sound.

user, that pic predates tumblr...

a filosofem type of sound would be cool too though desu

Nah if she wanted to go more metal it might end up bordering on nu metal. Unless she goes all in and starts growling.
I've seen a gig where the female lead borderline squealed in her metal band. Was actually interesting to watch.

Can’t wait for the new Grimes

>ctrl + f

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she doesn't treat Elon right because she knows she can bounce right back with Hideo

aka hot grimes


was expecting grimes vocals over death grips beats not this trash

where would be the fun in that?

in not being shit? idk dude, i'd rather listen to something interesting than that garbage

Imagine the smell

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imagine the taste

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album to flop

i hope our grimey is sleeping well

dude idc i just want to be close to her

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her last album was really good and her new song is decent so no shes not shit but im beginning to like her less as a human being. She's starting to annoy me


Grimes is very important!