Why are there so few niggers in metal?

Why are there so few niggers in metal?

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because there's more weed, Hennessy and fat white women to be had in the rap game

because learning to play an instrument with that level of skill takes hard work and discipline

niggers are good with music instruments tho

because metal is juvenile compared to jazz and blues

Because it was considered whiteboy music and they didn't get exposed to it outside of hearing that it's devil music

>muh big boy music

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thanks for proving my point

curiously there are proportionally quite a lot more in the bestial black metal (aka war metal) scene

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>thanks for proving my point

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Because metal requires intelligence to appreciate

Hail Caller. What a fucking legend

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Yeah niggers have blown whities tf out of the water since time immemorial at music.

only in low effort genres though

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because theyre superstitious subhuman apes

u know they invented jazz dumbass

because its a high energy genre and everyone knows niggers are lazy

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I invented the order of the pieces of trash in my trash can

Post a vid of you playing any jazz standard

Without niggers there wouldn't be any metal you fucks

Metal is white culture. The Suffocation boys are notable exceptions.

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t. retard who knows nothing about music repeating shit said by other retards

is this the retarded muh blues argument

Ain't retarded, chief. It's the truth.

Black men have reasons to be angry. Metal is about white dudes posturing and being angry at trivial bullshit

>Black men have reasons to be angry.
that reason being biology

Rap music isn't angry trivial bullshit

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>Metal is about white dudes posturing and being angry at trivial bullshit

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Ya boiling

Yeah but there are no black people playing jazz nowadays lol

yeah blacks have moved almost entirely onto theft-based genres

Negro here

just think of all the beautiful metal we will never share with you cux

White man here

Just think of all the beautiful CEO positions we will never share you cux LOL

Don't you have a plant assembly line to go back to, Jethro?

Metal is for children. What a laughable genre.

there's definitely more fat white girls into metal if that's what you're after