Wait? People actually listen to/care about lyrics in songs? Are they retarded?
Wait? People actually listen to/care about lyrics in songs? Are they retarded?
>Frogposter calls someone else retarded
Kill yourself.
you don't? that's what interpreting words creatively is all about.
Have you ever read a book?
A poem?
You're the conduit, guy. It's supposed to be about you relating to others.
>the same guy has been monitoring the catalog whole day, refreshing it to see if some new thread has been posted
>if it's a thread that has Pepe as the intro pic, he immediately points it out and insults the OP
Imagine having this much free time in your hands and wasting it in this manner. I have never seen anything more pathetic. Reconsider your life choices, loser.
The songwriting itself is more important than lyric writing.
>this defensive and delusional
The sound (both instrumental and vocal) is all that matters. Lyricism doesn't
>Trying this hard
Stfu already
Shit opinion but you're welcome to ignore lyrics in music if you want. I don't know why you would actually want to miss out on another aspect of music though.
>He doesn't use words as images or symbols to set a scenario or mood
Music makes me feel. If the lyrics make me feel they added to the song
Lyrical fags are brainlets omg this shitty rocker sings about depression im so depressed this is literally about me SO RELATABLE i don't have a gf too (pic related)
It's the most basic form of connection a person can have with a piece of art.
>trying to deny it
Imagine being such a pathetic loser obsessed by what somebody chooses as the intro picture of a thread and then denying when it's obvious he has been doing it the whole day:
only women care about lyrics.
"Lyrics don't matter" fags don't realize that lyrics are a massive, integral part of songwriting. As they are the only linguistic element of the music they are assigned a special importance when it comes to deciphering the meaning of a song.
Explain songs in foreign languages lyritards.
>It's the most basic form of connection a person can have with a piece of art.
Spoken like a complete brailet.
The most basic would be colors and shapes.
>meaning of a song
doesn't matter, there is nothing insightful a musician can say.
Made me lol out loud
I'm guessing he's just browsing Yea Forums and responding with 'kill yourself frogposting retard' when he sees a frog thread
And it's a coincidence that it's always the immediate first response? It's more likely that he is monitoring and refreshing the catalog in order to reply to everyone he dislikes.
Who are your favorite bands/artists?
or maybe he browses Yea Forums by creation date. I do
>muh meaning
nice bait
>most basic form of connection a person can have with a piece of art
as opposed to connecting with a piece of art through sound? how the fuck are you calling one connection less than other?
>t. has never touched a book in his life
>why don’t people process music in the same joyless robotic way I do, are they stupid
Half the threads on Yea Forums
You’re not special.
>he connects to art
the real pleb