Attached: yuna1.jpg (338x474, 24K)
Nicholas King
Other urls found in this thread:
Adrian Sanchez
nice digits
Kayden Lee
i'm pretty sure there's a very long line of men willing to breed eunbi
Oliver Parker
Need Slugman.
Grayson Bailey
is she dead?
Caleb Ramirez
Asher Wright
>goblin edition
im out
Andrew Reyes
Ayden Smith
what's with this retard mixing the names up, is it supposed to be funny or something? i don't get it
Andrew Turner
oof, guess her american side took over there
Cooper Lee
quad quads on a nakyung post
if only it wasn't an uggo crop this would be based
Hunter Wood
Parker Hernandez
rip lovelyz, new woolim gg
Benjamin Fisher
Juan Green
absolutely delicious
Ryder Stewart
how should we deal with the “””””””situation””””””””?
Noah Phillips
>Oh you're also going to Korea? What are your plans?
Elijah Ramirez
Camden Thompson
I am first in that line.
Jayden Scott
nothing just going to three votes exposed that she is not that popular than people were expecting.
Gavin Davis
literally the ugliest shit
Jeremiah Hernandez
Kevin Thomas
if korea doesn't want the single women that are 30 and over i'm sure there are thousands of guys elsewhere that will gladly take them off their hands
Bentley Taylor
Camden Powell
This is TXT's main vocalist, visual, and maknae Huening Kai. Say something nice about him.
Christian Jackson
>soshi are the biggest girl group ever
um no thats twice sweetie
Christian Adams
ludalets know their place
Wyatt King
Going to see kmommy
David Moore
by weight maybe
Chase Adams
Asher Murphy
pay that dancer a deserved pint
Jason Gutierrez
Attending a TXT comeback show with my bros, of course.
Colton Watson
Easton Foster
when i see naky im like she looks fine
but then she turns ever so slightly to the side
Kevin Martinez
its a meme
avareage age to marring is 27 for women and its slowly going up
Ryder Reed
Julian Johnson
Future of kpop
Tyler Green
yes i'm hard, congratulations
Aaron Sanchez
Lincoln Lewis
she's equally ugly from the front
Isaiah Jackson
Plastic free challenge
Samuel Stewart
WSJN went full slut mode
Levi Hill
Sunmi's only bad title track is Gashina
everything else is a certified banger
Chase Nguyen
That's assuming they even want to date, which is on the decline among younger adults in korea/japan
Matthew Moore
>implying i wouldn't
Nathaniel Powell
Jack Rogers
her mouth is so crooked like she took a right hook from rocky balboa. if it weren't for that she'd be fine
Dominic Lopez
Dating is only on the decline in Japan
Young Koreans are very much active in the dating scene
Korea isnt dying like Japan is
Oliver Perry
>weight loss and double eyelids
Ayden Diaz
future > past
Adam Wright
nothing new under the sun
i wish the chinks were there
Cameron Reyes
fuck you aussie bitch
Lincoln Taylor
actually i heard the birth rate is even worse in korea. at least just as bad
Cameron Powell
Isaac Gray
Zika monkey
Josiah Gonzalez
Gashina is the girl fan favourite
Daniel Fisher
you heard?
Nathaniel Nelson
>no threesome with chungha and sunmi
Brandon Garcia
Don't forget him once enlistment hits.
Dominic Richardson
Ayden Miller
Thats why most of the koreans hate sunlight because they will melt
Ayden Parker
from somewhere official otherwise i wouldn't say it fucko. korea's situation is very similar to japan's
Henry Murphy
Jackson Sanchez
Julian Ward
Eunbi is pump and dump tier
You want to marry Hyewon
Andrew Hall
damn naky looks like THAT?!
Ayden Moore
what a fucking IDIOT
Tyler Watson
in the west tanning means we are rich enough to not work spending our time at beache
Jace Miller
I'll always be Worldwide Handsome, right?
