Imagine being a Weezer fan in 2019

Imagine being a Weezer fan in 2019

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im more of a weener fan myself

First of all, their music is faaaaaaaaaaaaar more complex than your best Classical song.

Fortnite is the Smash Mouth of video games.

So is it really all that absurd that Weezer would affiliate themselves with them?

Fuck you, I'm happy my Rivers gets to sit back and collect cash off of fortnite maps and 80s covers. Selling out when you're not relevant is the smart way to go.

Weezer are one of the VERY FEW rock bands that have found a way to successfully market themselves to Zoomers. You butthurt 30 year olds are mad because high school kids are still listening to Weezer and not any of your fart burp indie folk records from 2005. Rivers keeps his eye on the streets.

Is this what it is? Because from casual outside observers who don't really care about Weezer, it seems like this band was really good for about six months in the mid 90's and have somehow made a career out of being a meme band for autists. It's like their original fanbase was responsible for Rivers going so long and now it's them who should also be held responsible for all of this. Weezer is like latter-day Star Wars to me. I don't get it, it's not for me, but I have a sneaking suspicion who's buying it.

Thems fightin words boi

black album isnt very good desu
like three good tracks and the rest of garbage
why does weezer do this
like 2 shit albums for every good one

Ween is based

>Imagine being a Weezer fan


You're saying their original fans are still the ones buying everything? Like a loyalty thing?

Liking Weezer invalidates you as a human

zoomer here, they've actually really popular with zoomers after the Africa cover for some reason

Imagine being a weezer fan an any point of time ever

Can we at least admit that White album is one of their best, and a pretty good record

>high school kids are still listening to Weezer
Patently untrue

Yeah and they passed on the fandom to their siblings kids (or their own, heaven forbid) but not in the music being good kind of way but in the dopey nerd fandom Star Wars/comic book kind of way

I mean, Black Album was pretty good, I can get over cringey marketing

No it was not that good

I liked it

obligatory ween postin'

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The world has turned, and left me here.

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you'd hate for the kids to think that you've lost your cool

wtf i love weezer now

Weezer made the best album of the 90s man, I'll forgive their later sins.

its unironically their 2nd or 3rd best album, depending on how you feel about pinkerton

perfect summer album

>>>high school kids are still listening to Weezer
>Patently untrue

Often true. Find a jazz player or theatre kid and you'll meet one that listened to Weezer early in their life, sure. Sometimes band kids as well.

>The world has turned, and left me here.

Presumably to give you the gift of Weezer. Maybe check out "Weezer (White Album)." It's the "perfect summer album" according to so might as well listen to it around this time of the year. Maybe build up some excitement.

Weezer used colors to distinguish some of their albums.

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what about me being a KISS fan in 2019

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Here you go OP. I fixed it for ya'.

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This. Weezer are actually doing very well for a 20+ year old rock band in 2019 among young people. Ironic meme teens, theatre kids, those type of people love their shit.

it's because weezer still sings about teenage shit

ween will always be the superior w artist

Imagine being surprised or upset that a band known for self-consciously ridiculous gimmicks did a self-consciously ridiculous gimmick. This is the same band that gave us the Weezer Snuggie and a No Scrubs cover.

The best gimmick would be making good music again