>At party earlier tonight >i rarely go to these things, but i was invited, so hey >girl i know approaches me, thinks i'm kinda weird but generally likes me >"Oh, hey user, you like good stuff right? Put something cool on" >o-okay >i plug in my ipod (people are already staring at my 160gb classic) >play some Crimson, Fahey, Can, Swans, Comus, Wyatt, Beefheart, MBV, Yes, Sabbath etc. >someone takes the aux from my ipod at Pachuco Cadaver >she brushes it off, laughs and calls me a weirdo >"s-some people online also like this stuff haha"
how bad did I do? oh god. i thought Crimson was some fairly straight-forward shit
Lets just say it's not a coincidence that you didn't get laid
Noah Mitchell
Good bait, you’re probably gonna respond like “w-what bait? this really just happened” and that’s alright, but just know....good bait
John Jenkins
this didn't happen
stop being a faggot OP
Evan Stewart
i'm not baiting though, i just wanted to know if i did somethign wrong
Julian Walker
assuming you aren't baiting, you fucked up when you put on Can, Swans, Beefheart, MBV, and Yes. those are not party artists. anyway, this is bait
Ryan Miller
>those are not party artists she asked me to put on something good, though??
Hudson Gomez
this is clearly bait or you're actually autistic. >beefheart >swans at a party?
Jacob Cox
yep, this is definitely bait. go away
Nicholas Torres
she literally asked me to put on something good, i don't see why i'm baiting It's the music i like
Christopher Gutierrez
you (allegedly) were at a party. when people are asked to put music on at a party, they put on music that can be partied to. period. full stop. no exceptions. make better bait
Jeremiah Ortiz
why is the music i put on exempt from being partied to?
Daniel Miller
this is bait, and there is no longer any way that you could convince me otherwise
Crimson and Can are very rhythmical, no problem dancing to it
Beefheart is very chill at times, have you listened to Safe as Milk?
Leo Nelson
>The majority of the population doesn't know it and can't sing along >It doesn't have a strong consistent beat for dancing too >It doesn't have lyrical subject matter about partying or love/sex, no one wants to dance to Gira yelling some esoteric bullshit
no, but a general party you're gonna wanna pick crowdpleasers and whatever makes the most people feel included.
Jack Nelson
in most cases yeah. there’s a lot of stuff you can listen to at a party but more often than not it’s only accessible and straightforward shit
William Carter
The definition of party music mostly is, yeah. You should just put on pop songs every one knows. People enjoy music they know best, so if you put on Sexyback, everyone will start dancing and singing together because everyone knows/loves that song. No one wants to try and get into some experimental German music while they are dancing and drinking and trying to fuck some broad. And even if you think that's close minded, too fucking bad because that's just the way it is. You're a socially unaware retard for doing what you did, it shows a complete lack of understanding of how people work or how parties work. That's why it's cringy, because this one situation demonstrated how embarrassingly little you know about partying. You can be an outsider and not be a total weirdo about it. Besides who doesn't like a good old fashioned pop song every once in a while, Umbrella by Rihanna is a great well written song you should have just popped that on and been done with it
Mason Russell
well, no, i don't really go to that stuff
So you're saying i should play top 40 etc.? not what i think is good?
Colton Rodriguez
>he thinks accessible = bad bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bai
Ethan Thomas
Hmm out of these: >Crimson, Fahey, Can, Swans, Comus, Wyatt, Beefheart, MBV, Yes, Sabbath I could definitely see Can or MBV being played at a party I’d throw, specifically the more normie songs from Loveless or one of the shorter songs from Ege Bamyasi. Probably wouldn’t play Comus or Beefheart, but I haven’t listened to those enough to have specific songs in mind that would work. Maybe Sabbath, maybe Yes like Roundabout, MAYBE King Crimson
Logan Taylor
there’s plenty of party music that’s good and not straight up pop man
Angel Hall
No not really, not current top 40 at least. But 2000s hits usually go over very well. You kind of have to be discerning, obviously no one likes Timber by Kesha but depending on the age of people at the party some songs people know from their childhood and will go crazy for, What Goes Around by JT is a fucking perfect song for this, Toxic by Britney Spears, This Love by Maroon 5, Kylie Minogue Can't Get You Out of My Head is a FANTASTIC song, Hey Ya by Outkast, like I said Umbrella by Rihanna, and honestly Ironic and Unwritten are usually hits (especially with the girls) if you're around my age as well. Like, I get you listen to more weird music now, but think of the stuff you liked from your childhood, elementary/middle school, like the pop music on the radio then. You must still have a soft spot for SOME of that stuff unless you are being totally obtuse. And there is a real art to pop music, and in a way it say more about our society than any other genre so it's worth paying attention to anyways, unless you are a total up your ass avant teen.
Charles Myers
Not him, but I would never fucking play any of that shit my party except maybe Hey Ya, and i also grew up with that shit (I’m 24). There are tons of party bangers that aren’t garbage mainstream hits
Oliver Wright
Not him, but I would NEVER play any of that shit at one of my party’s except for maybe Hey Ya. I grew up with all that shit too, just cause it’s nostalgic doesn’t mean there aren’t better non-mainstream party bangers to play
Camden Ramirez
>this is bait >takes bait anyway
Noah Garcia
>Toxic this, absolutely this, any party full of 17-25 year olds will eat this shit up
Joseph Morgan
>Beefheart >At party Bruh why? Did you really think that normies would like it? Did you actually think "Hey, I know what a majority of the people at this party would like; Captin Beefheart and His Magic Band!" How?
Bentley Cruz
>>this is bait >>takes bait anyway >takes bait anyway
Oliver Lewis
My b for the double post
Daniel Parker
Eh I think they are fun enough songs, especially when you're drunk as fuck and dancing with some friends, either way I'm not putting them on because they are my fav songs ever or something, but rather because everyone knows them and will dance and sing together too them.