Leo Powell
mr bean looking nigga
Austin Bennett
the problem in korea is not that they don't fuck like it's happening in japan
the problem is that they aren't having children, they aren't assexual or fucking dolls like the japanese are doing
Joseph Clark
who are the next kpops filming in europe? we need some fresh bleached content, it's been a while
Noah Jones
>says he got cornrows
>doesnt post a pic of it
aside from the song's feminist agenda, i don't like it because of the edm infusion
edm is very hit or miss when used in kpop and gashina is a miss for me
Parker Butler
His irises seem to travel one more millimeter away from each other every time I happen to see this guy
Justin Rogers
I like the new Sunmi
Cooper Wright
Brayden Foster
Ayden James
Korea in decline as well
Sebastian Peterson
Angel Phillips
Ian Jackson
nice yooa back
Brandon Turner
Chill out, Im going to post him here everyday anyway
Oliver Powell
also means you have a healthy social life and go outside instead of being a shut-in
Aiden Carter
Billboard is really spamming the fuck out of blonkpink. The lastest post is full of angry locals lol so much for the revolution
Carson Rivera
>girls performing barefoot
>posting video without feets
how dare you
Easton Moore
good thing i already married my kwangdae
Ethan Gomez
should have crushed them with her legs, or stepped on them.
Wyatt Perez
They're afraid of wrinkles and skin cancer
But mostly the wrinkles
Jack King
Xavier Perry
now thats what i call justice
Robert Parker
Jayden Perez
Robert Gutierrez
crawl back to your erpthread on trash you roastie
Jeremiah Hughes
Brody Phillips
Have you ever been to Japan? There's tons of fucking and cheating going on. Prostitution is also huge. They're just not having kids because it's expensive as fuck.
Easton Jackson
It's the same end result: less kids. Seems expensive as fuck to raise kids in east Asia so I dont blame them
Robert Baker
Christopher Parker
lmao this is luhan+kris tier uggo
Oliver Ortiz
girls who are as ugly as a fat man's hairy ass:
Nakyung (srsly. wtf kind of name is Nakyung. is she actually Thai? bc no wonder then)
Evan Green
they're models for them or something
Robert Ross
i have to admit, sunmi is pretty good at teasing
Dominic Nelson
Michael Reyes
You might want to get your eyes checked. Pretty sure that is Minju and not my Hyewon
Colton Reed
Dominic Gray
Carter Gonzalez
Nicholas Russell
Jordan Cox
keep seething bigboy
Christian Mitchell
You wish bitch
Elijah Allen
Jackson Fisher
>spread smartphones to your youth
>go extinct
Quickly, we must manufacture a billion Galaxy A5s and solar chargers, and hand them out in Africa.
Ethan Flores
Camden Ward
a small sample of people fucking a lot is not really representative
the virginity rate among unmarried japanese people is HUGE, that's not normal
not only expensive, but the kid also can't have a childhood and you can't even see them
it's a shit situation, you're taking alway the most precious and attractive thing about having kids, youre relationship with them, no wonder people don't want babies
Aiden Rivera
>didn't deny being an erping tranny
Carson Peterson
Jace Long
now this is hip hop
Angel Lee
so fucking ugly, it looks like it's own grandma
Zachary Ramirez
never post this person again
Noah Gomez
not fair. the daugherwife mogs everyone
Robert Wright
Aaron Jones
nice miggy
Jaxson Robinson
/fromis hellspawn/i
Wyatt Bailey
Nah, even if it's cheap, the computer generation won't have kids.
Bunch of Euro countries give everything from day care to education and money per kid until they're 17 and it still doesn't motivate women to go through anything bothersome like pregnancy.
Juan Morales
tinny should move to japan then, aint nobody fucking over there
Julian Lopez
Jiheon looks like she's seconds away from raping someone
Thomas Ward
we love her here, you dumb roastie
Hudson Sanders
Nearly every population is gonna reach that point in prosperity where kids are expensive investments instead of free labor for farms/work. Then birthrates start declining
Nathaniel Morgan
No they aren't having a lot of sex.
over 33% of young japanese people have reported never being in any type of relationship and think that marriage is pointless
45% of young japanese women under 30 have no sexual experience and aren't interested in it/hate it
Japanese youth literally aren't having sex and aren't interested in it
Christopher Gonzalez
daughterwifebros report in!
Wyatt Baker
except Kim Lip on Idol Room LMFAO!!!
Cameron Jones
i should move to japan
Kayden Phillips
love my hotel room
Ryder Brown
people have less kids when they don't need them to slave off on the fields
Tyler Clark
wrong again, trannyfuck
Juan Campbell
should this even be legal omo
Bentley Miller
Who is that with Taehyung?
