ITT: non-jazz albums that are 100% improv

ITT: non-jazz albums that are 100% improv

Attached: remain in light.jpg (220x220, 23K)

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This is not improvised


This is not jazz

Attached: Pandabearpersonpitch.jpg (400x400, 55K)

Attached: PaintingPicturesKodakBlack.png (316x316, 156K)

You retard

Writing songs through improv is still writing songs and therefore makes the song not improv, you know.

so all of the beatles and most bands for that matter were improv?

It's art punk, you retard

no, it makes songs written via jamming non-improv. the actual jam may be but the song isn’t.

Yeah, art punk is non-jazz

Why is the reading comprehension so low in this thread?
>”post non-jazz albums” // “but that albums not jazz”
>”writing songs through improv is still writing songs, the finished product isn’t improv” // “so everything is improv?”

Oh fuck. I'm a blind nigger


Attached: cover.jpg (600x590, 142K)

This thread is fucking retarded

Keiji Haino - Milky Way
Parson Sound - Parson Sound

What is new wave for 100?

I feel like RYM invented that term

fucking great kek

you're fucking retarded if you actually think this. anyway, real answer

Attached: Campfire Songs.jpg (900x900, 620K)

ITT: people that don't know the difference between jamming and improv

you first

Frank Zappa - Guitar (etc)