Fantano has abysmal taste in musi-

>Fantano has abysmal taste in musi-

Attached: Fantano10s_Updated.jpg (1452x374, 59K)

Two of these albums are good

kids see ghosts is the worst album there

Those are all pretty mediocre, though. Death Grips are inconsistent as fuck, and Swans haven't been good since the 90s.

>nu metal

>fuck no

>basically present-day Yea Forums-core

fuck this board. can't believe fatnado has this much influence here

To Be Kind and YWGWYW? Yeah, fuck meme (c)rap

The man has solid taste. You cucks are all so blinded by your attempts to be "different" that you don't recognize good music when you see it.
Or, you guys hate the album because fantano likes them. Kek

all shit, AMA