Ethan Bailey
>Japanese youth literally aren't having sex and aren't interested in it
that's not true. the porn industry is massive. the dudes are just too shy and don't know how to get girls
Liam Evans
Ian Wood
pit count approaching maximum level
Grayson Green
Lucas Ward
nice meme but gowon and yves and hyunjin look better than any fromisfuggo here
Anthony Anderson
Imaging choking out Eunseo
Brandon Edwards
Gavin Wood
If porn is enough for them they dont have to go through the pains of potential rejection in the first place
Camden Garcia
i love tzuyu!
Carter Evans
porn doesn't equal the population having sex how do you even equate those 2 things.
Japan's porn industry is the way it is entirely because the japanese population is averse to actually fucking each other
Nicholas Hughes
Most streamed artists on Youtube in South Korea last week
Nathaniel Myers
Fuck off jyp
Matthew Mitchell
maybe u need a refresher lmfaoooooooo
Jiheon most likely cried after this episode
Justin Cook
the pain of rejection isn't even as bad as the pain of never trying. they're just crippled by fear
Andrew Peterson
where are the feet tho?
Easton Hill
Japanese people prefer to just watch porn and get off than go through "the trouble" of getting someone to have sex with them
Justin Sanchez
Ayden Gomez
is the txt song good
James Anderson
it equals a sex drive and an interest in sex though. with porn you experience sex vicariously, anyone that lives vicariously wants to do the real thing but can't for whatever reason
Noah Barnes
9 4 5 5 5 6 5
7 8 5 4 5 4 2
6 6 6 6 5 6 6
Matthew Sanders
Kayden Butler
japan is a risk-averse culture
that's why their products and services are so reliable
but that's also why they are not chasing relationships or innovation
Brody Davis
skip to 2:15
50% of married couples don't even have sex anymore
23% of the women said sex was just bothersome
Brandon Hall
flopishitstinkers and wujuniggererpers need to kill themselves
Cameron Young
NEETS and uggos are the ones not getting action. Visit any bar late and night and you will see tons of people hooking up. Walk through Kabuchiko or any other red light district, and you'll see see the sheer number of people interested in sex. Search through CityHeaven and see the massive amounts of girls that are selling sex.
Dylan Wilson
cant blame them jav is p good
Cooper Richardson
Japan has high technology innovation though
Luke Bailey
>9 4 5
stopping reading there
Gavin Brooks
They're making erotic VR fantasies now
I dont see them getting over it anytime soon with toys like that
Brayden Wilson
based literal man lover
Easton Cooper
because japanese man have very smar penis
Austin Phillips
now im not even sure who you're talking abt here
Jose Butler
nothing you say supports your argument because the facts are overwhelmingly against you
trying to push it to neets and uggos doesn't help you
the amount of people having sex in Japan are the minority compared to the amount who aren't and aren't interested in it
Connor Peterson
>Visit any bar late and night and you will see tons of people hooking up.
>Walk through Kabuchiko or any other red light district, and you'll see see the sheer number of people interested in sex.
that's anedoctal evidence tho, people are posting real statistics regarding a big sample fo people
what you're doing is the same as going to a gay bar in SF and saying most americans are queers, that's not how things work
Lucas Jones
Rose got cornrows as well
Noah Clark
lul some groups have Yuna and Wony and Loona is stuck with Yeojin
Noah Cook
fuck off erpniggers
Jason Gutierrez
most americans are queers tho. thats why gaypop hours are during amerifat times. GOT EM
Jace Reyes
Owen Morales
freaking cute
Ryder Sanchez
yuna and wonyoung look old as shit already, they will not age well since they have already peaked
yeojin has only gotten prettier
Jayden Bailey
David Howard
roasties getting toasty
Ryan Murphy
I don't even know the names of those people but judging purely on that pic she's the most attractive
Adrian Butler
hahaha imagine fucking thinking that
Christopher Taylor
Sebastian Jackson
Jace Reed
her english is perfect! wtf
we can ask for feet and she will understand!
