Prof Rock Classics

What is Yea Forums ‘s opinion on this amazing progressive rock concept album, The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway?

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yuck imagine listening to prof rock, what your gay grey haired biology professor listens to.

Perfect album

Been listening to it for years, friend of mine made these discoveries about it recently

>The bridge of the title track is the opening of Carpet Crawlers
>The Lamia and The Light Dies Down On Broadway share verse structure and chords
>In The Rapids verses are also part of the Lamia The Light Dies Down trilogy of chord progressions and similar vocal melodies

Listen again and see for yourself OP

It's one of the best albums ever made.

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Prog rock, jazz, and hip hop is the patrician trifecta of favorite music genres

>nig hop
Excellent bait, terrible taste

You’re wrong though I’m afraid. Turn on the latest animal collective album my new friend

The correct triumvirate is prog, jazz, and psych (or dream pop, which is really just a subgenre of psych)

>Dream pop
Something to put on for when the boyfriend comes over lmao

What’s the best album to get into prog with??

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Probably the Wall

Do you want an ironic answer, or an unironic answer?

This is a 10 as an album, but not the most accessible, especially moonchild

I'd recommend Rush's Moving Pictures. It's the best combination of entry level and quality prog. Other good mentions are Caravan's Land of Grey and Pink; Can's Future Days (krautrock), and King Gizzard's Polygondwanaland

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Not my favorite Genesis album but it's good. Perhaps they gave Gabriel too much creative control with that one. Genesis was a band that made music by committee; see Foxtrot, Selling England & Trick of the Tail

pic related
and also what this user said

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Just posting the best GG record, a top ten prog album for me.

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Fragile is the right answer, user.

I like a lot of this album, but there's also about a side worth of filler on it. Hairless Heart and In the Rapids are fine, but other instrumental sections do them better; Anyway and Lilywhite Lilith tread very familiar ground; The Waiting Room, though fairly interesting, was literally made to fill time. And though it isn't filler, Back in NYC is a pretty weak track.

Trespass or Trick of the Tail by Genesis are two of the safest ones. Then again, I heard Close to the Edge first and hated it the first two times I tried listening to it before loving it, so what do I know

“I have to say,” Banks admits in a new talk with Prog, “that my least favorite part of being in Genesis was that time of doing The Lamb.”

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Eh, good but a little overrated. It kinda gets derailed in the second half and most of the lyrics are utterly meaningless without a ton of convoluted explanation. It strikes me as something Gabriel thought sounded brilliant in his head but struggled to realize on paper.
I know it's practically blasphemy look down on Lamb as a Genesis fan, but after revisiting it many times it just sounds less and less impressive. To me it represents a band that wanted to make an ambitious, self-important artistic statement for its own sake. It's still a mostly fine album but I can't buy into the cult of worship that surrounds it.

For me it's Pawn Hearts

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Kino coming through

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Gonna go with this though. Or Foxtrot.

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Meant to say that the quoted albums are all easily in my top 50 albums of all time. Fuck man prog is so cool.

does anyone else like to listen to sailor's tale and jerk off?

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