What's your favorite Kate Bush song?
What's your favorite Kate Bush song?
pull out the pin
waking the witch
king of the mountain
Get Out Of My House. The last 2 minutes might be the peak of her entire discog
Running up the hill (Secret Policeman version with Gilmour)
suspended in gaffa
Them Heavy People
The Dreaming
don't make me choose : (
>symphony in blue
>the morning fog
>this woman's work
>walk straight down the middle
There Goes a Tenner
Wuthering Heights. Gotta be the red dress version too.
All The Love
Hounds of Love in its entirety
Be Kind to my Mistakes so underrated, love how sings
"in my life,
There are secrets too dark
To let out, to let go of,
To get over"
Her songs are all forgettable
Softly Fucking Her Mouth In That Pic
Experiment IV is class.
james and the cold gun
Symphony in Blue
I use the Wedding List as my tinder profile song (retarded I know). That string section on the second verse is one of my favorite passages of all time.