Logan Hall
Grayson Wood
Joshua Stewart
lul the faggiest thing i ever heard
Michael Garcia
Adam Morgan
yeri day
Dominic Hill
yuna especially looks fucking 30 already
doesn't make a difference how many times you samefag
Brandon Taylor
Jaxson Young
Commit neck rope
Zachary Nguyen
>there's a 50% chance momo, sana and mina are virgins
Ian Gomez
Michael Fisher
Honestly East Asians needs to reproduce like rabbits at this point because Asia is being filled with brown-skinned disgusting sub-human monkeys with SEAshitters making too much infants that die of being fucking poor or keep ruining the gene pool.
William Lewis
being taller doesn't make her look less old
Luke Brown
remove Yeri
Jason Watson
Camden Thomas
Henry Sullivan
why would you want her to be less old she's already 15 you fucking pedo
Joseph Green
shuhua speaking
Christian Wright
People in first world countries are hardly having children. It's not just Japan and Korea.
The wealthy countries of Europe would have an even lower birth rate than either Korea or Japan if it wasn't for immigration.
Governments need to realize that there is nothing wrong with having a shrinking population.
Asher Anderson
Blake Allen
Ethan Butler
if you're going to lust after minors at least be honest about it
people didn't want somi because she was young, they wanted her because she looked 25 already
Nicholas Scott
they know that, it's just a globalist excuse to open up borders and import africans and arabs into countries. get woke nigga
Hudson Foster
There's a 100% chance that you can't read
Jose Harris
word, there's too many people as it is anyway
Asher Martinez
her age was half the reason
Gabriel Watson
shrinking population is not the issue. Its the record large nunmer of drooling old people in wheelchairs thats the big issue.
Nathan Diaz
Leave the breeding of Korea up to me
Henry Turner
Kayden Hughes
ahem... fuck Naky!
Kevin Gonzalez
Henry Wood
Of course it's Yeri Day.
But also birthday of a Jewish girl who was a kpop for a while.
Charles Perry
shrinking population =/= your country's people being in danger of going extinct in the next century because of your low birthrate
33% of Japan's population is considered elderly, and the young people aren't having sex
what do you expect to happen if this stays the same?
Camden Harris
Jiheon looks like she has halitosis
Kevin Carter
i rounded it up
Logan Gray
Cooper Murphy
overpopulation is a myth
Ryan King
I like Yuna, Wonyoung, and Yujin because they look their age
Evan Hughes
East Asian countries will be fine as long as they keep their borders tightly closed for shitskins.
checked and based
Just stop giving tons of money and expensive health care to old people and the problem will solve itself.
Dylan Davis
they wouldn't be living in cramped cubicle apartments in the next generation?
Samuel Perry
>we need to send more people to die in wars and stop treating sick people
yikes, off yourself m8
Connor Davis
not having young people put you into a competitive disadvantage
old people don't create, don't inovate, they just consume, countries that don't have the technological edge succumb
Luis Smith
reminder this is the person posting yuna
James Torres
All east asians are brown skinned monkeys.
Benjamin Perry
uhh I dont give a fuck who it is because Yuna's cute anyway
Jacob Miller
What the fuck is this?
Christopher James
gf sent me this
Luis Brooks
the absolute state of itzypedos
Chase Myers
Elijah Brooks
smoking hot but not you gf
Camden Sanders
watching haseulie getting deflowered by seaniggers and shitskins
Wyatt Jones
sex tourists think that about everywhere they go.
and we, patrician incels, just cope and worship kpop goddesses
Noah Foster
is that your dream, doug?
Xavier Rogers
Japan won't be going extinct. They'll just go down to a more sustainable population. Their culture will survive. They will simply have more space to live.
Europe on the other hand will be going extinct because Europeans are being replaced by arabs. Even if there's more "people" the cultures and the wealth they created will die.
Camden Fisher
Zachary Williams
Gidle will win tomorrow
Landon James
Oh oh oh oh oh
oeroum meomchweora masuri suri
Oh oh oh oh oh
goeroum meomchweora masuri suri
Dylan Richardson
is TXT finito?
