Jah was innocent

Find me ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE which proves Jah hit Geneva. Geneva is a LYING HOE who is indirectly guilty for getting Jah killed.


Attached: xxxspiredzzzz.jpg (225x225, 6K)

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Not a big loss for music.

his music sucks regardless

Nigga stfu not even a big loss for music so who cares

sometimes i get really sad, so sad that I just walk around aimlessly around campus for a couple hours and just stare at people like an autist. then I go home to my apartment and cry for a while

then I remember that there are people on here who unironically listen to nigger music and I just lol and feel all better


Sunny Fashawn

There were other witnesses too.

Sunny's story is inconsistent. She's a liar just like Geneva.

who fucking cares

no need to get worked up, it's not like he a big loss for music

Not a big loss for music.

Literally google “xxxtentacion punch woman” theres a video

>This talentless fuck will be forgotten in a year.

Thank God.

The courts, provided with evidence unreleased to the public, found him guilty.
Your opinion is irrelevant.

That video isn't evidence he beat Geneva.

Bullshit. They dropped the charges. Jah will always be an innocent man.

>people who just sit or walk around campus or the library for hours
People like you are so weird

Look at this OP:


How did the courts "find him guilty" according to you?

Most of this was proven false.

"Red Flags of Abuse" from NDVH
>Embarrassing or putting you down
>Looking at you or acting in ways that scare you
>Controlling who you see, where you go, or what you do
>Keeping you or discouraging you from seeing your friends or families
>Taking your money or refusing to give you money for expenses
>Preventing you from making your own decisions
>Telling you that you are a bad parent or threatening to harm or take away your children
>Preventing you from working or attending school
>Blaming you for the abuse, or acting like it’s not really happening
>Destroying your property or threatening to hurt or kill your pets
>Intimidating you with guns, knives or other weapons
>Shoving, slapping, choking or hitting you
>Attempting to stop you from pressing charges
>Threatening to commit suicide because of something you’ve done
>Threatening to hurt or kill you
>Pressuring you to have sex when you don’t want to or do things sexually you’re not comfortable with
>Pressuring you to use drugs or alcohol
>Preventing you from using birth control or pressuring you to become pregnant when you’re not ready
Good riddance.

2019 Im forgoten

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: xtensioncordvschickencurry.png (829x727, 102K)

On what basis was Jah found guilty of any of this?

go back to sleep you clearly have 10 year old

I'm in my 20s.

No, PROVE to me that Jah was guilty of anything he was charged of.

The evidence provided to the court, buddy.

based scaruffiposter

Jahseh was essentially a clout martyr.

Everyone is claiming this was a random robbery, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in gunning down a 20-year old.

As Jah was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids taking video and pictures of him. Why? For clout. No one was taking his pulse, no one was calling 911, everyone was standing around with their phones out as his body was clinging to life.

The moral lesson of Jahseh's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.

RIP Jah. See you in Heaven...

say it with me, friends


How do you KNOW the courts would have found him guilty? What "smoking gun" evidence was there?




They obviously won't release confidential information to the public, faggot.



But how do you KNOW that evidence would have found him guilty? Do you have insider info? Jah was never proven guilty so he is innocent of all charges.

Do you think a professional lawyer would risk his reputation by taking on a high-profile case, with allegations as serious and detailed as what X's girlfriend testified, without any serious evidence to back it up?

Geneva wanted the charges dropped. Also the details of her story were inconsistent. The courts wanted to jail him because they can never allow a successful black man to walk.

Damn, that was a whole lot of not answering the question.

What "serious evidence" was there to prove Geneva's case/

>They obviously won't release confidential information to the public, faggot.
Can't read, huh?

What makes you assume that evidence would have found him guilty?

>Do you think a professional lawyer would risk his reputation by taking on a high-profile case, with allegations as serious and detailed as what X's girlfriend testified, without any serious evidence to back it up?
Can't read, huh?

That still doesn't mean that evidence was a smoking gun, only that some lawyers really hated Jah and were willing to fight for his lying hoe ex.

