Synth Thread.
Synth Thread.
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is this some weeb shit?
Considering buying this for home recording. Is it good? Anything similar/better?
The virgin DX-7 vs. the chad 303
It's good. But I bought an iPad and like $20 in synth apps after buying this and now the JD-Xi is collecting dust. The biggest problem with the JD-Xi is the constant menu-diving. The apps I use are much more immediate. If you still want a dedicated hardware synth for $500 I think there are probably better options now, like Behringer's recent knock off synths. It all depends on your workflow and the sounds you like. Don't get the minilogue nor any of the volcas though, those are a meme.
posting the superior DX
lmao, FM is thriving and the 303 is sounding dated as fuck.
acid is cringe my man.