>h-hey guys ready to listen to some patrician music?
what happened the last time you tried playing your music at a party?
H-hey guys ready to listen to some patrician music?
i havent because im not a complete retard
i do it all the time when im drunk and i was told by a friend last time that people think im acting quite annoying. i cant really control myself however. most of my friends have garbage taste and always play the same shite.
ultimately I've been trying to not do that cause I realized how annoying it can be. also:
>"when the music starts, user?"
>"is this music?"
>"where's the vocals?"
>"put some real music user"
>"do you really like this? damn..."
it's all so tiresome.
It got turned off a minute in
my friends all have broad music taste so this isn't an issue. also, no, SAW, RiL, and KA are not patrician, and nobody would actually react to them like pic, go away
>nobody would actually react to them like pic
yes they would, specially to Kid A
>this is pretty good user what’s it called
literally just curate music by accessibility and you will be fine, you have to be a turbo autist to think a party is the place to show off your shitty experimental music in some vapid attempt to appear eclectic
SAW is straightforward club music, RiL was literally pop in the 80's, and KA, ironically, is the most accessible. not only are people extremely used to electronics being used in popular music (see electropop and trap), but Radiohead is bread and butter MTV music. keeping in mind that I think this word is overused, stop being a tourist
we were all shitfaced and i put on henry cow
then we laughed at how stupid the music sounded
>RiL was literally pop in the 80's
only Once in a Lifetime and even then people viewed it as le quirky funny song
>implying any of us have ever been to a party
>SAW is straightforward club music
maybe in the past, not nowadays
if you put that shit in a party everybody will get bored immediately
>RiL was literally pop in the 80's
not entirely true but still it has it's few weird moments, also it's old music so nowadays nobody will enjoy it in a party
>KA, ironically, is the most accessible
yeah sure, shit like Everything In It's Right Place, National Anthem, Kid A, Treefingers, is something normies would definitely enjoy, whatever you say
those first two are fair, but I will fight you on KA. you're forgetting that MTV basically informed the music taste of normies in denial through the 90's and early 00's, and that album was all over it
I put Denzel Curry - SUMO and everyone liked it. Not my fault you autists like shitty soi music
motherfucker i have played the Kid A album to normie friends and even to people to claim to like Radiohead, they don't like it
sure it might have been very popular but still that doesn't mean most people would enjoy it
I showed my black friends burzum and they called it static
None of this shit is party music, aside from RiL, and even then you’d have to really know the crowd to put it on.
I’d usually place a request for something like Justice or Travis Scott
that's nice, dear
I have a playlist of normie pop songs that I really like, it has Umbrella by Rihanna, Sexyback, Billie Jean, Gold Digger, September, Hey Ya, I Wanna Dance With Somebody, Unwritten, Ironic, a shit ton of stuff from the first Maroon 5 album, etc. Kind of meme picks that kids my age will remember from their childhood and that pretty much everyone can get down with. It's always a pretty big hit when I put it on and I don't get stuck listening to some obnoxious shit. Of course I wouldn't be retarded enough ot put on fucking Kid A at a party, are you retarded, that's not party music in the slightest
JUST IMAGINE you're at a party and Despacito is playing
You sneak over to the speakers, remove the AUX from the birthday girl's MacBook Air, plug in your phone, and just SLAM Xtal on them
>SAW is straightforward club music
which part of Selected AMBIENT works don’t you understand?
a lot of old afx is indeed club music but SAW isn’t
>haha it's quieter haha so ambient haha aren't I well versed in genres haha
Put on Young Thug so you know it went swimmingly bitch
anyone who gets mad at people not appreciating something out of shit like SAW II when everyone is drinking and dancing is a complete retard without any social awareness. there is a time for everything.
the only possible explanation for this is that you go to a small liberal arts college. this is a normal reaction to those records by normies
>small liberal arts college
more like large STEM college in the UC system and just happening to have a friend group with more open ears
>going to parties
If you've ever been to a house party you're a normalfag and don't belong here
you probably have a small and insular group of friends, because the general public do not have open ears
I never said otherwise
shut the fuck up gaycuckboy
I feel like I have the right to be mad at them for not liking it because it was Fool's Gold by the Stone Roses and the people in question were telling me they liked indie rock.
I’ve never tried that because I’m not mentally retarded
they liked it because i dont play itaots or whatever forgettable mucore / """experimental""" shit you autists play
the thing you all need to realize about playing music in gatherings is that people value familiarity above all else. that's why you play popular stuff. of course, this also depends on how close you are with the people listening to the music but the rule of familiarity above all else still stands.
Big this