Is your position that there's a group of lawyers that conspired against X, while risking their careers in the process, by defending a woman without a good case?
Please don't tell me that your entire argument is based on a conspiracy theory.

Why would the courts want Jah charged especially since Geneva's story was entirely fabricated and full of holes and inconsistencies?

Ah-ha, so your entire foundation IS based on a conspiracy theory!
Don't talk about proof or what is true when your logic is based on completely unfounded theories.

Ultimate Man was a witness to the aftermath of the abuse. He reached out to the girl which is why X started beefing with him.

And before you say "but he defends X today" realize there are plenty of reasons why black men defend other black men accused of abuse: they think white America sees all black men as criminals whose bad deeds should never be forgiven, so for Denzel to defend pieces of shit like X and Chris Brown as a black man he and other white knights think they're defending their entire race. Doesn't mean he thought X was innocent.

And you need to tell me WHY you think the courts had evidence that would have convicted Jah.

>>Do you think a professional lawyer would risk his reputation by taking on a high-profile case, with allegations as serious and detailed as what X's girlfriend testified, without any serious evidence to back it up?
>Can't read, huh?
Can't read, huh?

Jah was already hated in the court of public opinion. The prosecution lawyers wouldn't have been risking their reputations in the slightest.

Not evidence.

if anyone reads this and isnt a bigger fan after theyre onions as fuck, the punk genre died and was revived in part by this man

To clarify, by risking their reputation I mean taking on an obviously unfounded case that's destined to fail.
Also, either prove your conspiracy theory or stop using it as an argument.

I don't need to prove Jah was innocent, YOU need to prove he was guilty.

Since you're running in circles, I guess I'll just keep copypasting until you can logically respond without appealing to a conspiracy theory.
>They obviously won't release confidential information to the public, faggot.
>Do you think a professional lawyer would risk his reputation by taking on a high-profile case, with allegations as serious and detailed as what X's girlfriend testified, without any serious evidence to back it up?

What you're giving me is conjecture, not proof.

Proof is impossible for anyone outside of the courts to provide, but we can still logically argue which possibility is most likely true. My main supporting evidence would be the lawyer's willingness to jeopardize his own career on such a risky case, the detailed specifics of the case, and X's undeniable red flag behavior shown throughout not only his relationship with his ex, but his life as a whole.
Now, provide YOUR case to put against mine, without appealing to an unfounded conspiracy theory.

Geneva wanted the charges dropped.
Geneva's story is full of holes.
Geneva's lawyers kept demanding the case be postponed (why?).
Geneva changed her IG handle to .liar. Why?
Geneva kept hanging around Jah despite the charges against him.
Geneva wanted to go to Jah's funeral but was kicked out. Why would she want to celebrate a man who allegedly beat and raped her?

never been in an abusive relationship huh
my dad beat the shit out of my mom, theb he'd come crawling back, then my mom would cheat or get him into trouble somehow, then she'd come crawling back and the cycle continues

him and geneva were probs both abusive to each other, i mean theyre obv both fucked up in the head. she might've even thought she deserved it since that's pretty common too

This. Stockholm Syndrome is a real thing.

Geneva is an irrational, traumatised woman who fell in love with an abusive man, who's dealing with the aftermath of having lived through the abuse, while simultaneously holding love for him and mourning his death.
This behavior is VERY COMMON in victims of domestic abuse, and the fact that you're using this against her is absolutely fucking disgusting.

Please read this, it's a good starter.

Read through this entire thread. Got to love Jah posters

Hang with us user, we're waiting for his response.

Spotlight uh moonlight

we did it reddit!!!

So what? This doesn't prove Jah was guilty.

Took you almost half an hour to give up on that point, huh buddy?

I will repeat, please provide YOUR case to put against mine, without appealing to an unfounded conspiracy theory.

Geneva's lawyers kept pushing back the court date. Why?

Also what evidence was there that Jah beat her? She wanted the charges dropped because she knew it was all a lie. She was beaten up by a bunch of girls and decided to blame X for it because she's a clout chasing hoe.

