This album is actually great
did anyone say it wasn't?
There were some naysayers
I did, and I stand by it
stop evading my filter faggot
i don't believe you
That’s nice
You're a pleb, my friend
And you are a cunt, and not my friend
You're rude, my friend. Why do you behave like a cunt?
Shame the band and their management are lying scumbags.
Wtf do you mean?
I'm guessing you didn't contribute to the PledgeMusic campaign.
This was part of the latest update:
>An unhelpful rumour is circulating that this Pledge stock was being sold at in-stores at Monorail in Glasgow and elsewhere. This is categorically false. !K7 Records have pressed and distributed the edition of the album that appears in shops. Any copies on sale are !K7 stock, which is distinct from the Pledge edition. Black !K7 vinyl versus “smokey” Pledge vinyl, for example.
>Monorail Glasgow called two days before the in-store informing us they didn’t have enough vinyl and CDs. The !K7 edition was completely sold out in the UK. Instead of canceling the in-store on such short notice and disappointing fans who already pre-ordered their copies, we sent Monorail 22 Pledge vinyls and 35 CDs that were set aside for promo or intended for people who worked on the album such as the producer, engineer, album cover layout person and so on.
An earlier update said Ladytron and their management were unable to get access to any PledgeMusic stock.
I give as I get
>An earlier update said Ladytron and their management were unable to get access to any PledgeMusic stock.
read that again:
>we sent Monorail 22 Pledge vinyls and 35 CDs that were set aside for promo or intended for people who worked on the album such as the producer, engineer, album cover layout person and so on.
those things were set aside BEFORE the whole pledgemusic bullshit. apologize!
Can someone rank their discography for me? I’ve tried Ladytron a few times, but never really clicked
>those things were set aside BEFORE the whole pledgemusic bullshit. apologize!
Being set aside is irrelevant. They were PledgeMusic-exclusive releases that were sent to a record store and sold as !K7 copies to satisfy an in-store signing. It's completely deceitful, especially with the first section being totally contradicted by the second.
>Can someone rank their discography for me?
do you realize that any ranking is completely subjective?
>I’ve tried Ladytron a few times, but never really clicked
do you like synthpop? if not then i can see why their music didn't click to you. it matters what music you prefer.
This, use the same title at least, i don't want to see your bs
i don't want to see your bullshit either. why do you shitpost in my thread? with or without "same titles" you pesky shitposters still do your thing.
is this Wu Lyf?
First time in a Ladytron thread you fucking idiot. Please make a general or a title template and stop being a fool.
How does it rank with their others in your opinion OP?
you don't tell me what to do, sucker. fuck you.
Try saying that to my face, sucker. You would shit your pants instantly.