Henry Sullivan
March starts with unimpressive releases dbh
Daniel Ross
all cultures are going extinct. the multicultural agenda is happening in asia as well. things can change very fast as any european can tell you, their countries were just like japan not even that long ago at all
Jace Peterson
because the problem is not about the amount of people, it's about overcrowding
Eli Gonzalez
Luis Cooper
t. haseul's husband
Carter Hernandez
Charles Harris
trust me, we'll be having civil wars before they have any chance of assembling a sizable population
anti-immigration politics are on the rise anyway
Jeremiah Russell
cute noona
Jeremiah Flores
Ryan Sanders
Ian Cox
i mean, people literally voted for the orange man based on the promise of a wall
fucking twitter sjws are a vocal minority
Luis Gray
sunmama 1 spot away from an allkill
fucking melon has her at #2
Carter Walker
Jason Carter
Based nflying
Zachary Green
#TXT "CROWN" - 00:00 KST:
#8 Bugs (=)
#13 Soribada (+1)
#29 Melon (+4)
#30 Genie (-2)
Out of top 100 on Mnet
#SUNMI "Noir" - 00:00 KST:
#1 Bugs (=)
#1 Soribada (=)
#1 Mnet (=)
#1 Genie (=)
#2 Melon (=)
Hudson Nguyen
literally the ugliest shit
Jack Lee
Jacob Thompson
based our noona
Tyler Roberts
where the fuck are my ITZYbros at
Ryder Turner
if loona doesn't win tomorrow its prove everyone is out to sabotage loona
Jackson Collins
just realized cb yuju is a slightly upgraded eunbi
Gavin Hernandez
at the concentration camp for pedophiles
Aiden Flores
No naver?
Can our girl get a PAK?
Logan Cox
Killed themselves after getting btfo by Hwasa
Adrian Reyes
Luis Murphy
lurking until the usual suspects fuck off
Blake Murphy
I dropped itzy for iz*one, sry
Oliver Phillips
Sunmi's only bad title track is Full Moon
also remember that thing Sunmi did last week that worried people about her health or whatever? clearly just promotion for this mv based on the theme
Wyatt Clark
based dean and sunmi trying to save us from the social media age
Asher Davis
[HANTEO @ 190304] @G_I_DLE #IMade 24:00 KST: 2,049 copies. Total accumulated: 20,390 copies. [7th day of sales]
Nathaniel Diaz
kek they might even not be nominated tomorrow
Gavin Torres
Lads, I miss T-ara
John Watson
I live in a European country that currently has a far-right government. I also work in a hospital.
When I go over to the maternity ward I see that 80% of women giving birth are foreign.
It's game over for Europe. People just don't realize it yet.
Only Korean goddesses can dull the pain.
Isaac Parker
Parker Ross
loona is better than itzy
Jace Ramirez
even ratmys hate the song
Noah Fisher
>When I go over to the maternity ward I see that 80% of women giving birth are foreign.
funny, i've stopped going to hospitals because 80% of the staff is immigrants who barely speak the language
Jayden Cook
>full moon is bad
>full moon is worse than Gashina
holy shit stop posting any time
Hudson Rodriguez
dropped those uggos for Loona
Anthony Perry
I went to Japan and fucked a JAV actress and a bunch of prostitutes my last trip, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Grayson Cruz
Joshua Green
i miss all gen2
David Roberts
Logan Perez
you’re so cool!
David Cook
Julian Garcia
Koreans aren't having any babies?
Looks like they need some
Easton Stewart
best sunmi song right here guys
Colton Garcia
happy yeri day!
Nicholas Reyes
Is it normal if I want to be fckd like this by Somi?
Lincoln Harris
Kek, same here. But what can you do?
Zachary Brooks
how much
Dominic Young
posted the wrong song bro but I got you
Adam Watson
Jace Parker
>you make baby for me white boi!
Adrian Harris
did yujin just touched yuris tits??
Evan Reyes
William Reyes
goat intro
my favorite is still
Hudson Kelly
kys horsé
Blake Myers
good luck m8
Eli Campbell
she learned it from hyewon
Noah Diaz
loona is more relevant than twice blackpink bts and itzy
Angel Baker
Cooper Phillips
omo, she looks so happy
Aiden Edwards
Samuel Wright
not going to try to stop you unless you fucked Hitomi Tanaka or Ruri Saijo
Dylan Wright
Robert Reyes
what the fuck did he mean by this
Christopher Cooper
The only boon I got from being a faggot is that I don't contribute my shit genes to the already disgusting gene pool today's world have.
Benjamin Peterson
Brayden Davis
2.5-3k USD total? Most expensive was $500 for the JAV girl.
Logan Brooks
this dude's been obsessively shitposting about loona like this for almost a full year now
Jaxon Murphy
Logan Harris
Jason Davis