And? He's now fucking Billie Eilsh who's underage.

>Geneva's lawyers kept pushing back the court date. Why?
Don't know. This is completely irrelevant and proves nothing. It's a question for the sake of a question.
>Also what evidence was there that Jah beat her?
Is this the fifth time? They obviously won't release confidential information to the public, faggot.
>She wanted the charges dropped because she knew it was all a lie. She was beaten up by a bunch of girls and decided to blame X for it because she's a clout chasing hoe.
This is made up slander based on weak logical connections. Why believe this weak, unsupported argument rather than the more founded logical alternative that I've provided?

I 100% agree.
Jah was essentially a clout martyr.

Everyone is claiming this was a just acusation by Geneva, but it's clear what was actually happening: Geneva was driven to accuse him of rape solely for the sake of clout. She wanted infamy of her own and found it in going to court with a 20-year old.

As Jah was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids taking video and pictures of him. Why? For clout. No one was taking his pulse, no one was calling 911, everyone was standing around with their phones out as his body was clinging to life.

The moral lesson of Jahseh's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.

the smoothest take I've heard all week

>be molested as a kid
>molest a teenage girl
This, my friends, is a perfect example of what we mean by "cycle".

You okay, buddy?

If the case was so clear-cut why were her lawyers postponing everything? Jah's lawyers were eager to go along with the courts whereas Geneva's were the ones who had all the revisions.

No evidence Geneva had Stockholm Syndrome.

Geneva had a personal agenda against Jah. She was a clout chaser who wanted fame. And the courts wanted to bring down Jah after he started gaining fame.

He didn't beat her though he explained over a phone call that she cheated on him while he was in jail and when he got out he left her but then she said she was pregnant and he stayed with her because he did ejaculate in her once but then his female friends found out about her cheating on him so they jumped her and they gave her those bruises.


>If the case was so clear-cut why were her lawyers postponing everything? Jah's lawyers were eager to go along with the courts whereas Geneva's were the ones who had all the revisions.
I never said that her case was clear cut, I argued that her lawyers, presumably, would have required strong evidence in support of such a risky case.
>No evidence Geneva had Stockholm Syndrome.
I never claimed that. I claimed that she strongly shares common characteristics of domestic abuse victims, which she does.
>Geneva had a personal agenda against Jah. She was a clout chaser who wanted fame. And the courts wanted to bring down Jah after he started gaining fame.
This is simply more unsupported assumptions and conspiracy nonsense.

Assuming this is true, it only excuses a single event of domestic abuse.

he's a nigger

No evidence for this but okay.

How was this a risky case?

Allegations that are both massive and complex, against an extremely popular celebrity with a cult following, alleged by a psychologically fucked plaintiff who has no credibility.
Compared to normal cases, this is EXTREMELY risky.

Courts believe women 99% of the time especially if the defendant is a black man.

More conspiracy nonsense.
Black men are more likely to be discriminated against in court cases, but this does not mean that X is therefore permanently innocent of any and all charges thrown his way.

You are a human turd. There was plenty of evidence against X, and X knew he was going to be going to jail for a very long time. That's why he started (allegedly) engaging in charity work, to give the illusion he was "reforming" himself and wouldn't deserve as much jail time. He also fathered a child, knowingly, months before his trial was set to go, probably thinking he would get a lighter sentence if the judge felt sympathy for a new dad.

X was also charged with witness tampering which you conveniently left out.

X had a history of violent behavior. He even threatened to kill/"sacrifice" Ski that's how much of a sick fuck he was.

He keeps taking half an hour to respond, and all of his point are weak.
He's got nothing left bro.

Nothing of value was lost

What is there to respond to? This is all speculation. Geneva came out and admitted lying multiple times. X said on tape he never hit her.

So you can't respond, all you can do is repeat the same bullshit logic without refuting counters?
Nobody gives a fuck about your feelings.

Look if you want facts here are the facts: Jah never beat her, she wanted the charges dropped but the courts refused, she kept hanging out with Jah for months, she admitted she lied about the abuse on numerous occasions. What evidence is there to the contrary?

