ITT: Classic albums that've aged like shit

ITT: Classic albums that've aged like shit

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Probably gonna’ piss some people off but gonna’ have to go with Unknown Pleasures

No way. That album is great. There is so much energy in Looking for a Kiss, Personality Crisis and Bad Girl. Todd Rundgren did a fantastic job. I would rather listen to it than any Rolling Stones album.

If they have aged like shit are they even classics anymore?

cultural and/or historical significance is still there

why would anyone want to listen to the New York Dolls when the Stooges exist?

Their biggest fan

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Stooges don't have the same energy and their lyrics aren't nearly as debauched. Also, their first album, which was produced by John Cale, sounds like dogshit - the vocals are too high in the mix.

Ahh yes this glam thing is interesting, but perhaps it could be made cooler....

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Ah yes! Perfection!

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