This is the Dark Souls of music

This is the Dark Souls of music.
It's hyped up to be super difficult and deep when in reality it's just deeply flawed and pseuds like to use it to look more advanced just because nobody else can stand how shitty it is.

Attached: download.jpg (226x223, 8K)

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its just really unique and fun rock music. Expand your brain, friend.

Ok, I'll bite. Explain how it is "deeply flawed".

>I don't like it so nobody else is allowed to

Attached: 1524253085520.jpg (612x612, 36K)

it's just a meme comedy rock album
but yes pseuds are attracted to it

The worst thing is you probably think you're really intelligent for pointing that out
I suggest giving up arts altogether if this is how you process it.
Wrong, it's actually very good experimental blues rock and the transcriptions prove it. Try to learn Steal Softly Thru Snow or Hobo Chang Ba on guitar, bass or drums. The composition is very unique.

>wow u must think ur real smart xd
Do 13 year olds ever get tired of using that phrase?
The Cap had no actual knowledge of music and could barely play anything when he was recording this album. All he had going for him was his voice (which I will admit is very good and did most of the heavy lifting on this album). He was borderline insane and abused his band, and the only achievement of note here is that the band managed to play it together after strenuous rehearsal, which should be credited to them, not to Beefheart. Just because he managed to create a bunch of mediocre melodies with polyrythms (that he couldn't even play) doesn't make him good, and his lack of training and knowledge of theory strips all the potential that idea could've had. His lyrics were also very dull and every attempt at comedy on that album falls flat. The reason pseuds praise this album is mostly for it's complexity, which can be good, but in this case it's a burden.

> it it's difficult it must be good!

>can't read
I said it was unique, good and experimental. I didn't say it was difficult, the difficulty of a piece says nothing about the quality of it. It's more important that it captures a unique feeling well. TMR is very emotive. It expresses a lot and gives the listener a new experience. Conveying and capturing feelings or ideas is the purpose of art and Trout Mask Replica does that perfectly.

You want some deep fucking music you pussy

Here you are

All rock music is juvenile trash, no exception. TMR is just even more garbage than usual.

> the transcriptions prove it
> provides transcription obviously to showcase its difficulty
yeah try again

Too deep 4 you

there is no "dark souls of music" because music, unlike video games, is an artform that has produced content of value

>is an artform that has produced content of value
only if you're talking about classical

>blues-rock record
Haha and I guess jazz is just pretentious wanking amirite ?

The Shaggs did it better.

Attached: 0000016333.jpg (500x500, 100K)

hence why you can't compare music to video games. There is good music, which is something that can't be said of games

the shaggs didnt play that way on purpose

Why does having no knowledge of music affect the quality of the album? Why do you think the only thing he had going for him was his voice? Why does the abuse of his band matter? Why are the melodies mediocre? Why do the lyrics affect the quality of the album?

Lol, people who proclaim their personal taste as facts can never answer these types of questions.

>caring about the intentions of the musicians

>playing le death of le artist in a post-Wikipedia era
Lol you think you're so smart but you isn't

wikipedia has nothing to do with that, you're exactly the kind of dumb pseud you're calling others

Do you listen to the music, or to discussions about the music? Musicians only pretending to be shit sound indistinguishable from the real thing.

ITT: Dunning-Kruger

Peak psued

gamerbaby SEETHING
did your wife deny you Switch privileges again?

Soft machine is the ACTUAL dark souls of music

I dont play games
I just think you're trying to hard too fit in


What do you guys think of this song?

I already saw it. L. O. L.

>blues rock record
>when the avant teen's example of a prototypical record in a genre is some meme fedora shit
>it's literally because he couldn't name a single other blues rock album to save his life and not in fact because he's heard at least one Rory Gallagher in his life and has some semblance of a memory of what it sounded like that might pass for being informed, he just knows that blues rock is considered normal and it's so blasedly patrician to tell people who cite an album's much vaunted inaccessibility that you can't even hear the difference between weirdy beardy album and whatever that normal stuff sounds like (which again doesn't mean you'd ever listen to it cause no clout points)

I think its technically impressive they were able to transcribe and play all the shit beefhart banged out on piano but that doesn't mean its pleasant to listen to.