>ignoring our entire debate
Nobody cares about how you feel, buddy.


Fuck Geneva.


based and truthpilled

i don't get why his sycophants want him to be innocent so badly, it's probably their cognitive dissonance of being so scared someone they worship isn't who they believed them to be. if there was footage of him brutally beating up Gevena (pretty sure Sunny said there was or at least him dangling from the balcony) they would just say "not proof, how you know it him...who care he was trying to change himself" etc etc. they don't care about the truth, they care about coping with someone who falsely inseminated hope via talking head-manipulation

Jahseh wasn't a "martyr" he had a martyr COMPLEX and choked on his own ego to death

>muh feelings

Wouldn't be surprised if he also shaved his eyebrows off and got a tattoo because his legal council advised him to just in case he needed to plead insanity. Even his final snapchat of "solidifying the charity organization" just reeks of lawyer jargon/vernacular. He deserved to go the way of Tekashi, Tay-K and Melly. It's a shame he got off easy with bullets instead of a thousand knives.

Good analysis.

Like I said in this post: there could also be a racial component to this: black men know whites have very negative views of them and generally see black men as violent animals, so whenever a black man is accused of violence (especially someone so high profile) it's logical that other black men would rush to his defense. Just look at all the MJ dickriders coming out thanks to the new doc, or how R Kelly still has defenders despite having abused black women.

Or there's just the fact that X's friends and fans don't want the stigma of having supported a known scumfuck, so they make up all sorts of excuses for him even if they know he's guilty. Oh hell, Curry doesn't even say X was innocent, only that he was "changing".

Most of his social media behaviors seemed quite sketchy or scripted. He even told his fans to harass the judge in his case, and they did.

Sunny also has pics which she took of Geneva right after the abuse occurred.

There was nothing wrong with Jah. He was a changed man by the time he died. Stop tainting his name.


Nobody cares about your feelings, buddy.

Jah was a good man. Let him rest in peace.

Yo faggot, what's your opinion on this?
I'm listening to it for the first time.

Sunny's story is entirely inconsistent and full of holes.


She claims Jah and Geneva lived with her when they actually lived by themselves. She's a clout chasing hoe.

btw at least try to hide your misogyny

We call them hoes because that's what they are, clout chasing thots and hoes. Why do you defend bitches who lie?

Fuck Geneva and fuck white people

Attached: 1551666006267.jpg (600x600, 33K)

Where's your source?
I get it, you're a misogynistic piece of shit. It's very common for X fans to be that way.

Why can't you google the specifics around Jah's life?

Hoes who lie hurt men. Women are animals.

So you have no source for that claim?
People like you should be hung.

Geneva needs to be punished for forever destroying and indirectly killing Jah.

Reminds me of this.

He even says "Geneva is fucking stupid" yet confirms X beat her.

you know they can live on their own and at Sunny's place at different times during the timespan they were together right?

>no argument
>wants to punish the victim for a purely percieved wrong
Wew, lad, this is beyond stale pasta trolling.

You have absolutely no source, meanwhile there's eyewitness testimony one click away.
Instead, you support an unfounded claim to fit your misogynistic world view.
Stop making these horrible threads because your argument is based on feelings, NOT fact OR logic.
Legitimately, unironically, not in a video game, kill yourself. You are one of the worst types of people in this world, and should be exterminated like vermin.

It's a waste of time, these threads always go the same way. It's one of the few places xxxtentacion-jizz sucking babies can vent their devotion without recourse of their identity or being banned/punished for being wrong.

>jahseh was a clout martyr
>x summonded demons
>geneva was a lying ho
>i miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
>drake killed x
>his old music was pretty good
>his music sucks
>not a big loss for music
>ll cool j bad vibe forever!
>link to any new news/music relating to him

fuck these threads
if you actually care about spreading the truth make one of those "this video will make you love x" youtube videos and search for all the events in the pastebin or collage that's been posted around here for a while to put in it
otherwise no one cares, no one's mind is gonna change and people will believe waht they want for themselves